Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 494: An Ordinary Punch

"Fitness champion?"

Ye Yang smiled lightly, shook his head, and followed the flow of people up.

"Bang bang bang!"

Before I walked in, I heard a dull sound inside.

When I walked in, it turned out that in front of the boxing machine was a man with toned muscles all over his body. He looked like a bodybuilding champion like in a high school biology book.

"Wow! As expected of a bodybuilding champion, those who come to challenge are not opponents at all. They are not on the same level at all!"

"Cow, cow, cow!"

"I'm so envious. When will I be able to have such muscles!"


"Bang bang bang..."

As the man boxed crazily, various numbers popped up on the boxing machine.

The amounts are very high.

Many of them can reach more than 300 kilograms, which is close to the level of heavyweight professional boxers.

In terms of fitness alone, this is indeed very powerful.

The entry standard for a 90-kilogram professional boxer is a punch of 800 pounds, which translates into a punch of 400 kilograms.

"When this punch hits a person, it must not break the person's bones..."



"Who else! Just ask who else!"

Fitness champion Shi Sanada waves his hands with a confident expression.

At the same time, his eyes were looking towards a certain place in the crowd intentionally or unintentionally.

That was obviously his target prey this time.

As a well-known fitness king in the Magic City Headquarters, he naturally uses this advantage to constantly seduce various girls.

Recently, a new girl has arrived at the Magic City Headquarters.

As soon as he saw it, he felt like he was completely addicted...

I vowed to soak it in.

However, this girl is obviously much harder to catch than the previous ones. As a last resort, today I held a huge fitness show to make my aura stronger and attract girls more easily.

"Okay, let's move on to the next project."

Seeing that the girl looked over, but her eyes were still very indifferent, Shi Zhentian felt extremely unconvinced and waved his hand: "Whoever wants to challenge me, just come and do it! I, Shi Zhentian, am invincible in the world!!!"

After that, he led the crowd towards the next venue.

Ye Yang looked at his fists. After using the gene potion, although he tested his jumping ability and physical endurance, he had never tested his true punching power.

He also doesn't know how powerful he is.

Just take advantage of this opportunity to test it out.

Thinking about it, he just walked up casually.

"First a normal attack, then a heavy blow, and then use Chinese martial arts to exert power with a normal attack and a heavy blow."

Understand your own power step by step.

Ye Yang was thinking very well.

Then, a normal attack hit the boxing machine in front of him.

Just listen to a loud sound of "Peng!!!"

The boxing machine just cracked open...


Ye Yang was confused, please! He just hammered it lightly!

This loud noise also stopped the crowd in front of them who wanted to follow the bodybuilding champion to the next area. They looked back in shock.

"I go!"

"Ah this!"

"Abba, Ababa, Abba..."

"Are my eyes broken? This young man punched the boxing machine and exploded it!?"

"Oh my God!"

"This is a 1000kg high-end boxing machine! Even if Tyson comes, it should be enough. This punch will explode!? It will shock my father and my mother for fifty years, okay!?"


Boxing champion Tyson's punching strength record is an average of 1,600 pounds, which is a punch of 700 to 800 kilograms.

Even his peak punching power does not exceed one meter!

However, this punching machine is of the first secret level.

It stands to reason that no one in the world can blow it up, it is absolutely safe and sufficient!


"Holy shit!"


The bodybuilders who realized what this meant were confused.

Call it awesome!

"This is too outrageous... Could it be possible that when I casually strolled around the gym, I saw a hidden real world boxing champion?"

"Hiss... If I read it right, this is Ye Shenhao! When he beat up the Muay Thai champion Sa Tan, I thought he had some hidden agenda, but now I'm convinced! This punch is so dense. ! Even a buffalo can’t bear being beaten with such force, right?”

"Haha, just when Shi Sanada was trying to show off, a real boxing champion showed up. This is such a slap in the face!"


There were more and more exclamations. Finally, Shi Zhentian, who was walking at the front and was feeling proud, also stopped and looked at Ye Yang, jealousy flashed in his eyes, and he felt a little sour in his heart: "In this museum, not Allow people who are better than me to exist!”

Ye Yang just wanted to test his punching power at random, but he never expected that he would be so awesome that he could blow up the punching machine with a casual blow.

At this time, it attracted huge attention, and he shrugged helplessly.

Maybe this is the aura of being a born protagonist.

No matter where you go, you always become the center of attention...

Even the girl Shi Sanada had been paying attention to before was looking at Ye Yang with dazzling eyes at this moment. She, Qin Kelan, had just returned from studying abroad. Her family was rich and she had high standards. Ordinary men could not catch her eye at all.

Naturally, she is not interested in a guy like Shi Sanada who only thinks about growing muscles.

Ye Yang is not only handsome, but also can do things beyond human limits at will...

No matter how you look at it, he is extremely extraordinary.

Such a person, no matter where he goes, no matter who he is, it is hard not to notice him.


Shi Zhentian obviously noticed Qin Kelan's gaze, and the jealousy in his heart rose more and more.

"Hey! Boy, you are awesome!"

Shi Zhentian looked at Ye Yang and walked up.

"Generally awesome."

Ye Yang looked at Shi Zhentian indifferently. This kind of person has a simple brain and well-developed limbs. You can tell what he is thinking at a glance.

"You are really rude..."

Shi Zhentian's teeth creaked, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes: "How about it, the gym is holding a fitness competition now, do you want to compete?"

"Hiss...ah this..."

"The fitness champion directly challenged?"

"It seems to be exciting..."

Just when everyone was chattering,

Ye Yang smiled faintly and waved his hand: "You are too weak, and I don't have the interest to compete."


Shi Zhentian was about to get angry, but he suppressed it: "Brother, the fitness champion in our gym every year has a prize of 200,000 or 300,000 yuan. Don't you want to compete with me for so much money?"

Ye Yang said in surprise: "200,000 or 300,000 yuan, is it called money?"


Everyone present widened their eyes: "Oh my god, this is too Versailles."

"Rich man!"

"Awesome, when can I say such words!!!"

(First update)

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