Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 500 1986 Lafite? Just barely drinkable.

"Is this your boyfriend?"

Wendy looked at Ye Yang. Just by looking at the appearance, he was much more handsome than the boyfriend he was looking for, and she suddenly felt even more unbalanced.

"Actually, he's my fitness coach."

Qin Kelan pulled Ye Yang's arm. Although he said so, it seemed that the relationship was more than a fitness instructor and student.

Ye Yang spread his hands and didn't explain much about this hint.

He is here just to fill the scene for Qin Kelan. He can be regarded as the little rich woman's stand-in boyfriend. It would be bad to say too much.

"Although he has a crude look, he is really handsome."

Wendy touched her chin: "Ke Lan, your relationship doesn't look as simple as you said."


Qin Kelan laughed and did not deny it.

"My dear, you walk quite fast!"

A foreign man with a top hat came up from behind.

The man was also very avant-garde in his attire, and his clothes matched well with Wendy's. I didn't know he thought he was a circus employee.

"This is the boyfriend I was talking about!"

After Wendy saw her boyfriend, the imbalance in her heart improved a lot.

Although her boyfriend is not as handsome as Ye Yang, he is definitely richer than him!

After all, Ye Yang is just a fitness instructor. How much money can he have? He is probably the pretty boy who is attracted by Qin Kelan, what is there to envy!

"Charlie, it's so hard to park your stretched Maybach!"

Wendy sighed deliberately.

"Haha, there's no way. We can't park the extended car in the normal parking space, so we'll have to spend some time."

Charlie spread his hands and said pretending to be distressed.

Ye Yang yawned boredly. According to Wendy's desire to show off her character, not to mention the model of the car, it was probably the most common model of the extended Maybach.

You can buy this kind of car for eight million, and the maids in their manor won’t drive this mediocre car that doesn’t even cost eight million when they go out to buy groceries.

"Oh, my husband is the person in charge of Chateau Lafite's branch in Shanghai, and he also bought this car. I just followed and enjoyed it~"

Wendy held Charlie's arm happily.

"It's really good. In fact, I forgot to mention it just now. This Maserati actually... belongs to my fitness instructor."

Qin Kelan suddenly remembered the previous topic, but she hadn't explained it clearly yet.


The smile on Wendy's face suddenly faded: "Didn't you say he is your fitness coach..."

"Yes! But he is also the general director of a chain of gyms in Wales. The whole of Wales belongs to him. I asked him to be my fitness instructor, but he reluctantly agreed after offering a very high price!"

Qin Kelan smiled.


Wendy was immediately stunned.

Damn it, you hired a gym manager to be your fitness coach? !

Do you want to keep fit? ?

Are you just greedy for other people's bodies?

You are despicable! ! !

Although she was complaining crazily in her heart, Wendy could only keep a stiff smile on her face.

After all, they are really awesome!

If she complained, wouldn't it make her look jealous? Although I am really jealous...

This is just great.

My boyfriend is not as handsome as her, and he seems to have about the same amount of money as her, so he is being compared!

She felt extremely depressed. Fortunately, the venue she chose today was carefully chosen by her. It was a home ground where she and her boyfriend could show off.

Next is when the real drama begins!

"Okay, let's go in and eat. We're all hungry."

Qin Kelan smiled and shook his head. This sister just likes to be competitive. She is used to it. She can naturally see Wendy's little thoughts, but she doesn't care too much.

After all, she had no intention of competing with Wendy.

Because there is really no comparison.

Went into Pomana’s restaurant.

The furnishings inside are very beautiful.

And it has a different kind of low-key elegance.

"The style here is pretty good, very Italian. Coming here feels like going home."

Wendy nodded with satisfaction.

Ye Yang frowned, feeling a little unhappy. This woman really thought of herself as an Italian...

He even forgot where his ancestors lived.

Is this what is called art?

Brainwashing art?

The seat Charlie booked was very good, it was by the window. From here, you can see the beautiful scenery of the entire Bund. When the lights first came on, the bright lights of the Bund set off the low-key luxury indoors, giving it a unique flavor.

otto e MEzzo BOmana is also a very famous restaurant in Shanghai.

In addition to Ziguang Pavilion under Ye Yang's name, this is the next one.

The customers in the restaurant may be of high status, or they may be fake socialites who come to take photos and check in.

The table next to Ye Yang is one of them.

After ordering a table of cheap and exquisite dishes, a few people lined up and took pictures of the concave shape.

Ye Yang was tired of seeing photos like this before he went to college. At first glance, he looked like a boring and sweet money-worshiping girl. Would any normal person really look at these photos and think about this woman's life?

Or is it purely to package yourself so that you can find a chicken farmer?

Although he looked down upon this phenomenon, the other party didn't take the initiative to provoke him, so he naturally didn't bother to take care of it.

"Pappardelle with braised lamb, truffle caviar... Italian beef tongue risotto..."

Charlie was obviously very familiar with the menu here, and he quickly finished ordering his meal.

"As for the wine! I brought it myself."

Charlie carefully took out two bottles of Lafite packaged in fragrant wood boxes from his backpack.

"These two bottles, one is a 59-year-old Lafite and the other is a 1986-year-old. They are very precious and difficult to see on the market."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. If he remembered correctly, Chateau Lafite was also one of his properties.

So, I also know a little bit about wine.

59 and 86 are indeed two vintages with good reviews. As for the 1982, although the reviews are very good, most of its prices are the result of hype and commercial speculation.

The two bottles of wine together are worth about 60,000 to 70,000 Chinese coins.

It's barely enough to taste.

"Italian food is more comfortable to eat. I don't like Chinese food. Haha, it's too greasy!"

As Wendy spoke, she looked at Charlie with an unabashed admiration for foreign countries.

Charlie also seemed to enjoy this feeling: "Alas! In fact, I am not willing to be the person in charge in China. Italy is more artistic, and the culture here is really poor."

Qin Kelan frowned, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable. How could this sister have been brainwashed like this after only two years abroad...

Just as he was about to give her some advice, Ye Yang suddenly burst out laughing.


"Chinese culture is poor?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Charlie: "I think your time in China is really in vain. But... Italy is really rich in culture. In the past hundred years, they have been studying the art of killing animals, right?"


Charlie frowned, and his face suddenly looked a little ugly.

(First update)

(Finally, I’ve broken the 500th chapter! Why don’t you all reward me three times in a row to celebrate~? Haha)

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