Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 501 I have to say, your acting skills are terrible

As a company member of Chateau Lafite in the Magic City area.

All these years, people have begged him to buy drinks, how could they dare to treat him with such a look? !

In his heart, everyone in China thinks that foreign things are good. If all the rich in China want to prove that they are rich, they basically have to buy some foreign luxury goods to prove their identity.

Lafite red wine is one of them.

Chateau Lafite only produces hundreds of thousands of bottles every year, which is not enough for the total number of people in China who want to buy Lafite, let alone supplying and selling to other countries.

Therefore, in China, basically all the customers he met were begging him to buy wine.

If you are used to being proud, you will naturally not be humble enough to learn the local culture and etiquette.

He was stunned when he was suddenly slapped so harshly.

"Hey! Kelan, what your boyfriend says is too unpleasant! It's so rude!"

Wendy said angrily.


Qin Kelan shook his head: "It's obvious that you were the first to make the rude remarks. As my sister, I have a piece of advice to give you. You can't have such double standards as a human being!"

"What double standards are there? Culture means backwardness. Did I say it wrong!?"

Wendy was dissatisfied.

"Of course you are wrong, very wrong!"

Ye Yang looked at Wendy lightly: "What the hell are you wearing? Art and aesthetics are things that everyone has their own vision. Why should you define what is trendy and what is unfashionable?"

"To be honest, the Buried Love Family Killing Matt suit you are wearing was not worn like this in China twenty years ago."

"In my eyes, your outfit is extremely ugly. But at least I know that everyone is different, and I won't hurt others with my words, let alone demean a country's culture."

"You haven't even learned the basics of respect and tolerance. Are you still talking about culture? About art?"

"What did you learn when you went abroad?"

"I think you've only learned to be arrogant! You've learned to be blind and arrogant! You've learned to forget your true origins!"

"Am I right?"

Ye Yang's words were directly outputted in a series, leaving Wendy stunned.

You can't beat a man by talking to yourself!

"You, you, you! Anyway, you are barbaric! You are backward! You are just soil!"

Wendy knew she was in the wrong, but for people like her, even if she knew the other party was right, she would not admit it and directly launch a riot.

Ye Yang shrugged. This kind of shrew is hopeless. She has been too brainwashed.

Seeing Ye Yang directly despising herself, Wendy became angrier the more she thought about it: "How dare you, a Chinese, despise my noble art!"

After saying that, he wanted to splash Ye Yang with a wine bottle.

However, with Ye Yang's skill, he naturally swatted the wine bottle away with a flick of his hand and shattered it on the far wall. The powerful force directly knocked Wendy down.

She fell hard to the floor and screamed in pain.

"Husband, look at him! Husband, please say something, husband!"

Wendy asked Charlie for help again and again.

Charlie's face was very gloomy: "Do you know how much that bottle of wine costs!!! How dare you break it!"

Several people present were stunned.

"Hey! I was beaten! Are you actually feeling sorry for your bottle of wine!?"

Wendy shouted in disbelief.

Charlie completely ignored Wendy's meaning and became furious: "You have no idea how difficult it is to make this wine! You know this is me..."

Halfway through his words, he swallowed his words again. He suddenly realized that if he continued to speak, he would reveal his secret.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Charlie felt that there was something wrong with this. The person in charge of the Chateau Lafite in the Magic City had assets of less than one billion. A bottle of 20,000 to 30,000 pieces of broken wine actually caused him such a big reaction. ?


After sorting out his mood, Charlie finally recovered from the intense grief just now. Although he was aware of the gaffe just now, he could only try to recover now:

"Haha, you Chinese are lagging behind! After all, aren't you rushing to buy our wine every year? Because only our wine is art! This is proof that your Chinese culture is weak!!!"

"Chinese wine culture has lasted for thousands of years. I am short-sighted and have never even heard of the history of liquor. I am bragging here and am not afraid of laughing to death."

Ye Yang shook his head: "As for buying Lafite...are there any problems for people in our country to buy wine from our own winery?"

"What are you talking about!? Lafite is clearly a French winery! It is a representative of European art, how come it has become your own Chinese wine! It will really put your face on the map!"

Charlie sneered and mocked.


Ye Yang looked at Charlie meaningfully, suddenly laughed, and said from the passage: "You are not the person in charge of Lafite in the Magic City of China, are you?"


Charlie was obviously panicked for a moment: "What nonsense are you talking about! You are talking nonsense!"

"Tsk... If you are the person in charge, why don't you even know that the current owner of Chateau Lafite is Chinese?"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. He was a clown after a long relationship. It was a waste of expression. He sat back directly: "No need to pretend anymore. Admit it earlier and apologize, and I will save you hundreds of millions of reputation damage." "

"what are you saying!"

Charlie was still stubborn: "Who do you think you are!?"

"You will soon find out who I am."

Ye Yang dialed a number.

The core of Chateau Lafite France.

Chateau Lafite's top executives are meeting to discuss next year's strategy.

The only phone on the conference table rang.

Many senior executives were moved.

Only the real owner of Lafite Winery could call this number!

That mysterious Chinese man is now the real owner of Lafite Winery!

He finally showed up!

The market value of Lafite Winery is not very high. After Ye Yang took over, he always asked Yu Momo to connect with him. Lafite Winery has been communicating with Yu Momo.

It was the first time that Ye Yang called in person!

All senior executives stood up solemnly.

The senior executive at the main seat answered the phone and replied in Chinese that he had just learned: "Hello."

"I am Ye Yang."

A calm voice came from the other end of the phone.

It's really Mr. Ye!

He straightened his back even more.

"Check the general manager of the winery in Huaxia Magic City for me. If his name is not Charlie, let him take two bottles of wine and send them to the otto e MEzzo BOmana restaurant as soon as possible."


Although the purpose of the new owner was unclear, it was the first order given by the new owner himself, so how could they dare to neglect it?

In less than half a minute, the information of Magic City was directly retrieved.

"Report to the boss, the person in charge of Magic City is called Mills. We have notified him to bring the best inventory to your restaurant as soon as possible."

"That's it."

Ye Yang turned off his phone casually and looked at Charlie with a smile: "I have to say, your acting is very bad."

(Second update)


Author has something to say:

It's over 500 chapters, update early today, haha.

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