Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 502 The real person in charge appears

"what are you talking about!"

Charlie shouted angrily, his whole body was furious, and he began to become restless.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows indifferently, poured a glass of red wine at will, and tasted it lightly: "You know best what I said. You are not the person in charge of Lafite in the Magic City at all."

"You mean it's not the case if you say it isn't!?"

Charlie sneered: "You're still on the phone, pretending to be the same!"


Wendy, who was struggling to get up, looked left and right, and asked suspiciously: "Charlie, why did he say that!?"

Obviously, Charlie's first reaction of not protecting her just now made her have some doubts.

"Wendy, don't believe him! He's just talking nonsense."

Charlie kept saying, rolling his eyes: "Could it be possible that the extended version of the Maybach is fake! You can't deny me just because of this person's words!"

Wendy nodded slightly suspiciously, but no matter what, the shame could not be thrown in front of Qin Kelan.

Even if she had doubts in her heart, she would go home and talk about it. At this time, she had to defend Charlie, whether it was for her own face or to take revenge on the man who dared to be rough with her.

Even if Charlie is really not the person in charge of Magic City.

It doesn't matter now.

"That's right. The Maybach costs more than 10 million. It can't be fake, right?"

Wendy sneered.

"Whether it is true or not, we will know soon."

Ye Yang ate steak and stewed mutton casually.

Qin Kelan looked at Wendy and Ye Yang, and he was more inclined to believe Ye Yang's words.

How could a handsome guy lie? ?

Of course, the main reason is because Ye Yang looks very reliable.


Charlie's hands were trembling slightly: "Haha, you are just talking nonsense! I don't have time to play games with a lunatic like you!"

After that, I wanted to leave.

Wendy pursed her lips. After all, she still wanted to verify whether Charlie was the person in charge of Chateau Lafite.

"What are you afraid of? So what if you just wait for him for a while! Anyway, you are upright and not afraid of slanted shadows! If he can't prove that you are not true after a while, isn't it just a slap in the face? It just makes Ke Lan see clearly that this is just a liar. "


Charlie felt bitter and a little angry, why didn't this woman open the pot and pick up the pot?

But he didn't dare to get angry again, otherwise it would be too obvious and he would appear guilty.

In this way, everyone present had their own thoughts.

Charlie was troubled, anxious and uneasy, but he was worried about Wendy seeing through it and still held on to a chance.

Although Wendy didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Qin Kelan, she still wanted to see if she had been fooled. After all, with her network, she couldn't find anything of that level.

Qin Kelan looked at all this with a smile. Wendy's performance just now made her unable to regard her as a sister anymore. Now she wanted to see where Ye Yang's abilities were.

Ye Yang, on the other hand, was simply hungry.

Not long after.

A glass of red wine.

"That's enough! I can't stand your boring tricks anymore! The farce should end!!!"

Charlie slapped the table. The anxiety in his heart made him unable to sit down anymore. He stood up directly and prepared to walk out.


A flash of disappointment flashed through Wendy's heart, and that bad feeling became stronger and stronger.

However, Charlie had just reached the door.

The restaurant door opened.

A group of people in suits and ties who were in a hurry but had a strong temperament rushed in directly.

As soon as Charlie raised his head and saw the person who hit the head, his legs went weak, and his heart instantly felt cold...

The visitor is none other than the general manager of Chateau Lafite, Mills! ! !

And anyone behind Mills is an executive from Chateau Lafite in Shanghai!

His upper-level managers are all juniors in front of this group of people!

"Oh my god! This Chateau Lafite has almost everyone in the upper echelons of the Magic City!"

"This guy made so many high-level officials arrive so quickly with just one phone call!?"

"This is too outrageous!"


He felt very outrageous and dreamy in his heart, and even felt lucky. He felt that this was just a coincidence. The appearance of these high-level officials had nothing to do with Ye Yang's phone call.

At the end of the senior management, his immediate boss, Manager An, lowered his head and followed with a somewhat fearful expression.

"Charlie, my God! Why are you here!"

Manager An frowned, feeling that something was starting to go wrong.

"Ahem, let's have dinner with my girlfriend. By the way, manager, what are you here for?"

Charlie inquired.

"I'm not sure. I heard that the owner of the village was eating here, so the person in charge quickly picked out two bottles of wine and brought a group of senior executives from the company to see him."

Manager An said.

"Huh... it really doesn't matter. I scared myself."

Charlie sighed, it turned out that he was meeting the owner of the village!

"I heard that this is the new owner of the Chinese chateau. This is the first time since he took over Chateau Lafite that he has made clear demands. The entire Chateau Lafite, from top to bottom, attaches great importance to this action..."

Manager An sighed and then said the same.

"China's new owner!?"

Charlie, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, felt like he was out of breath again...

Damn it!

No way……

Is it possible...

Before he could figure it out.

Mills, who was leading the group, had his eyes brightened and walked directly to a table near the window.

"I... go!!!"

Charlie almost popped his eyes out.

"No way!!!"

The scene he least wanted to see happened right before his eyes!!!

After confirming that Ye Yang's face was the same as the message sent by the headquarters, Mills immediately stood beside him respectfully and saluted: "Master Ye Yang! Mills, the general manager of the Magic City region of Lafite Winery, salutes you!"

After this sentence.

The whole audience was silent.

The thoughts of all parties were stirred up by huge waves.

Charlie collapsed directly on the ground. It was over, everything was over.

Not only was his girlfriend going to fly away, his job was also afraid that he would lose it, and maybe he would be ruined... This guy is really the new owner of Lafite Winery!

Wendy's heart was extremely complicated. She couldn't accept this scene at all and was about to collapse.

Qin Kelan raised her eyebrows and looked at Ye Yang in surprise. She thought of many possibilities.

But, the reality is the most outrageous one she could have imagined...

This man is getting more and more mysterious!


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Did you bring the things I asked you to bring?"

"Of course I brought them."

When Mills mentioned the things he asked to bring on the phone, he laughed and handed over the wine box in his hand.

"These two bottles are the best Lafite wines in the Magic City area that I have permission to mobilize."

"One bottle is 1856, and the other is 1787."

After saying this, all the distinguished guests who were paying attention to this place were petrified on the spot...

(First update)

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