Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 503: What a group of naming geniuses

"One bottle of 1856, one bottle of 1787!?!?"

"Damn, is this true or not?"

"It's the legendary ancient vintage!"

"I know Mills, he is indeed the general manager of Lafite Winery in the Magic City area, a real boss, there should be no problem with the reported vintage."

"Oh my god!!!"

All Lafite before 1950 is considered old vintage.

All Lafite before 1900 is considered ancient vintage!

These wines carry more than a hundred years of time, not only their own value as famous wines, but also their historical significance.

Every bottle of ancient vintage Lafite is an extremely rare treasure of Lafite Winery!

It is rarely auctioned.

After all, this kind of ancient wine is considered to be one less bottle.

This treasure that carries time, history, and famous wine culture is almost used for collection by everyone, and rarely used for drinking.

Once, Lafite in 1787 was auctioned at a super high price of 180,000 pounds!

Converted into Chinese currency, this bottle is worth 1.6 or 7 million! ! !

These two bottles of ancient Lafite are estimated to be worth about 3 million together!

When the VIPs present thought of this, they were sweating.

Especially the fake socialites who were queuing up to take pictures at the table next to them, their eyes were red with envy.

They wanted to rush up and share Ye Yang's wine.

This is simply a super rich man! ! !

If you catch such a rich man, you will have no worries about wealth and glory in your life.

"Such a collection, I am so honored to have the opportunity to admire it in real life today!"

The diners present all shook their heads and exclaimed.

Most of them are high-income people with a certain status, but the consumption of Michelin restaurants is only a few thousand yuan per person.

To put it bluntly, they are better than ordinary people, but only a little bit better.

Seeing this kind of wine worth millions of dollars, they are naturally very excited.


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Don't worry. Also, do you know this guy?"

He pointed to Charlie who was lying on the ground not far away and asked lightly.


Mills frowned and looked at Charlie: "He looks familiar, but not completely familiar. It seems that I have never seen him before..."

"He said that he is the general manager of our winery in Shanghai."

Ye Yang shrugged: "He also talked to me about cultural superiority, belittled me, and attacked the lack of Chinese art."

"Ah this!!!"

Mills panicked instantly.

It turned out that this was the main purpose of the owner of the winery to come here in person!

"Damn it!"

He wanted to strangle Charlie to death. Why don't you pretend to be someone else to show off? You have to make him take the blame!

If the boss hadn't been a little patient and checked with the headquarters.

Maybe he would be laid off for no reason! ! !

If this is true, who can he talk to about his grievances that are greater than Dou E! ?

Thinking of this, he glared angrily: "Who knows this guy?!"

He looked around and sneered: "Just now when I came to the parking lot, I saw the company's Maybach car. This level of car is only available to senior executives!

This guy is definitely from our company. The manager in charge of him, please come out quickly. Otherwise, when I find out for you, I won't talk to you nicely!"

Manager An trembled. Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew that the punishment would be more severe if he didn't admit it! ! !

He glared at Charlie fiercely and walked out of the queue trembling: "I asked him to drive the car back to the company today... Who would have thought that this kid would take the car on his own initiative!"

"Oh my God! I swear to Jesus, I absolutely don't know about this... It was all this damn Charlie who took the initiative! Please forgive me!"

"Haha, you are still quibbling. It's because you neglected management! Don't even think about getting this year's bonus!"

Several other managers who have a competitive relationship came out to make up for it.

"Let's talk about his business when we get back. Now, we have to deal with this scum who directly provoked Mr. Manor Master!"

Mills looked at these managers fiercely. What time is it still to fight in the palace?

Fighting in the palace in front of the emperor, the Manor Master! ?

Do you think you didn't die fast enough! ?

If Ye Yang is unhappy, the entire Magic City will be responsible for the overall replacement of the company, which is not a big deal.

All of them are brains eaten by dogs!


Several managers trembled in fear, dared not speak, and vented their anger on Charlie.

"You are such a rubbish! Damn it!"

"Anyway, he doesn't want his job anymore!"

"I think we should also investigate his loss of the company's reputation!"

"And the crime of misappropriating company property for personal use!"

"And the crime of disrespecting the Manor Master! Even the crime of disrespecting our biggest customer, Huaxia!"


These managers, one after another, directly netted dozens of crimes for Charlie.

Hearing this, Ye Yang almost gave a thumbs up and called him a good guy.

Why don't these guys become lawyers? They are just geniuses at coming up with charges!

If he were to pursue Charlie, he probably wouldn't be able to come up with these fancy charges...

I've learned something!

"Haha, wait for the company to sue you!"

"According to French law, you should be prepared to spend a long time in prison!"


All the managers sneered.


Charlie was about to cry. He just wanted to show off!

He actually kicked the iron plate that he couldn't afford to offend the most...

It was amazing.

“Mr. Zhuangzhu, are you satisfied with our way of handling it?”

Mills rubbed his hands and asked with a smile.

“It’s okay.”

Ye Yang’s face was indifferent: “Let’s do it this way.”

“Okay, okay!!!”

Mills was relieved.

He didn’t care how Charlie died.

As long as Mr. Zhuangzhu didn’t raise Charlie’s personal behavior today to the level of their Magic City branch, it would be fine!


Charlie was desperate.

A French prison, where is the place for people to stay! ?

I’m afraid that after entering, his butt will be in danger!!!

Thinking about that horrible life, he felt that his life was bleak...

In foreign prisons, homosexual rape is as common as daily life.

Many people’s butts are rotten after they come out.

And he knew that his chances of winning were slim. After all, the outcome of lawsuits in Europe and the United States is likely to depend on which side has more financial resources.

"Alright, throw him out! Let him pollute Mr. Zhuang's eyes here! He has no sense at all!"

Mills waved his hands repeatedly, looked at Charlie with disgust, and then said.

"Oh, right, right!"

Even without calling the security guards, these managers took action themselves and threw Charlie out.

Mills glanced at the situation in the field and smiled sensibly: "Mr. Zhuang, if you have any instructions, please tell me at any time, and we will not disturb your romantic dinner with your girlfriend on the scene."

(Second update)

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