Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 505: Ye Yang's first official filming

Soon, the early scenes were finished, and it was Ye Yang's turn to act.

On the set, although most people respected Ye Yang.

But some people expressed their concerns.

After all, filming is not as simple as people imagine. It is not enough to just stand in front of the camera and start acting. There are many things to learn.

From the lines, the sense of the camera, to the position, to the expression processing, emotional control, to the effect preset, and then to the emergency situation handling.

It is not something that ordinary people can handle.

If someone who has never learned acting and practiced acting goes up to act, the final effect will be like a traffic star who can only stare with big eyes and read the lines without emotions awkwardly.

It's embarrassing to twist your intestines.

And Ye Yang is so young, rich, and good at martial arts. If he can act, is he still a human being! ?

It's so awesome!

So, they are all prepared for Ye Yang's poor acting skills, and they are also very worried about this.

After all, Ye Yang has a few scenes where he plays against veteran actors!

Such a comparison will probably make people see the difference even more clearly! ! !

"Do you think Ye Shenhao can do it?"

"I don't know. A rich man like him probably doesn't have time to practice acting..."

"What if he fails, wouldn't all our efforts be..."

"Without Ye Shenhao, we wouldn't even have started to work hard. Don't talk nonsense!"

"This movie is basically based on his character setting, so the effect shouldn't be too bad!"

"It's hard to say... People will be a little nervous in front of the camera, and on the big screen, the slightest expression control will be magnified many times. So many traffic stars' performances are very exaggerated, because they have never practiced expression management."

"No way! Ye Shenhao has been explaining acting to us recently, and we all feel that we have benefited a lot!"

"That's right, at least in terms of acting theory, Ye Shenhao is absolutely amazing."

"And he has practiced with me. I know Ye Yang's acting skills too well. It is definitely the top one!!!"

The actresses who have been taught by Ye Yang all came out to support Ye Yang at this time.

"Uh... there's no need to exaggerate so much! Isn't it a bit too much to say that he's the best? How old is he? How could it be possible!?"

"That's right! Just wait and see."



The set was very noisy.

However, when the camera, recording and other field staff were in place and the filming started, the whole place fell silent again.

After all, the people who could gather here were more or less sentimental people.

They didn't want to see this movie messed up at all.

So, they were all concentrating and watching the situation on the set with some tension...


The script of the movie roughly tells such a story:

The protagonist Ye Wen was born in a traditional Kung Fu master's family, but the real Kung Fu declined in the new era and he couldn't make money, so his father forbade Ye Wen to practice martial arts. The protagonist worked hard to learn while secretly practicing martial arts without telling his father, with the dream of reviving Chinese Kung Fu in his heart.

Soon, his father died of depression in the disappointment of the decline of traditional martial arts.

Ye Wen lived alone, and in the process of protecting his childhood sweetheart Xiao Xuan, he relied on the traditional martial arts that he had never given up practicing to win.

But in the end, he was no match for the power behind the school bully and was framed and expelled from school.

Finally, Ye Wen realized the cruelty of reality and had a period of doubt and grief.

During this period, Xiao Xuan was always by his side, and the relationship between the two became more and more passionate.

That night, Xiao Xuan promised him that she would carry his path for him.

From then on, Ye Wen woke up from his grief. With his talent, he created his own extremely successful career in just a few years!

However, dreams are always unwilling. In the middle of the night, Ye Wen would still practice martial arts in the villa where he had struggled.

Xiao Xuan watched all this silently, silently practicing kung fu, preparing to complete the protagonist's unfinished dream one day.

After becoming a rich man, Ye Wen planned to promote free traditional martial arts teaching, touching the cake of other boxing styles.

For their own interests, several foreign boxing masters openly challenged traditional martial arts and stirred up the topic on the Internet. For a while, all kinds of voices on the Internet were indignant, and Ye Wen was under great pressure.

Finally, Xiao Xuan, who had been silently carrying the burden for the protagonist and practicing martial arts to strengthen his body, stood up and took the lead for traditional martial arts, ready to accept the challenge.

At the Hongfeng National Martial Arts Hall in Magic City, he faced the boxing masters of various countries!

After defeating more than ten masters in a row, he finally ran out of energy and fell off the stage under the vicious means of doping.

At the final moment, the protagonist appeared and defeated the remaining three top masters who took doping, and vindicated the reputation of Chinese traditional martial arts in one fell swoop!

From then on, traditional martial arts flourished.

In the context of the story, the details of the 100 billion gambling game, the behind-the-scenes manipulation, and the review of the original boxing battle were also interspersed.


Now Ye Yang's scene is the plot of practicing martial arts silently in the courtyard after years of struggle and success, and his heart is unwilling.

This scene is very demanding for the actors.

The actors, directors, and executives around him were all worried about Ye Yang.

In this scene, Ye Yang was alone, and most importantly, he had no lines!

He could only rely on his facial expressions to express his complicated emotions!

This state of silence is better than words, even some senior actors may not say that they can do it!

Those who can perform this scene to the peak of perfection must be at least the level of movie emperors.

After the start of the filming.

Ye Wen's figure also slowly started to move, punching like the wind.

Under the lonely moonlight, in the courtyard of the villa.

The shadows of the trees are swaying, and in the lonely wind, only the whimpering sound brought by this figure is heard.

Next to the brothel on the second floor of the villa.

Xiao Xuan watched this scene silently, the moonlight shone on her side face, and her beautiful eyes were slightly distressed. The whole composition made people think about it...

And Ye Yang's movements went from slow to fast.

His eyes went from hesitation to sharp, and then to longing...

After a set of punches, his body was still but the wind did not stop.

He looked at the moon, and Xiao Xuan looked at him.

Everyone, looking at this scene, couldn't help but immerse themselves in that emotion...

Until the director shouted the end.

Everyone just realized that this was a movie...

"Oh my god! This..."

No more doubts.

One take!

This is perfect!

Silent art, nothing more than that!

Although there are no lines, but the action, the look, the absolute ability to control the scene...

It makes people feel as if they have walked into the protagonist's heart and felt his joy and sorrow!

"I couldn't help but be drawn into it...This acting is too amazing!"

Even the old actors on the side had an unbelievable look in their eyes.

What Ye Yang did just now is no longer a 'skill', but a 'realm'!

And even some old actors are still in the process of understanding this level! ! !

This scene shocked everyone to the point that it was beyond description...

(Second update)

The script outline was polished in one night. Hehe, I also spent a few days revisiting some classic martial arts movies before. I also referred to some plot elements of classic martial arts movies such as Huo Yuanjia.

In the past, the protagonists of those super-rich novels and movies were all based on existing plots.

This time, I want to really try and make an original story.

I hope everyone likes it.

Finally, for the author's hard work, I will give him a triple reward~ Thank you friends!

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