Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 506 Let's go, I'll show you this estate that belongs to me

"Ah this..."

Those who had doubted Ye Yang before had lost their voices at this time.

He stayed there in complete disbelief.

This kind of acting has really reached an indescribable level.

They had never expected that Ye Yang was so good at acting!

"The Golden Horse actor who was delayed by starting a company!"

"What kind of delay is this? How much money can the Golden Horse Award winner make!?"

"That's true. I can only say that he has too many talents, which is so enviable!!!"

Many members of the crew expressed surprises one after another.

If they had a lot of doubts about the film's ultimate success before, now they basically no longer have any doubts.

Unless you are very unlucky, movies with all the actors acting well, well-produced, popular, and carefully polished movies will generally not do badly at the box office.


"Ye Shenhao is invincible!!!"


The actresses also showed happy smiles when they saw that Ye Yang had been recognized by everyone.

In this way, with Ye Yang's participation, many veteran actors felt very comfortable acting together.

During their exchanges, they also expressed that Ye Yang’s ideas were very helpful to their acting theory.

With such acting skills, many film sets can be passed with only a few steps.

It won't be too time consuming.

The estimated shooting time has also been shortened a lot.

Soon, half of the filming progress was reached, and the crew also took a few days off.

Used for trimming and preparation for the second half of the shooting cycle.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, looking at the pile of message records sent to him by Qin Kelan on WeChat, and the corner of his mouth also raised a slight arc.

Busy with filming these days, he rarely has time to reply to messages.

As soon as I replied to the message, there was a "moved to tears" emoji back.

Qin Kelan: "Oh my god! The coach finally responded to my message! / Vicissitudes of life"

Ye Yang: "Haha, I'm filming these days and I'm quite busy."

Qin Kelan: "Filming? No! What type of film?"

Ye Yang: "Action movie."

Qin Kelan "'s not related to love, is it?"

Ye Yang: "How did you know!?/Surprised"

Qin Kelan: "/shy/shy"

Ye Yang coughed dryly, knowing that the other party had misunderstood: "Haha, it's a serious love action movie!"

Qin Kelan: "Hey, I didn't expect you to be able to act! Coach, you are so awesome! I feel like you can do everything!"

Ye Yang: "Oh, just so-so, everything is just a little bit."

Qin Kelan: "That's so humble. Hey, let me know when your movie will be released, and I will book the entire movie theater in Shanghai to support you!"

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Why do these little rich women want to support themselves...

"By the way, did you encounter something when you were looking for me?"

"Well... I have nothing to do. / Thinking, winter is coming soon. I want to go shopping and buy two sets of clothes! A handsome guy can accompany me! I also have a best friend. I heard that I found a handsome guy to be my coach. I also want to meet you later!”

"Best friends again!?"

Ye Yang glared, and reflexively wanted to refuse. The beauties he knew, and his best friends generally seemed to have a lot of nerve problems.

"Ahem, don't worry! She's definitely not like Wendy... This best friend has a very good personality, her family belongs to a prominent family in Shanghai, and she's well-educated. Things like last time will definitely not happen... My goodness Coach, don’t reject me! /Expect/Grief”

"Ah this!"

Ye Yang scratched his chin. The coquettishness of beautiful women is always a trump card for boys, including straight men.

"Okay, time and place."

"Hehe, coach, you are so kind! Give me your address! I will drive to pick you up!"

Qin Kelan was so surprised that she didn't want Ye Yang to pick her up.

"This is not good."

Ye Yang always felt that asking a girl to pick him up made him look a bit ungentlemanly.

"It's okay, it's okay! Didn't you ask me to go to your private manor for special training last time? Hehe, this time I just want to go to the spot first."

Qin Kelan replied repeatedly.


Ye Yang has no habit of being pretentious. If the girl is willing, he will naturally not refuse and directly send her the address.


Outside the manor, a pink Lexus LFA stopped.

Among them, Qin Kelan, who was carefully dressed, walked down. Today she wore a British style outfit, a beige windbreaker, a peaked cap and a scarf. She looked both sassy and girly.

"Miss Qin, the master is waiting for you inside."

Several cat-eared maids came to the door of the manor and welcomed them with smiles.


Qin Kelan covered her mouth, the amount of information was quite large.

However, she still smiled and walked in.

As soon as she walked into the gate of the manor, her pupils couldn't help but dilate.

Even she had never seen such an exaggerated manor.

I'm afraid it's so big here that it would take half a day to drive from one end of the manor to the other.

The entire Yunding Mountain is just a decoration in the manor.

There seems to be a vaguely visible airstrip in the distance...


Before she could ask.

Several cat-eared maids smiled and said, "The master is in the villa on Yunding Mountain. From here, you can choose to ride a horse, take a manor tour bus, etc. Miss Qin can choose a way she likes."

"Ah, this..."

Qin Kelan scratched her cheek. She knew that it must be very big to be called a manor, but she didn't expect it to be so exaggerated!

This is the location of the Magic City!

Such a large super manor...

The value of the land alone is an astronomical figure.

I'm afraid that even if the Wales Fitness Group is sold, it won't be enough to buy the land here.

"It seems that I still think Ye Yang is simple..."

When she was shocked again and again.

A white horse stepped on the lawn and came from a distance.

"Get on the horse and walk around the manor with me now?"

On the white horse, the handsome young man smiled at Qin Kelan freely.


The breeze came slowly, and Qin Kelan felt an indelible ripple in her heart. This scene, I'm afraid it can only be seen in the beautiful movie love story!

Which girl doesn't like romance?

"If you can't ride a horse, you can ride with me."

Ye Yang looked at the stunned Qin Kelan, thinking that she was embarrassed because she couldn't ride a horse, so he said sympathetically.

"Ah no...ah...right!!! I just can't ride a horse!"

As a real rich girl, Qin Kelan is naturally proficient in the noble sport of riding a horse, but thinking of the temptation of riding a horse with Ye Yang, how could she admit it?

Ye Yang smiled, stretched out his hand, and pulled Qin Kelan onto the horse.

"Come on, I'll show you this estate that belongs to me!"

(First update)

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