Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 513 Gao Yuan, things have really changed

"What...what's going on?"

"Oh my god, what a big deal!"

A bunch of blood-sucking worms were still there, opening their mouths and exclaiming stupidly.

Only the managers' eyes were rolling wildly, and soon, they connected Ye Yang's words with the current scene.

"Not good!!!"

Their eyes were wide open in an instant: "Why are you still laughing foolishly!!! Destroy all the evidence of the black accounts and bribes we have made before!!!!!! Quick!!!"

The employees looked at each other, and it took them a long time to react to what the managers meant.

"Oh!!! Right, right, right, hurry up, get moving!"

After the employees reacted, they were in a hurry, and the whole second floor was in a mess.

Some computers were stuck in the game interface and couldn't exit, so anxious that they kept hitting the computer.

The takeaway was knocked over.

Some were in a hurry to go to the archives to destroy the information, and they got stuck on the threshold directly, and fell to the ground and got their teeth stuck.



The whole scene was in chaos...

However, they were a group of incompetent guys who got in through the backdoor and knew nothing, not even familiar with the company's business. Some of them even had no idea what the company was doing and just got in to do some work.

Even if they were given a few days, they might not be able to delete and destroy all the information and evidence.

Not to mention, it was just a minute.

"Da Da Da!"

"Don't move!"

"Don't move!!!"

After the police rushed in, they took control of the scene.

Then, the lawyers from the Yunnan branch of the Jincheng Lawyers Team also came in and bowed slightly to Ye Yang: "Boss!"


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

"The moment you notified us, we contacted the local police and the Commercial Supervision Bureau and obtained their assistance. Now, our three departments will work together to investigate the commercial crimes of Gaoyuan Development Company."

"Investigate and prosecute all previous senior executives of Gaoyuan Development Company for clauses including but not limited to bribery, gangland behavior, sexual harassment, and coercion of others."

"Your goal will be achieved within three days."

The goal mentioned by this lawyer is to dismiss all senior executives.

As for grassroots positions such as security guards and front desk staff, those who do not have shares can be dismissed with just a word from him.

And if these senior executives are unwilling to move their butts, they will have to use some special means.

Manipulating the stock market is certainly one of them, but this company is rotten to the root, and there is no need to use such a sophisticated method to deal with these termites.

Just call the police, get evidence, and then prosecute, it's completely ok.

"This, this, this, this..."

The legs of all the senior executives were so scared that they didn't expect Ye Yang to do it so decisively!

This is too terrible!

Is he really going to dismiss everyone from top to bottom in the company and then make a big change! ?

How much is the price of doing this? Even these second-rate people who have no business sense know it!

"Madman! You are a madman!!!"

Mu Buming gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You are a complete madman!!!"

"Before you see what others do, think about what you have done."

Ye Yang glanced at Mu Buming coldly: "I will not have any sympathy for a crazy trash like you."

"Hehe... You will regret it!!!"

Mu Buming was summoned and dragged away by two policemen with a subpoena.

"You will definitely regret it————"

While being dragged away, Mu Buming's eyes also revealed endless resentment, and he was cursing Ye Yang all the way.


Ye Yang waved his hand, and then called Hurricane Security and his assets in various places, and urgently mobilized personnel to take over the work of Gaoyuan Tourism Development Zone.

If he only had the work of Gaoyuan Tourism Development Zone.

Then, the loss this time must be heavy.

Unfortunately, he has too many assets and too many redundant human resources.

Gaoyuan Travel Company is useless, and these employees are all guys who take money but do not do anything.

Even if they don't know the details of the operation here, as long as they can find a few normal people in a short period of time, they will be more useful than the previous ones.

"Many lawyers have already gone to these sub-district contractors to collect evidence."

"When the time comes, the evidence will be complete, and these executives, one by one, will not be able to escape."

The lawyers said confidently.

It's not that they are too awesome, it's really that the executives of the previous company were too stupid.

Doing these evil things without covering up at all, the physical evidence is too easy to obtain.

It's too cruel to squeeze those sub-district bosses, and there should be no shortage of evidence...

Just halfway through the words, someone called him.

His expression changed slightly: "Boss, the contractors in these divisions are worried about the threats from Director Mu and are not willing to testify."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Call them all to the building, I just want to hold a meeting for them."


The lawyers now have the cooperation of Hurricane's people, and their action and efficiency are extremely high.

Soon, all the contractors in many divisions were gathered in the conference room on the second floor of the building.

Ye Yang sat in the main seat, his eyes indifferently scanning these contractors with different expressions.

These bosses are of different backgrounds.

Some are truly capable and want to do a good job, but they are squeezed too hard by the upper management of Gaoyuan and have no way to resist.

Some are not capable, but they are greedy for the flow of people in Gaoyuan Tourism Development Zone and rely on bribes to open stores.

Some are relatives of Mr. Mu or Manager Liu, who got the land with a few dollars of rent and messed around. Even if the business is bad, it is impossible to lose money.

"I am the new chairman of Gaoyuan, my name is Ye Yang."

Ye Yang glanced at the whole audience again: "I know what each of you is thinking."


All the bosses looked at each other, with different reactions on their faces.

They probably understood the previous things.

This boss is really bold, and he dismissed all the previous employees right away!

But who can guarantee that he did this not to become the next Mu Buming?

According to common sense, when the next big corrupt official comes, he will wipe out the power left by the previous bully and then lay out his own power?

"Ahem, new chairman, just tell me how much you want... But we just paid this year's relationship fee, you... please raise your hand and ask for less!"

"That's right, that's right..."

All the bosses complained.

Ye Yang raised his mouth: "You are all wrong, I called you here to tell you that Gao Yuan has really changed from today!"

(Second update)

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