Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 514: Thunderous Means

"What does this mean?!"

"The standard for collecting relationship fees has increased!?"

"I don't know... I hope it's not like this? Alas..."


Many bosses had their own thoughts, and they couldn't help but look at Ye Yang with worry.

Ye Yang said lightly: "From today on, relationship fees will enter the grave of history, and no one is allowed to mention it again. Any senior executives in the company who threaten you with bribes can directly contact my lawyer. If the circumstances are serious, you can report to me directly. Gaoyuan Development Zone, from now on, no similar phenomena will be allowed to happen again!"

"Ah this!!!"

"Is this true?!"

"Is my ear broken?"

"Is it true or not..."

A group of district bosses who originally wanted to make their own industries bigger and better all burst into a sharp light in their eyes, and their hearts were full of hope.

After all, whether Ye Yang was just talking or not, it was better than Mu Buming who normalized bribery and darkness and did not cover it up at all! ?

It can be predicted that their future life will definitely be much better than before.

As for those bosses who came in with bribes and have no ability, they are all terrified. After all, if this shortcut is cut off, they will not have any competitiveness...

And those relatives of the former senior executives such as Mu Buming are trembling. They originally thought that they could use the wealth accumulated over the years to bribe Ye Yang to continue, but now this idea has been shattered...

"The entire Gaoyuan will be operated absolutely commercially from now on, and the ultimate goal is the good development of the overall development zone of Gaoyuan."

"All gray rules will be wiped out. Whoever dares to mention them again will be expelled from the development zone immediately!"

Ye Yang glanced at the people present again: "I know that many of you relied on your previous relationship with the former senior executives to get the land at a very low rent."

When they saw that Ye Yang mentioned himself, these relatives were shocked and looked at Ye Yang with some fear.

"You have two choices."

Ye Yang pointed his finger: "One, get out of the development zone directly. Two, pay the standard rental fee and the normal dividend to the company's public account."


The eyes of all the people with connections showed despair. They usually messed around. After all, relying on connections, they can rent a large area for dozens of yuan.

No matter how bad it is, you can make money.

But this means that their reputation is very bad, and they can basically only cheat new tourists.

They can't make any money at all. If we calculate it based on normal share and rent...

What they have earned over the years, after squandering it, what's left is not enough for normal commercial rent...

"Aren't you just driving us away!"

"You are blatantly excluding us! It's persecution! It's a breach of contract!"

"That's right!"

"We don't accept you!"

"All the brothers who agree, leave with me. This kid is crazy and wants to squeeze us out? I don't know how he can do it!"

"Go, go, go! Ignore him and see what he can do!"

A group of people with connections started to make a fuss, left their chairs and prepared to leave to threaten Ye Yang.

Ye Yang didn't stop them, but just smiled and crossed his legs, looking at these people.

When they walked to the door and opened it, they were stunned instantly.

Hundreds of Hurricane security guards in uniform and sharp eyes lined up quietly outside.

Without saying a word, they brought invisible pressure and fear to them.

"You... do you dare to play dirty?"

These people with connections all had their calves trembling, looking at Ye Yang in disbelief.

"I have always advocated that you should use the same means for the same people."

Ye Yang spread his hands: "For you trash, you should use the same means for trash."

"You! You are really a lunatic!!!"

The faces of these people with connections changed drastically. The security guards completely blocked the road. Unless they jumped out of the window, they could not get out at all.

Even if they jumped out of the window, there were still dozens of cars blocking the intersections under the building.

When they thought of this, they realized how desperate their current situation was.

"That's what your director Mu said before he was dragged out."

Ye Yang sneered: "To some extent, he is right."

Looking at Ye Yang's frank admission, all the bosses were desperate.

Aren't those who have ideals and do practical things good people?

Why does this young man act like a villain?

"If you want to do great things, you must be more scoundrel than a scoundrel when dealing with a scoundrel. You must be more gentleman than a gentleman when dealing with a gentleman. Give the bad guys the punishment they deserve and give the good guys the respect they deserve.

This is my moral duty."

Ye Yang shook his head and smiled: "It's hard to explain to you. Now, just tell me your choice. One or two?"


These people with connections gritted their teeth. They wanted to choose two, but they didn't have the money!

It seems that they can only get out of the development zone obediently...

"You will regret it!"

"You are so vicious! I curse you!!!"

"I will sue you for breach of contract! I will put you in jail!!!"

Ye Yang looked at these garbage, incompetent and furious remarks indifferently, and just found it funny.


The person in charge of Jincheng Law Firm stood up, holding a contract sample in his hand: "If you are talking about this land lease contract, I think you don't need to use this contract to argue."

He paused and said with a hint of arrogance in his voice:

"Jincheng Law Firm has a hundred ways to prove that this contract is invalid."

"In addition, according to this illegal contract, as the informed signatories, you cannot escape the accountability of the current company. I advise you to be clearer."


As soon as these words came out, the relatives who were clamoring to sue Ye Yang all collapsed on the ground, with despair in their eyes.

The contract itself was full of problems, and they knew it, and they just wanted to use it to scare Ye Yang.

Now, an army has been defeated instead.

In the end, they could only agree to Ye Yang's request and terminate the contract. They would all leave the development zone before tomorrow.

After signing the termination contract, I looked at the related customers who left the venue with their heads down.

The remaining merchants seemed to have let out a breath of bad breath, feeling much relieved.

"From now on, Gao Yuan's contract will be a completely formal commercial authorization contract. The rent and share will be determined in accordance with market practices. There will be assessments every year. If you don't care about waste merchants who only play small tricks, they will start from the development District left.”

Ye Yang glanced around: "Those who came in through bribery before, you should be careful!"

Many people present were silent.

Ye Yang's thunderous method completely shocked them...

(First update)

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