Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 516 Ye Yang was taken advantage of

"Wow, so high, so exciting!"

Sitting on the elephant's back, three meters above the ground, feeling the elephant's majestic and powerful vitality, Qin Kelan exclaimed.

Ye Yang touched the elephant's back and it really felt different.

"These three students, do you want us to take a set of artistic photos for you? Since you are so pretty, we will give you a 50% discount."

The photographer next to him waved.


Ye Yang is not short of money now. It's not easy to ride an elephant once, so of course it would be more fun to leave some artistic photos: "Then take them."


Several photographers are looking for angles.

Ye Yang and the two girls are all very beautiful. No matter which angle they are taken, they look like artistic photos.

No need to spend too much effort.

Just take a picture, and it will be a beautiful photo that will be popular on the Internet!

Soon, the photos were developed and carefully framed.

"Hello handsome guy, 298 for a set, scan code or cash?"

Several people smiled and rubbed their hands.


Ye Yang took a few glances, and the photos were indeed quite good, and the mounting was also very careful, which was worth the price.

However, before Ye Yang could speak, a shadow rushed over at lightning speed, and said repeatedly: "Shut up!"

Several photographers were stunned, and turned around to see that it was the big boss who was in charge of this section!

They were instantly shocked, they were just working for this big boss to make a living.

The entire rainforest feature section nearby was contracted by him, a super big boss with a net worth of hundreds of millions!

He usually doesn't show off his talents, but today, why did he suddenly rush over with such excitement?

"Mr. Zhao, Boss, is there any problem?"

Several photographers were obviously a little frightened, and asked with some fear at this time.

"What boss do you call me? This is the real boss!"

Boss Zhao smiled and looked at Ye Yang: "Boss Ye, you see, my subordinate is ignorant, please don't blame him!"

"What is going on?"

Several photographers looked at each other, confused.

"This Boss Ye, only in his twenties, is already the owner of the Gaoyuan Development Zone! He is worth hundreds of billions!!! I am just a small person in charge of a sub-district under his name! What's wrong with you! You dare to ask Boss Ye for money!"

Boss Zhao scolded repeatedly, seemingly scolding his employees, but actually praising Ye Yang.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. He could hear the flattery, but he didn't reject it.

"Ah this!!!"

"We are blind!"

"This is a big shot! We are lucky to be able to take pictures for you! I will have something to brag about when I go out in the future! I really don't dare to take this money!"

Several photographers said repeatedly.

"You guys are good at talking."

Ye Yang smiled faintly, but then shook his head, his tone suddenly became serious: "But, do you remember what I just said at the meeting!"

"I... this..."

Boss Zhao instantly felt that something seemed wrong and became nervous.

"The scenic spot must be operated in a regular commercial manner, and everything must be done according to the rules."

Ye Yang said faintly: "I don't allow anyone to break the rules."


Boss Zhao was instantly covered in cold sweat. His mentality was still in the era of the previous generation of senior executives. At that time, even if a manager came, they would not be allowed to eat and drink for free in their divisions, and they might even have to satisfy the selfish desires of these managers.

These division bosses did not dare to intervene in molesting female tourists and female employees.

"I know your thoughts are still stuck in the past, but from today on, similar thoughts and styles of behavior are not allowed to appear in Gaoyuan Development Zone again!"

Ye Yang said faintly.

"Yes, yes, yes!!!"

Boss Zhao was sweating profusely and nodded repeatedly.

"Everything in the scenic area should be spent at least, and not a cent more than it should be spent."

Ye Yang approached Manager Zhao and stared at him: "Do you understand?"

"I understand! I promise that I will never make this mistake again!!!"

Boss Zhao straightened up instantly and promised.


Ye Yang understood that changes in the times and situations often require time for people to accept.

He patted Boss Zhao's shoulder meaningfully and left with the two girls.

"Alas, it turns out that the times have really changed..."

Boss Zhao looked at Ye Yang going away, feeling mixed emotions...

Next, Ye Yang also took the two girls for a walk.

Xishuangbanna is a tourist area with extremely exotic characteristics in Yunnan.

It has a rainforest unique to the south, and its culture is greatly influenced by countries such as Laos and Myanmar.

It has unique golden-roofed Buddhist buildings. Walking through these unique buildings, you can feel a different kind of enjoyment and beauty.

There are also unique haunted houses built according to Buddhist legends.

The demons and monsters inside are all created according to the descriptions in Buddhist scriptures, and they have a special kind of weirdness and strangeness.

During the journey of exploring the haunted house, Ye Yang was constantly taken advantage of by the two girls.


The girls' screams were endless.

Walking to the back, the two girls directly hung on Ye Yang.

Qin Kelan's body is full of elasticity and flexibility because of fitness.

Xu Xiaoxin, on the other hand, is more delicate.

Two completely different feelings made Ye Yang enjoy it.

"Is it so worth being afraid of?"

Ye Yang said dumbfounded.

"I'm so scared! This green-faced thing with fangs is so scary! My little heart is about to be scared out of my chest! I need the coach to rub it and soothe it!"

"Me too, me too! I have to touch Brother Ye's solid abdominal muscles to feel safe!"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes, are you afraid?

You are clearly taking advantage of me! ! !


It’s so hard to be a handsome guy!

Especially being a handsome guy with a great figure is even more difficult! ! !


Just when the tourist trio was happily playing in the large development zone.

Mu Buming, who was in a state of embarrassment and with bloodshot eyes, limped out of the police station.

"Damn it! This kid actually has such a background and energy..."

He gritted his teeth. According to the notice, he basically couldn't escape jail this time. By relying on connections, he could only get three days of surveillance period to arrange his life outside.

In three days, he will return to court for his final trial.


"We are so miserable!"

Several managers who were taken out together were crying.

"It's all Ye Yang's fault! I swear to make him pay the price!!!"

Mu Buming clenched his fists.

Three days was obviously not enough time for him to do anything.

Moreover, he is still under surveillance at all times. If he wants to retaliate openly, it will only make him spend more time in jail.

"If you don't understand clearly, let's play tricks on him and trick him to death!"

(First update)

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