Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 517: How can the Wishing Tree be as effective as the Centurion Black Card?

"Playing dirty?"


Several managers obviously hated Ye Yang, and when they heard that there was a way to trick Ye Yang, they came over one after another.

"First of all, we have to confirm that this guy is much more powerful than I thought."

"He can mobilize all the forces in Yunnan where Jincheng Law Firm is located in an instant... He is at least a major partner of Jincheng Law Firm, or even... the owner!"

"Moreover, in just one or two days since we were arrested, he has perfectly taken over the entire development zone. Just think about it, how terrifying is this mobilization ability!?"

"In addition to Jincheng Law Firm and our development zone, he must have other industries under his command, and these industries must be huge."

"We are now a fallen phoenix, and we will definitely not be able to win in business."

Mu Buming thought for a while, and his eyes became gloomy: "Maybe all we can do now is to find a way to disgust him."


The managers looked at each other, not understanding what Mu Buming was talking about.

Although Mu Buming is not good at doing business, he is quite good at thinking crookedly. With a turn of his eyes and a smile on his face, he said, "Let's start with his reputation and reputation and ruin his image!"

"A person's reputation is a lifelong responsibility!"

"Let him bear the infamy for a lifetime. No matter what he does in the future, he will be unable to move forward!"


"This method is good!"

"Yes! You are worthy of being Mr. Mu! Why didn't I think of it before!"

The managers all slapped their heads and felt extremely excited.

"I will use my network to see if I can find some black material about him in the next two days. Don't be idle either."

Mu Buming gave orders one by one, strategizing, and his eyes moved.

If he had half the mind he has now when doing business before, he would not have ruined the company like that.

In the development zone.

Ye Yang tied the two girls' wish tissues to the wishing tree.

This wishing tree is said to have a history of seven or eight hundred years. It is ten meters high and has countless branches hanging down, which looks extremely huge.

Many men and women write their wishes on wishing tissues and tie them to the end of the wishing tree, hoping that the wishing tree will bless their dreams to come true...

The monks next to them all clasped their hands and smiled, blessing the girls' wishes.

"What wishes did you make?"

Ye Yang jumped down from the ladder and asked in confusion.

"Oh! Coach brother is such a straight man! The wish won't work if you say it out loud!"

Qin Kelan stuck out her tongue and said coquettishly.

"That's right."

Xu Xiaoxin also nodded in agreement.


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If he didn't want to say it, then don't say it! He was labeled a straight man again!

He hadn't settled the accounts with the two girls for taking advantage of him in the haunted house just now!

Humph, one night, he must settle the accounts with the two girls!

"Brother Ye, don't you want to make a wish?"

"Yes, yes, you just helped us tie the wishing scarf..."

Both girls were puzzled.

"Me? I can use it to make any wish come true."

Ye Yang took out the black card from his bag and shook it casually.


The tourists next to him all looked black when they saw this scene.

I have seen Versailles, but I have never seen such Versailles!!!

It's too terrible!

Ye Yang shrugged, he was just telling the truth.

Where can the Centurion Black Gold Card Spirit be found on the Wishing Tree?

One hundred million can solve all worries.

One hundred million is not enough, then two hundred million.

Ninety-nine point nine percent of the troubles in the world are caused by not having enough money.

It is not vulgar to like money, as long as you are not enslaved by money.

At any time, you must be clear...

It is because you have a dream that needs money to realize, so you have to make money.

And not a dream is to make money.

As long as you recognize this, as a rich man, you will probably have no more troubles.

"Brother Ye is really a straight man!"

"But he is a rich straight man, haha!"

The two girls' silver bell-like laughter made the surrounding tourists fantasize.

The breeze blew through the countless willows of the wishing trees, blowing the wishing trees left by men and women for hundreds of years, and the sun shone through the branches.

Beautiful girls, happy laughter.

There is also a young man holding a black card.

How can this scene not make people fantasize?

"Haha, just kidding."

Ye Yang put away the black card, was silent for a while, and wrote some words on the wishing towel.

Then he tied his wishing towel to the end of a branch.

"What wish did Brother Ye make!"

Xu Xiaoxin blinked, very curious.

"Little straight girl, didn't you say that the wish would not work if you said it out?"

Ye Yang tapped Xu Xiaoxin's nose and laughed loudly.

"Huh. Stingy Brother Ye!"

But Xu Xiaoxin and Qin Kelan obviously didn't care too much.

"It's almost sunset, let's go eat."

Ye Yang waved his hand.


Just like that, in the twilight, Ye Yang took the two girls away from the wishing tree.

In the wind, the last wishing towel hung on the wishing tree swayed and fluttered, and the words "I hope my family will always be healthy" could be vaguely seen...


The most distinctive feature of the development zone is the Four Countries Food Zone.

The food street here brings together the specialties of Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos and Yunnan, China.

If you come to Gaoyuan Development Zone and don’t come here for a meal, you will always feel a little regretful.

“A lot of food I haven’t seen before!”


The two girls usually go to developed countries such as Europe and the United States, especially Qin Kelan, whose family does multinational business and inevitably deals with these countries.

So, they have eaten a lot of French and German food.

And the specialties of countries such as Myanmar and Laos are still very fresh to them.

“The taste is really strong!”

“Well, but it’s refreshing enough. It’s still a different flavor to eat it occasionally.”

Ye Yang also bought a lot of snacks. The food of each country has its own unique charm. It is indeed novel and memorable to eat it occasionally.


While eating dinner and browsing the phone, Xu Xiaoxin exclaimed: "Isn't this you, Brother Ye?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, took the phone, and looked at it.

"Shock! The 100 billion bet by Ye Shenhao is actually involved in a sex scandal! What is the truth of the late night script, let's wait and see!"

"Fake match? 100 billion bet, or a farce!?"

"60 million fans, a successful marketing!"


Such titles flooded into Ye Yang's eyes, making him sneer: "It seems that someone is too long to live again."

(Second update)

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