Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 519 Is Ye Shenhao an Earthling?

"This is so versatile! His acting skills are so good! Oh my god! How can a man be so good!"

"This is too strong!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Just now I actually had the slightest doubt about my dear husband. It's really a sin!"

Fans expressed that they love Ye Yang even more.

"Haha, that's so funny. Where are those black guys before? Why don't they come out and scream?!"

"It made me laugh so hard, I'm afraid I'm going to wholesale scouring powder."

"Ha ha……"

In order to show that they didn't think wrong just now, the melon-eating people madly sprayed crazy people to prove the purity of their thoughts.

After all, the Internet has no memory.

As long as they say something different now than before, it will erase their previous stupidity and short-sightedness.

"I'm more concerned about Ye Shenhao's performance in videos teaching acting skills."

"Not bad, not bad! These demonstration examples, the acting skills are so awesome!"

"The micro-expression processing, the control of the scene, and the camera feel are simply amazing!"

"It gives me a feeling that is no less than that of an experienced actor!"

"And his research on acting is so in-depth! I am a film school majoring in acting. These theories of his are all cutting-edge and simply too profound! After I sent them to our teachers, my professors said they were profound. Be inspired!”

"This is simply amazing!"

"This movie is a must-see. Not only are the actors and actresses great, but the leading actors are also great. It's worth it just to watch the acting!"

"Yeah yeah!"


Ye Yang's acting skills quickly attracted the attention of most people.

Because of this reversal, many people decided to go to the cinema to watch this unique and high-quality movie.

Of course, there was more or less an apology for misunderstanding Ye Yang just now.

"But, by the way, I suddenly want to ask a question."


"You think, is Ye Shenhao really a human? Isn't he an alien?"

"I doubt it too! How can someone be so awesome!"

"I've made so much money, defeated boxing champions in martial arts, my acting skills are as good as those of veteran actors, and I'm still a super internet celebrity, ah!"

"If you think about it carefully, it's true!"


The topic of whether Ye Yang is a human from Earth soon replaced Ye Guang’s teaching and became a new trending dark horse.

Hot searches these two days.

Just like that, he was contracted by Ye Yang again.

"how so!!!"

In the theater, Na An Mi smashed the Swarovski glass in his hand to pieces, gritting his teeth in hatred.

"How could he really be discussing just acting skills!!!"

"how could it be possible!"

She was pacing back and forth, completely confused as to why.

She may never have imagined that there are hundreds of girls in Ye Yang Manor, all of whom are superstars. Ye Yang, who is used to seeing such beauties, has no great interest in ordinary beauties.

"There's no need to be so angry. He can't beat us after all. After all, he doesn't understand the fan economy or how the entertainment industry works."

A group of directors and so on also gathered around An Mi and said nice things to her like crazy.

"Hmph, that's pretty much it."

The cutout queen breathed a sigh of relief and felt much happier.

Ye Yang offended her, and she was very popular. She still hates Ye Yang.

"Let's wait and see. Don't look at your arrogance now. When the time comes, you will see real results at the box office!!!"

She gritted her teeth fiercely: "I will make you regret it!!!"


Among the scenic spots.

Ye Yang took a napkin, wiped the corners of his mouth, and then threw the napkin directly on the dining table. He slowly stood up with sharp eyes: "It's time to settle the general accounts."

In a temporarily rented simple building.

Mu Buming and the managers stayed in the hut, pacing back and forth, waiting for things to evolve.

All their money has been spent on relationships.

Most of the previous real estate and property were in the Great Development Zone. Now that they were found to be corrupt, their assets were immediately blocked and frozen.

With little money left, I could only rent a rental house.

It can be said that their lives have been very embarrassing these days, and their only spiritual sustenance is to hope that the offensive they can launch online will ruin Ye Yang's reputation.

After the hot search on Ye Yang’s luminous teaching just now.

They were still very happy.

But as these female celebrities exposed the videos and audios, their expressions changed.

Until now, they were completely confused.

The situation reversed too quickly! ?

Before they could react, the situation was reversed! ?

They spent every last penny in their hands to launch a final counterattack, but it ended like this?

This is too ridiculous! ?

"Damn it! This Ye Yang is too scary!"

Mu Buming sighed.

The previous fierce offensive was directly shaken by the residual power of Ye Yang's online rights protection actions.

In an instant, only the dark spot of Luminous Teaching remained.

As a result, people actually saved the video and audio recordings in advance...

I have to say that they lost extremely completely!


"It seems that our counterattack failed."

Several people instantly felt that they had lost hope in life, and their eyes turned gloomy.

It seems that during the past few years in prison, they will live in this extremely aggrieved mentality.

"Da da da!"

"Is there someone knocking on the door!?"


Several managers and Mu Buming were guilty at this time. When they heard someone knocking on the door, they were like frightened birds. They stood up instantly with suspicious eyes.

"Check the water meter!"

A serious voice came from outside the door.

"Oh, check the water meter!"

Mu Buming breathed a sigh of relief and just opened the door.

In an instant, the four people were pressed to the ground by the plainclothes police who suddenly rushed in.

"You are suspected of buying malicious traffic and smearing and attacking public figures. Now you are formally arrested and summoned!"

The captain of the police who came in took out the arrest warrant and summons: "In view of the fact that you have a complaint before, knowingly breaking the law, and adding to the crime, so the three-day free period outside is cancelled. Moreover, we will use special summons this time."

Mu Buming and others were instantly shackled and staggered out of the room.

"You found us now?!"

Mu Buming and others couldn't believe it at all.

From the beginning to their summons and arrest, the whole process was too fast!

"The relationship we are looking for is very secretive! Unless he is the boss of these platforms, he can directly see the background data of these platforms and directly find our address IP! But this is too outrageous!?"


They were all confused. Could it be that Ye Yang is also an Internet giant? !

(Second update)

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