Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 520: Spending a fortune just to prove that he is an Earthling


Ye Yang put down the phone. He already knew the fate of Mu Buming and his group. They were punished for several crimes and were still outlaws during the parole period.

Because the circumstances were extremely serious and the sentence was severe, he was already quite old. It is estimated that by the time he is released, his hair will be completely white.

"Brother Ye, your fans are looking forward to you broadcasting again to talk about whether you are an alien!"

Xu Xiaoxin and Qin Kelan both looked at Ye Yang with half-smiles.

Fans like Ye Yang are so funny, they are like a bunch of living treasures!

"Is it?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the messages in various comment areas.

Before, I was still discussing movies and acting skills, but now, the hot comments are almost all about whether I am a human being from Earth.

"I have become a meme on the Internet for no apparent reason."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Because he knew too many skills, he was mistaken for an alien by fans... Who can I ask to explain this! ?

He felt it was necessary to broadcast live to clarify the matter.

So, he started the live broadcast directly in the tourist area.

With the wonderful scenery and beautiful female companion, the water friends in the live broadcast room said that they were hit hard as soon as they entered.

"As expected of a powerful person, the location every time the live broadcast is held is so special!"

"This is the Gaoyuan Development Zone. I went there last year and was cheated of money. Some areas cost a lot of money, but the construction was very rubbish."

"These two female companions are so pretty! It makes me so sad...Ye Shenhao is so beautiful and blessed!"

"If you were so rich, you would be pretty lucky too."


Ye Yang scanned the message from the water friends and laughed and said: "I have bought the Gaoyuan Development Zone. The entire development zone is now being renovated. You can come again in a few days. I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

"Damn! He is indeed Ye Shenhao! He is so awesome!"

"I remember this large development zone was huge! It seemed to be valued at tens of billions! Did you buy it directly?"

"Isn't it because I was cheated out of my money while traveling and out of anger I just bought the tourist area and renovated it myself!?"

"Ye Shenhao can definitely do this!"

"Hey, since it is the tourist area bought by Ye Shenhao, we should go and see it. I feel that Ye Shenhao is still very sentimental and the things he does are worthy of trust. I must go and see it anyway! "

Now Ye Yang's appeal to fans is also extremely powerful.

There are a huge number of die-hard fans.

It is foreseeable that the Gaoyuan Tourism Development Zone will soon experience a massive traffic explosion. If its reputation can be stabilized after this wave, it will soon become a new internet celebrity destination and the most popular tourist development zone in China. one.

"Having said so much, I still want to know whether Ye Shenhao is from Earth."

"That's right, that's right."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, how to prove this thing?

There is no way for people to prove that they are human.

There is no way I can prove that I am who I am.

This is a philosophical question that has troubled the world's philosophical circles for many years.

"Ah this..."

"I'm just a little more versatile than ordinary people. I'm really just a normal person!"

Ye Yang said dumbfounded.

"It's so Versailles! It's not just a bit of versatility, it's clearly a bit of wealth and billions!!!"

"That's right!"

"I really envy Ye Shenhao!"

"This is life!"


Seeing the extremely happy water friends, Ye Yang felt quite happy and handed out five more red envelopes.

There is a word written on each red envelope.

Together they are: ‘I’, ‘Yes’, ‘Earth’, ‘Ball’, and ‘People’.

Each red envelope contains 100 million.

Total, 500 million! ! !

"Holy shit!!!! Awesome!"

"I've already thought of the headlines for the front pages of every website tomorrow: Shocking! The super tycoon dumped 500 million, just to prove that he is human!"

"Five hundred million! Five hundred million!!! Oh my many zeros are there!"

Now in the live broadcast room, there are millions of fans because of the popularity that dominated the hot search list in the past two days.

Five hundred million, a total of five million packets.

Each person can still grab an average of one hundred yuan!

And many of them were extremely lucky, and they directly grabbed hundreds of thousands of super amounts! ! !

"My day, I have been buying lottery tickets for more than ten years, and I won a total of three bottles of soy sauce and five eggs. Now I got hundreds of thousands! I swear, I will give Ye Shenhao a lottery gift every day. "

"I'll go! Three hundred and seventy thousand!!! Who else! Damn it! Who else!!! Ye Shenhao, you are my biological father! I finally have the money to give my wife a bride price!"

"Where are the betrothal gifts so expensive?"

"Damn it, Jiangxi! After several years of scraping together, plus my family's capital, I scraped together 230,000 yuan. With this 370,000 yuan, I finally got 600,000 yuan!"

"I'll's simply terrible. The source of the market price hike has been found."


"It was detected that the host spent 500 million in red envelopes to celebrate, and was rewarded with rejuvenating medical skills! In terms of Chinese medicine, it has reached the level of learning about ancient and modern times and the ultimate theory."

Ye Yang raised his brows and felt a bit of surprise in his heart. Although he already had Liren, after all, he didn't have it himself.

In emergencies and special situations, it is better to do it yourself.

Moreover, no matter how good a hospital is, it has its own areas of expertise. Even though Li Ren is known as the No. 1 private hospital in China, it also has shortcomings.

And this skill represents the ultimate achievement in Chinese medicine.

It can be said to be all-round!

"Coach brother, you look a little happy. It's the first time I've seen you so happy to spend money."

Qin Kelan teased.

This is 500 million! This level of generosity can't be summarized by a word of courage.

It's simply overwhelming!

"Haha, is it?"

Ye Yang shook his head and laughed, then stretched and turned off the live broadcast:

"Well, the tour is almost over, it's time to go back to filming."

"No, I still want to stay with you for a while..."

Qin Kelan and Xu Xiaoxin both pouted, and said with some lingering feelings.

"Haha, I'll bring you here again if I have a chance!"

Ye Yang smiled and patted the two girls on the head: "Next time I come, I'll take you to ride elephants as much as you want."


The two girls nodded expectantly.

The F1000 took off from the airport very quickly, and Ye Yang took the two girls back to the Magic City very quickly. After sending them home, he returned to the theater.

Participated in the filming of the next episode.

Because of the incident of night light teaching, these female stars looked at Ye Yang with spring in their eyes, and their minds became active...

Some things are better not to be mentioned, but once they are aroused, they will become more and more passionate!

(First update)

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