Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 521 He is the representative of miracles in the world

In response to these blazing eyes, Ye Yang just smiled and shook his head, not paying much attention to them.

He is no longer the same as when he just became rich. His taste has improved so much that ordinary female stars can no longer catch his eye.

These female stars obviously also know that they are afraid that they are not worthy of Ye Yang.

They all saw the girl who was following Ye Yang, as well as the maid and Xiao Xiaozhu who came to visit the class.

No matter which one, the appearance is the best in the entire theater.

And they are still young and energetic. If they are men, they also know how to choose.

But for such an outstanding man, even if it happens only once, it will be worth it in this life!

They all felt the desire burning in their hearts, but unfortunately, even if it was just this opportunity, they were probably not qualified to get it.

Once a person has low self-esteem, he will become contemptuous when facing the person he admires.

Be it a boy or a girl.

The next few days are about shooting with peace of mind. With Ye Yang's superb guidance skills, even those veteran actors who have reached a very high level of acting can gain a lot of insights.

Therefore, the shooting was also very smooth.

The entire crew was immersed in a focused and smooth shooting atmosphere.

On the Internet, the previous wave of fermentation has continued to be popular.

The various hot topics in the past few days have come one after another, which is really overwhelming.

First of all, all kinds of black materials slandering Ye Yang were targeted by fans and became hot searches.

Subsequently, the rumor of luminous teaching became a hot search again.

In the afternoon of the same day, the truth about luminous teaching became a hot search topic, and the wholesale decontamination powder matter became popular all over the Internet.

Subsequently, Ye Yangshen's acting skills and profound acting theory were able to match the previous popularity, causing a craze among the people who had previously watched the film.

Later, the question of whether Ye Yang was an Earthling or not became a hot topic on the Internet.

Ye Yang started a live broadcast and sent out 500 million to prove that he was from Earth, once again detonating major forums!

It can be said that there is a wave of ups and downs!

After Ye Yang returned to the Magic City, the Mu Buming incident was compiled into a 65-page PPT, which became popular all over the Internet again!

It directly made everyone understand the origin and reason of this bunch of hot searches.

"This Mu Buming is really a dog! I really hope he is really blind! He can just die in prison!"

"Yes, this person is so disgusting! No wonder the development zone was so messy before. It turned out to be because of him! What a piece of garbage!"

"Ye Shenhao is still awesome!"

"Yes, offending Ye Shenhao is the most unlucky thing he has done in so many years!"

"It's really not enough to even risk death! Ye Shenhao has already offended us, but during his parole period, he still did such a thing! Haha, I wish him to die in peace! He is really a Japanese immortal!"


After so many days, it has almost become common for everyone to see Ye Yang on hot searches.

On the fifth day, Ye Yang even became a hot search topic because of the question, "When did Ye Yang become a hot search topic?"

On the sixth day, Ye Yang became a hot search topic because of the topic "When did Ye Yang become a hot search topic?"

On the seventh day, Ye Yang became a trending topic because he discussed "when did Ye Yang become a hot search topic? When did it become a hot search topic?"

Netizens seem to be obsessed with infinite matryoshka dolls.

It wasn't until the eighth day that their logic ran out, and because they couldn't come up with a logical topic, the topic about Ye Yang finally dropped in popularity...


This wave of popularity has made netizens look forward to Ye Yang's upcoming movie even more.

This martial arts film has now set a historical record.

In the entire history of film, there has never been a record where so many people are looking forward to a film before it is finished filming and promotion has not yet begun!

Of course, sequels to the world's top IPs do not count.

Just talking about the premiere, even the new work of the most famous director in the world will not attract this amount of attention!

"Oh, Mr. Ye is so powerful. He has directly saved us countless advertising fees."

"This person is comparable to the appeal of countless traffic stars bundled together!"

"I'm finally convinced!"

The publicity staff of the crew were dumbfounded.

As a publicity agency, they know very well that there is no more powerful publicity effect that can dominate the top trending searches for so long.

Moreover, during this process, Ye Yang, who is the center of the story, did not even spend a penny to fuel the flames and buy traffic!

This is a challenge to people’s outlook in the current market situation where traffic stars are in charge and entertainment news dominates everything! ! !

"It's just incredible!"

"A miracle! This event can only be described as a miracle!"


The members of the publicity and distribution team were all amazed.

Ye Yang is simply a miracle worker!

The spokesperson of the word miracle in the human world!

They all felt their blood boiling.

After all, such a person is their boss!

As long as they don't sell Huabo Film and Television Company, they can still cling to Ye Yang's thigh.

Then in the future, the future will be bright, isn’t it?

"Huh, filming a movie is really exciting and enjoyable."

Ye Yang soaked in the hot spring.

On the side, Xiao Qingxuan, who plays the heroine, is also extremely satisfied. She can always accompany her boss these days, and of course she is very happy.

Yu Momo took advantage of the few opportunities to contact Ye Yang these days, and stuck to Ye Yang tightly, occasionally launching sneak attacks from below, trying to make Ye Yang practice the origin of life with her.

For Yu Momo, one of his most beloved girls, Ye Yang never spared his physical strength and energy.

After soaking in the hot spring, he carried her back to the bedroom.

Then, a monkey and a rooster, wonderful beyond words...

Until the deep path in the forest was covered with autumn white dew.

Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on the pillow with satisfaction.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, the boss is really a lot more fierce!"

Yu Momo blushed and said shyly.

"Haha, if you come back in a few days, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep up with my pace."

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand.

"Hate it!"

Yu Momo hit Ye Yang's chest: "Oh, by the way, that little sister surnamed Qin came to see you these two days."


Ye Yang blinked: "You wouldn't..."

"I'm not so stingy. I let her in for a cup of tea and some coffee. Although you weren't there, she and her sisters were still having fun."

Yu Momo said repeatedly.

"Well, did she say she had something to talk to me about?"

Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

"I heard... it's about the Qin Group..."

Yu Momo pondered for a moment and said.

(Second update)

(Second update)

(521 chapters, the meaning is very good~ Three consecutive waves?)

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