Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 526: Qin Wenxian's twists and turns

"Only one person? Mr. Ye...?!"

Qin Wenxian was completely stunned.


This, what does this mean! ?

"Could it be possible that what I just imagined was true!?"

Qin Wenxian covered her mouth in disbelief and her eyes almost popped out.

"This is our three chairman, Tengxun, Yida, the actual controller of Zijie, Ye Yang, Mr. Ye."

Zhang Ming, Mark Jin, and Wang Silin all introduced them seriously.

Qin Wenxian wanted to ask the three bosses if they were joking with her, but it was obvious that these three bosses had serious faces and had no intention of joking at all.

Moreover, even if you are joking, it is absolutely impossible to make such an international joke!

In other words, what the three of them said is true!

Ye Yang is really the boss of the three of them, the man behind the three trillion-dollar companies! ! !

hiss! ! !

this! ?

She glanced around the whole place in confusion, and found that the big guys present all acted as if they were taking it for granted, with no expressions of horror at all, as if they were used to this setting...

When the big guys present saw Qin Wenxian's expression, the corners of their mouths unconsciously curved.

They were frightened by the news just now, and now they see that Qin Wenxian is also the same after learning the news. Of course, they feel satisfied in their hearts...

This at least shows that it’s not that they don’t have a city. Anyone who hears this kind of news will feel outrageous! ?

"Miss Qin, don't be too surprised. The Qin Group has been focusing its attention and investment on Europe and the United States in recent years. It is natural that it is unclear about the changes in the situation in China. Don't pay too much attention."

Mark Jin smiled lightly.

Qin Wenxian couldn't laugh or cry. Is this the point? ?

Although mergers and acquisitions among super large companies are rare, there are still precedents.

But who is Ye Yang! ?

A young man in his early twenties, I had never even heard of his name before!

Completely unknown!

It only took ten years for the Qin Group to shift its focus to the international market. Within ten years, the entire Chinese business world had transformed into this! ?


She didn't come back to her senses until she sat there for a long time.

My mind has been in a blank state, but when I toasted, I took it with a professional smile, took a sip, and then returned to the state of shock.

Slowly, she came back to her senses from this state.

However, just as she came back to her senses, a layer of cold sweat broke out on her back, remembering what she had said to Ye Yang last night.

The reason why she said those words was because she took a fancy to Ye Yang's ability and wanted to promote a marriage. However, the Qin Group has always emphasized matching, and the strength Ye Yang had shown before was obviously not enough.

Therefore, she said all this in order to eventually lead to the topic of recruiting Ye Yang to marry him.

However, Ye Yang's proud statement made her a little unhappy, so she gave up the idea directly.

Now that I think about it, I was really lucky at that time!

If she had been lax and revealed her true intentions at that time, she would have been doomed.

After all, looking at the relationship between her and Ye Yang now, their identities are completely reversed!

He is now the undisputed number one boss in China's business world, and all the richest men in the past are just his workers.

To say such nurturing words to such a super giant is tantamount to an insult! ! !

Super giants who have reached the level of Ye Yang no longer care much about most worldly things, but face and honor must be something they care about very much! ! !

It would be a slap in the face to let a giant man marry you!

"Fortunately I didn't say it. Fortunately I didn't say it..."

Qin Wenxian patted her breasts and drank several glasses of ice wine to calm down her shock.

She secretly looked at Ye Yang, feeling extremely complicated in her heart.

Just yesterday, she felt that this young man was too confident and arrogant.

Even just now, she thought he was just lucky enough to have a relationship with Teng Xun.

But now, she completely needed to look at this young man with admiration and admiration.

No matter how powerful she is, she is just a member of the Qin Group.

As for the other party's subordinates, they can now see three super large companies that are not weaker than the Qin Group.

In the future, if the Qin Group wants to cooperate in China, it will basically be unable to bypass the other party...

She looked at Ye Yang from time to time to see if he still cared about the conversation last night, but obviously, she couldn't tell.

She had to admit that after knowing Ye Yang's true identity, she suddenly felt that everything was different.

Ye Yang's nonchalant, indifferent and detached manner seemed to her before to be a kind of pride and youthful frivolity, but now it seems to be a kind of profoundness that is impossible to see through!

"It is indeed a terrifying existence that can achieve such achievements at such a young age. I have no idea what he is thinking..."

Once a halo is cast on a person, it is difficult to be viewed objectively.

Qin Wenxian was very excited about this meal, and she was trying to find ways to please Ye Yang throughout the meal.

"What's wrong with Aunt Qin? Wasn't this the case last night?"

Ye Yang laughed, took a sip of the wine Qin Wenxian handed over, and said with a faint smile.

"This... Wen Xian made a mistake after drinking last night. Mr. Ye, please don't pay attention!"

Qin Wenxian was so frightened that she stood up, drank the wine in her glass and apologized.

"So Miss Qin had a private meeting with our chairman last night!?"

Mark Jin and the others looked at Qin Wenxian with ambiguous eyes, obviously misunderstanding something.

If it was really the same as they imagined.

Then the cooperation intention revealed by Qin Group during this period must be carefully considered! ! !

"Yeah, yes, yes!"

If she was seen in this way before, Qin Wenxian would definitely explain it righteously, but now, she is hoping that these big guys think so.

This is of great help in negotiating contracts.

Of course, if there is a chance, she doesn't mind putting these ideas into practice with Ye Yang, but she doesn't know if Ye Yang can't stand her.

After all, Ye Yang can be regarded as the most terrifying existence in the entire Chinese business world for so many years.

Such a brilliant existence, if you can really have an in-depth discussion with him... life will be regretless!

This is the same as boys think that if they can sleep with a goddess once, their life will be regretless.

Girls will have similar thoughts when facing brilliant men.

If you still simply think that it is natural for a man to pursue a girl.

It only means that your mentality is still at the level of a loser.

The most effective way to get a woman is not to pursue her, but to make yourself shine!

(First update)

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