Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 557 Now, are you ready to pay the price?

"It turns out that Miss Qin has known our Chairman Ye for a long time!"

The old guys all showed understanding expressions.

There is a private meeting the night before a business meeting. This doesn’t need to be made clearer, right?

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, but he didn't break the relationship.

The most basic idea is that she doesn't want Qin Wenxian to lose face in public.

After all, regardless of the impression Qin Wenxian and the Qin Group gave him.

He still has a good impression of Qin Kelan, and it is not what he wants to see if the Qin Group is embarrassed.

It's just that... the advantage she is taking advantage of now is not in vain...


Qin Wenxian glanced nervously at Ye Yang.

Seeing that Ye Yang only had an unexplained smile on his face, she felt a little uneasy in her heart. However, her little thought was not revealed in the end. After the conversation continued like this, she relaxed a little.

The conversation that followed was more casual.

The big bosses present originally felt that only the Qin Group was an outsider. Now it seems that Qin Wenxian and Ye Yang seem to have a good relationship, and their wariness and xenophobia towards her immediately became much lighter.

The subsequent business negotiations will naturally be a matter of course.

However, under Ye Yang's instructions, the various shares and benefits, naturally the benefits he took were much higher than Qin Wenxian expected.

However, Qin Wenxian herself had a guilty conscience, and the Qin Group's power in the country was indeed weak in recent years, so she could only accept these conditions.

After experiencing psychological twists and turns, this business gathering finally ended in a happy atmosphere.

"Let me see, let's go have some fun after dinner, right?"

Wang Silin suggested.

Many people would think that these big guys are busy on weekdays and have little time for entertainment. In fact, when they have really reached the top, the so-called busyness means that on average they work much less time than ordinary wage earners.

It’s just that the things they play are very advanced and are out of reach of ordinary people.

Moreover, bosses usually only play with bosses, so that time is valuable.

After this kind of business gathering, it's normal for a group of big guys to have some fun and play together.

On weekdays, the bosses who are well-dressed and look very serious and upright in front of the media cameras are no better than ordinary people at private gatherings.

I also have a little bit of all kinds of cussing and human hobbies.

When discussing business, they assume the role of capital giants, but when gathering in private, they are still flesh and blood, ordinary people.

"How's that? Same old thing?"

Mark Jin raised his eyebrows, tilted the corner of his mouth, and suggested.

"Ahem, Miss Qin is still here today. That wouldn't be good."

Wang Silin touched his chin.

"Okay, damn it, you usually have the best time when we go out, right?"

Zhang Ming rolled his eyes: "Why are you pretending to be a serious person now?"

"Ahem, isn't this Mr. Ye, a young man, worried that he won't get used to playing with old men like us?"

Wang Silin argued forcefully.

"Come on! Which one of those top names is not fair-skinned and beautiful? Does it matter the age of the client?"

Mark King rolled his eyes.

"And of course Miss Qin is teaming up with our Director Ye, so don't worry about it."

Mark Jin gave him a look of understanding.

"Ah!? Haha, look at me, I'm such an old fool, yes! That's right, it's the same as usual, it's the same as usual!"

Wang Silin rubbed his hands and laughed.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Although he had acquired these large companies for a long time and had been in contact with original trillionaires like Wang Silin for a long time, this was his first time to attend such a private entertainment gathering. At this time, Quite interested.


Regarding these conversations, Qin Wenxian just smiled lightly. She had been in a large group for a long time, and she might know more than Ye Yang about the routine activities of these top boss gatherings.

In this way, the group of people sat in their own cars and came directly to the most luxurious and top-notch super KTV in the city: ‘Heavenly Man’ KTV.

The entire KTV provides the most top-notch services in China.

You can't find it, but you can't think of it.

Ordinary people can never imagine how exciting and beautiful it is.

It was obviously not the first time for Wang Silin and others to come here. They went directly to the safest super VIP channel and entered. The proprietress personally received them. The girl with good figure and appearance tenderly held her arms with the big guys and walked into the hotel with luxurious facilities. In the supreme box.

After singing for a while, Ye Yang felt that these guys were really good at singing.

Wang Silin belongs to the traditional hard-core singing style. Mark Jin is not very good at singing, but he is good at dancing, especially the eighty-thousand-pound dance, the money-grabbing dance and the laser dance, which are simply master-level.

As for Zhang Ming, he seems to be a bit more homely and has nothing to offer.

The other big guys also showed off their skills.

During this process, all the beauties accompanying the guests couldn't help but glance over at them from time to time. After all, they had been warned and informed about the identities of these people.

Being able to hang out with these people and being quite respected makes him look like the center of the crowd.

He is so young and handsome, so dazzling that even if you want to ignore him.

Everyone wants to come over and serve Ye Yang.

However, Ye Yang's left hand, Yu Momo, and his right hand, Qin Wenxian, are both the top absolute beauties in China. They are both perfect in terms of figure, face and temperament.

Just by sitting there, the aura made top princesses like them afraid to approach.

Even if there are one or two courageous people who want to come over occasionally, with just one look, they will be defeated by the aura of Yu Momo or Qin Wenxian's eyes.

After Ye Yang sang a few songs and received sincere flattery from the audience, he went to the toilet.

When I just stepped out of the toilet door and washed my hands.

Qin Wenxian's figure appeared behind her.

"What? Are you here for convenience?"

Ye Yang looked at Qin Wenxian, looking at her with a teasing smile.

"Mr. Ye, thank you for being at the meeting just now..."

Qin Wenxian suddenly felt that she didn't know how to face this young man. The countless drafts she had prepared were immediately useless, so she had no choice but to apologize directly...

"There's no need to say that."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "I don't want to see Kelan sad either."


Qin Wenxian was spinning on her toes, pursed her lips, and had a shy look that rarely appeared on the face of this strong woman.

"So... now, are you ready to pay the price you deserve?"

Qin Wenxian, who was struggling with how to express the words in her heart, suddenly felt her chin lifted by Ye Yang's fingers. When she saw the star-like deep eyes staring at her, her heart suddenly jumped...

(Second update)

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