Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 558: Come to my house often

She only has experience in the workplace, but she has no experience at all in this kind of thing.

After all, as the backbone elite of the Qin Group, he is usually very busy.

Apart from work, I don’t have much time to study.


Qin Wenxian's breathing was a little rapid: "I'm ready, ah no, I'm not ready... no... I'm ready..."

Out of her complicated emotions towards Ye Yang, she wanted to have something happen with Ye Yang. This was the first level of her own preparation.

But she had never had any experience in this area, did not know any postures, and had not experienced any training. She was still a virgin, so she added that I was not ready.

But she was afraid that Ye Yang would misunderstand her meaning and think that she was unwilling to have anything happen with her, so she finally added in a panic that she was ready.

This complicated and conflicting emotion washed through her heart in a short period of time, making her look like a frightened rabbit and a confused girl. She no longer looked like the resolute working mature woman at the business table just now.

"What a shame! A person who is almost 30 years old can actually be made so uneasy and worried about gains and losses by a young man in his early twenties..."

The more she thought about it, the more ashamed she became, and her legs twisted together unconsciously.

Just when she didn't know how to explain, Ye Yang came over and kissed her forcefully...



Her chin was pinched by Ye Yang's two fingers. The complicated feeling in her heart made her want to respond actively, but also wanted to step away a little. In the struggle, she had to stay in place and let Ye Yang manipulate...

After the fragrance softened for a while, Ye Yang let go of Qin Wenxian's chin.


Qin Wenxian recalled the wonderful feeling just now and lowered her head shyly, but wanted to look up at the young man in front of her.

The first kiss was snatched away like this...

His face turned red, but he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, the debt is paid off. Let's go back to singing?"

Ye Yang smiled nonchalantly and prepared to walk back.

" is the end?"

Qin Wenxian blinked and looked at Ye Yang in surprise.

"Huh? What else do you want?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Qin Wenxian with a half-smile.

"I thought...I wanted...that..."

Qin Wenxian scratched her hair, lowered her head and became more and more shy, and her heartbeat became more serious.

"That, which one is it?"

Ye Yang's smile was even more teasing.

"Oh, that's it! You know how to pretend you don't know what you don't!!!"

Qin Wenxian puffed up her face angrily and said.


Ye Yang pretended to be suddenly enlightened and said: "Did you originally want to do that... right here?"

After that, he pretended to move forward and deceived himself.

"Ah no, here, there are too many people here, it's not good."

Qin Wenxian was startled, and her whole body was forced into the corner, trembling like a deer.

"Hmm? Then where do you want to do it?"

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

"Why don't you go to me...well, no, why don't you go to your house..."

Qin Wenxian secretly glanced at Ye Yang's face and quickly lowered her head.


Ye Yang shook his head with a smile, stretched out his hand, and pinched both sides of Qin Wenxian's cheeks hard until the tender flesh on both sides was pinched like a red bun, then he laughed out loud and looked at the stunned person. Qin Wenxian of the land.

Without saying another word, Ye Yang smiled to himself and left.

He was still very principled when it came to the in-depth communication between the two of them. The little forced kiss just now was regarded as taking back the "protection money" he had paid at the banquet just now.

As for real in-depth communication...if he is not sure that the other party really likes him, he will not let this happen.


Qin Wenxian was stunned on the spot. It took a long time before she came back to her senses. When people are panicked, they will become fragile and deviate from reason.

At this moment, her logic and rationality returned a little. After thinking about what had just happened, she smiled and pursed her lips: "He really... has a damn charming charm..."

In the supreme suite.

Had a great afternoon.

After all the bosses were happy, they quickly regained their composure and took their own special planes back to their respective cities in the evening.

At the airport, Qin Wenxian looked at the handsome young man in front of her with a trace of reluctance in her eyes.

"I gotta go……"

Qin Wenxian said.

"Oh, have a nice trip~"

Ye Yang waved his hand casually.

"Hey!!! You straight man!"

Qin Wenxian originally had a lot of things to say, but now Ye Yang's words were stuck in her throat and she couldn't say them out at all.

" don't have anything to say!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Ah, yes! Come and sit at my house anytime."

"Ah You……!"

Qin Wenxian covered her blushing face, and in the strange eyes of the subordinate next to her, she seemed to be running away and boarded the plane.


Ye Yang looked confused, what did I say? I just said that if you have nothing to do, come and sit at my house! Did you misunderstand something? Hey!

I didn’t expect you to be an old pervert!

In the plane, sitting on her seat, Qin Wenxian complained, but her eyes couldn't help but look at the young figure outside through the plane window.

This big scumbag who is bad and straight, and runs away after kissing...

So charming!

The plane started, and she saw Ye Yang waving at her... Although from this angle, he might be saying goodbye to all the big guys who were about to take off, but she felt a little lucky in her heart... Perhaps, this goodbye was just for her?

The plane flew away.

Yu Momo walked up with his hands behind his back, looking at Ye Yang with a smirk: "Hey! Boss, you let this chick go so easily?"


Ye Yang coughed dryly, retracted his gaze, and gave Yu Momo a slap on the head: "What are you thinking about!"


Yu Momo stuck out her tongue, directly took Ye Yang's arm, and rubbed her big breasts: "Boss, who do you think has a better figure, me or her?"

"Ahem... Who are you talking about?"

Women always like to ask such dilemma questions. Ye Yang touched his nose and pretended to be stupid.

"Who else!"

Yu Momo pouted: "Of course it's Miss Qin who had a 'secret meeting' with you the night before the meeting!"

"Tsk, oh!"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head: "By the way, is there any girl in the villa having a birthday recently? How about we plan it?"

"Stinky boss, don't change the subject!"

Yu Momo rubbed Ye Yang hard and pouted.

"Ah this!"


Yu Momo saw someone who could compete with her in figure for the first time, so she naturally had some comparisons, and at this moment she had to decide the winner.

While Ye Yang was struggling, the phone rang.

When he opened it, it turned out to be a call from Ye Shenhei Technology Company...

(First update)

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