Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 536: The craze caused by new-era VR games


He sat limply on the chair in frustration. He didn't know whether the choice he just made was right or wrong.

But when he thought about the possibility of making 300 billion, he felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.

This kind of excitement has not appeared for a long time...

Finally, this space-based bet ended with a sky-high price of 300 billion.

Fans on both sides are still discussing this matter.

The headlines on the front pages of major newspapers, and many self-media in the financial and gaming circles have spontaneously published articles, making this matter very popular.

Three days later.

The VR version of Chicken Dinner is finally online on STEAM and has started pre-sale.

The pre-sale period is usually one week.

Generally, the game has not been fully developed, and the pre-sale version is an incomplete version of the game.

For early access.

At first, only sporadic VR game enthusiasts tried to buy it.

After all, one thousand yuan is still very expensive for ordinary players.

Therefore, on the first day of pre-sale, the data was bleak.

There are only more than 50,000, and most of them were bought with the support of fans.

Perhaps for ordinary games, this value is already rare in the world.

However, compared to the one million goal that Ye Yang wants to achieve, it seems to be insufficient.

"His fan appeal is really high."

After seeing the pre-sale results on the first day with dismay, I raised my eyebrows and felt relieved.

That's it! ?

One million more?

So funny.

The debut was only 50,000, which is simply impossible!

The media also followed up the report, and many "bricksters" jumped out and began to badmouth Ye Yang, feeling that Ye Yang must have lost this bet.

Ye Yang, who was at the center of the incident, was not panicking at all. He was drinking a refreshing ice drink with the maid in the sauna room.

Feel wonderful skin and happiness that ordinary people can’t imagine.

The situation was completely reversed on the second day! ! !

Players who bought VR for gaming experience yesterday are almost all in the STEAM comment area today.

With over 50,000 sales and reviews, it has reached an astonishing over 48,000!

Almost 100% post-purchase evaluation!

Zero refund rate!

100% epic praise!

Many people may not know what these data mean on Steam.

There has never been a game that has achieved 100% epic reviews! Fifty thousand sales with zero refund!

This is simply an unprecedented miracle!

"Tweet it like crazy! I thought Ye Shenhao might lose this bet before! But now I have completely changed my mind! This is definitely a game that changes the history of the game! You can buy it for a thousand yuan, which is a huge profit. exploded!"

“This is my dream VR game! I didn’t expect to experience it in reality. I thought I had traveled to the future!”

"Yes, yes! What a blessing for VR players! I never dared to imagine that I could play a VR game of this level in my lifetime! It's exactly the same as reality! Holy shit..."

"If nothing else, Ye Shenhao is NB!!!"


I waited patiently for the old game manufacturers to look at these comments, and they were all dumbfounded: "Damn, this is just a good review!"

"You can't play like this!"

Although they also spread rumors to discredit these favorable ratings, they all knew in their hearts that in this bet involving hundreds of billions, both sides hired absolutely awesome impartial and confirming institutions.

What makes these institutions so enduring.

Its intelligence function is powerful.

It can even check in detail whether each player has received money and whether he is a troll.

They have already tried to use trolls to write off bad reviews.

However, there is no way to escape the eyes of these supervisory agencies.

They have tried all the destructive tricks secretly and know that they won't work, so they also know that this 100% positive rating... it is certain that it is the spontaneous evaluation of players! ! !


They are gamers themselves, so they know very well what this means!

The word-of-mouth effect is very scary in the gaming circle.

Once the concept of a game NB is hyped, it will inevitably cause a buying frenzy!

Become a phenomenal item.

What has never happened in history is that it has a 100% favorable rating with more than 40,000 reviews, which will definitely set off huge waves in the game review community! ! !

Sure enough, the next day, sales doubled, and many players attracted by the strong Amway and word-of-mouth began to buy.

On the second day of pre-sale, sales directly reached 130,000.

It directly became the top five games in the history of STEAM in terms of pre-sales volume!

You know, this is only the second day!

"Don't panic, after all, it's still too far away from one million. With a price of thousands of yuan, it's impossible to sell too many... After all, in China, there are still people who are willing to spend money for creative entertainment such as games. not much."

Painfully, he still persists in his beliefs.

Many established manufacturers are also continuing to wait and see.

"Fortunately, he committed suicide because he wanted to see if he could get over one million pre-sales."

He let out a sigh of relief. If he sold more games than either of the two, he would have lost.

The new game from Yunchang is available for pre-order at the same time as VR Chicken Fighting.

At the beginning, there were people talking about comparing.

On the first day when the data came out, due to the popularity, the pre-sales of Yunchang’s Xiaoyao Jiutianxian also reached 10,000.

However, the positive rating dropped to 80% the next day.

Obviously the krypton gold system inside makes everyone very unhappy.

The next day, the pre-sale growth was still 10,000.

20,000 pre-sales in two days, according to normal game comparison, this data is already very impressive.

However, compared with VR PUBG, which was pre-sold for 190,000 in two days, it is too far away... It is not at the same level at all.

Soon, Yunchang's Xiaoyao Jiutianxian was directly forgotten by the public.

It will never be compared with this VR PUBG again.

The third day of pre-sale.

The top game reviewers of Bilibili and many websites also rushed to make review videos.

All of them said that this will be a major change in the game industry, and a new era will be opened because of this VR PUBG! ! !

All the up-hosts were full of praise and praise, and they were not stingy with their shock and expectations for this game.

These up-hosts are the traffic owners closest to console game players, and those who follow them are players who buy similar games.

When they heard the unprecedented crazy push from the up-hosts they followed, they all flocked to the VR PUBG purchase area.

And VR PUBG, on the third day, began to show its brilliance! ! !

When the third day's pre-sale report came out, everyone was stunned.

The terrifying number shocked anyone who knew the gaming industry.

"How is this possible!!!"

Fu Ruodi stood up in shock.

The controllers of those old game manufacturers were obviously shocked when they saw the number.

"One day, just one day!!!"

"On the third day alone, the pre-sale volume reached 490,000,9875 copies!!!!"

(First update)

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