Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 537: The twists and turns of the pre-sale period


He collapsed on the chair in despair.

According to this growth rate, it will exceed one million tomorrow!

It seems that no one can stop the trend of VR chicken eating.

These old game manufacturers all feel a kind of despair, it is really too powerless...

This is not uncommon anymore, this is a living legend!

The pre-sales in a single day are almost half a million!

They never dreamed of it before!


He paced back and forth, regret threatening to consume him.

He cannot accept his failure.

Just because of a bet, he gave away the business empire he had finally built.

His eyes were getting darker and darker, and the corners of his mouth were trembling crazily.

The strength Ye Yang showed now frightened him, but the gambling agreement also made him feel desperate.

"Creak, creak, creak..."

He paced back and forth, and finally stood still. As a business tycoon who could develop into hundreds of billions, he was not always a kind person. Now that he was in this situation, he was also taking risks.

"What can we do now?"

Bai Buyu and him looked at each other, obviously they both thought of going together.

There is a sinister smile on the corners of the mouth...

Soon, countless black posts about the game appeared on the Internet. However, as soon as such black posts appeared, they would be sniped by players who had played the game, saying that they dared to slander the existence of the game that opened a new era in order to make some dirty money.

The basic post is crazily scolding VR for eating chicken, while the comments are crazily scolding the poster.

These posts have basically no effect.

That night, there was a second wave of offensive.

Many players chose to refund, triggering a wave of refunds.

Ye Yang didn't pay attention to the previous waves of innocuous tricks, but this wave of refunds made him frown.

I did a little research on my connections.

It was found out that Yunchang actually used his power to coerce and induce those players to choose refunds, and then changed the reviews to negative reviews. Some even made personal threats that were completely shameless and had no bottom line! ! !

The targets they chose were also very accurate, they were all timid players who didn't dare to cause trouble.

If Ye Yang hadn't investigated, this matter would never have been exposed.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Yu Momo was obviously very angry, and his chest was heaving.

"It's not wise to use this method in front of me..."

Ye Yang calmly threw the report in his hand on the table beside him, with a sneer on his lips.

He originally thought that the other party would make a desperate counterattack when the equity was handed over.

Unexpectedly, just when he realized that he might lose, the other party made such a decisive judgment.

"But this saves a lot of trouble."

He sneered.

If there is a problem with the handover of shares, it will be a commercial dispute, which is quite troublesome. Even for Jincheng Law Firm, if the other party makes up its mind and delays, then it will take one, two or even two to three months to win the case if it wants to really take over the cloud factory. .

But now the other party has done something that breaks the bottom line...

That is equivalent to giving the handle to oneself!

The other party had no choice but to fight to the death. They thought they were very smart and did a good job. However, they never imagined that Ye Yang's network of connections would be so strong. With just a little research, these little clever things were revealed. surfaced.

After all, as long as it goes through the Internet, he can basically find information, and in reality, his physical company and intelligence system are also extremely powerful.

"Submit this evidence directly to the judicial system. I want him to receive the severest punishment."

Ye Yang said calmly: "Use all the connections, I want to see the results tonight."

He still trusted Jincheng Law Firm's ability to handle matters.


Yu Momo also felt Ye Yang's determination.

With Ye Yang's current energy, this kind of thing will naturally happen.

These evidences are very direct and brutal, especially in the new era when judicial organs are focusing on cracking down on gangs and evil.

This unfortunately touched the red line of the judiciary.

In addition, he is also the capital boss of a very large company, and things become even worse.

After the matter was fully exposed by Ye Yang on the Internet.

Netizens collectively denounced Biti, and the response of the judiciary, driven by Jincheng Law Firm, became extremely fast.

Late that night, Fu Di was in his mansion, posting posts revealing his affair. While he was trembling, the police broke in and took him directly to the station as a suspect to await trial.

The ending of Fu Paidi was quickly uploaded to the Internet.

Those who originally had doubts about Chicken VR due to the wave of refunds have completely dispelled their doubts. Coupled with the exposure of the insidious evil of Pai Di, everyone's enthusiasm for buying it has only increased!

On the fifth day, the single-day pre-sale reached a terrifying over 600,000 yuan! ! !

It's not that there are only more than 900,000... but that the first batch of 1.5 million VRs has been sold out and is out of stock...

“Even when we faced a wave of refunds on the fourth day, our pre-sales exceeded one million. The conditions for this bet have been met long ago, but now the problem we face is that we simply don’t have enough goods to sell... "

Watson reported the progress of the work: "The factory is working at full capacity, and we will strive to produce the second batch of VR before the end of the pre-sale."

"It's not striving, it's a must."

Ye Yang said in a deep voice.

Even if the second batch of VR cannot be produced in time for the pre-sale period, he has already created a record in the history of games that cannot be broken.

But, that's not what he wants.

Creating historical records is too common for him.

What he wants... is to open up the future!!!


After Watson received the order, he also made arrangements.

Day 6.

The fame and reputation of VR eating chicken has completely broken the circle.

I don't know how many people are squatting in the game sales area, waiting for the second batch of VR to be produced and start buying!

"Please hurry up! I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Why haven't you updated the data yet! I'm so anxious!"

"I experienced VR at my friend's house, and I can't wait to have one myself. This is definitely a dimensionality reduction attack on existing games!"

"It feels so surreal and sci-fi!"


At noon on the seventh day.

With the hard work of the AI ​​factory day and night, the second batch of VR is finally born! ! !

Because the merger of some of the Shentu company's production lines has been completed, this batch has produced more VR glasses than the first batch!

Finally, the game fans who have been waiting for a day or two and waiting in the sales area refreshed the page again.

They found that they can buy it again!

Everyone is looking forward to what incredible historical records the VR version of Chicken Dinner can create after the pre-sale ends today! ! !

(Second update)

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