Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 538: Three-legged tripod? All three legs are mine

"Is it finally available again?"

"I wonder how much stock is available this time!"

"I hope I can get it!"

There were so many accounts waiting in the purchase area to buy it that the server had problems. Many people crashed and could not enter the page.

In the background, the new batch of VR glasses that were originally fully stocked were rapidly reduced under this crazy rush to buy.

In just two or three hours, they were sold out.

If it weren't for the poor network speed and server in the Steam region, they might have been sold out in just ten minutes...


Watson scratched his head awkwardly. He thought that the new batch of VR that was rushed out could at least meet the demand on the last night of the pre-sale period, but he didn't expect that they were sold out in three hours.

This day was later praised by the gaming industry as the day when a new era officially began.

This craze is really too terrible!

Everyone is looking forward to the final data of VR pre-sale released by the Steam official...

They all know clearly that this game must have made history.

I just don’t know how ridiculous this historical record will be…

Eight o’clock.

Shentu Company, Yunchang and STEAM officials jointly released a pre-sale data.

All kinds of praise, exclamation, and rigorous descriptions are no longer important. Everyone is looking for the number that represents the final pre-sale.

It’s not hard to find. After all, that number is too long and too eye-catching!

537,9527! ! !

More than five million!

More than five million! ! !

Just the fraction crushed the previous highest pre-sale record of 200,000 by nearly twice! ! !

Everyone couldn’t help but take a breath and marveled at the horror!

This is simply too terrible!

More than five million copies of VR eating chicken, more than 1,000 yuan each.

Calculated, it is more than 5 billion in net sales! ! !

That’s more than 5 billion in cash!

In less than seven days, more than 5 billion in cash was collected!

Who else in the entire gaming industry can achieve such a terrifying sales volume of real money! ?

"It is dozens of times higher than the previous highest record, which is simply unbelievable..."

"It is wrong to compare this game with previous games. This game is a qualitative leap in terms of game experience and game form. It deserves such an achievement!"

"Ye Shenhao is awesome!"

"Yeah... Now it seems that Ye Shenhao was too modest at the beginning... If I had such a super trump card in my hand, I would be more arrogant than him. At the beginning, I would at least bet on whether I could pre-sell 3 million!"

"I would like to call him 'the humble Ye Bi Wang'."

"This 300 billion bet that shocked the entire network ended with Ye Shenhao's victory!"

"I don't think so. This bet is really involved. It's too big. I don't think Yunchang will give up so easily. How could they just give the company away? "

"Yes, but this kind of game between rich people is really exciting!"

"Hehe, the president of Yunchang was arrested and imprisoned a few days ago. Now there is no leader. I don't think it is possible to resist Ye Shenhao's strong acquisition. Moreover, this bet is so popular that the whole network is bursting with heat. I'm afraid it won't work if you want to deny it."


"The war between big men is really terrifying!"


When many netizens were amazed at the horror of this number, the focus of the hot spots soon turned to the result of the bet.

"I remember a guy said the other day that if the amount exceeds 1 billion, he will get one more Mi for every additional 100 million?"

"Now the two sides have bet a total of 600 billion, and he owes a total of 5,990 Mi. Let's raise money and mail it to him."

"Haha, I'm afraid I can't finish eating until I die. I don't have to cheat for food and drink in various comment areas in the future. This will solve the problem of lifelong diet directly."

"You are really a devil, but I like it, hahaha!"


The core layer with the most say in Yunchang: President Fu Ruodi and his cronies were all charged and imprisoned.

As for those below the second layer, it doesn't matter to them who is the boss.

Therefore, the takeover of the entire Yunchang was unexpectedly smooth.

In just one week, all the matters were resolved.

Fu Ruodi and others were sentenced to the most severe punishment under the outstanding ability of Jincheng Law Firm.

"After restructuring and integrating the resources of Yunchang, Shentu Company will become the largest game publisher in China."

Watson said repeatedly.


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Yunchang is still Yunchang. As a branch of Ye Shenhei Technology Company, Shentu Company should try to keep it confidential, so it only absorbed the resources that Yunchang and Goose Factory could absorb.

As for the manpower and projects under the names of these two factories, he did not merge them into Shentu Company.

The valuations of Goose Factory and Yunchang fell in this reorganization and integration.

And Shentu Game Company, which absorbed the resources of the two factories and took advantage of this wave of popularity to gain a great reputation and was revered as the light of the new century game.

It is natural that the valuation has risen sharply.

From its exposure to the public, in just half a month, its valuation has exceeded 300 billion, while Yunchang has fallen from the original 500 billion to 350 billion, and Tencent has fallen from the previous 850 billion to 750 billion.

With the subsequent development of Shentu Company, it can be foreseen that it is very likely to replace Tencent and become the largest game manufacturer in China in a relatively short period of time.

But what's interesting is that no matter how the rankings of these three major manufacturers change, now, these three are already assets in Ye Yang's hands.

"Now that VR's reputation has been fully opened, other games can be transformed."

Ye Yang told Watson.

If VR only carries a chicken game, no matter how fun it is, there will be a time when you get tired of it.

Other LOL and other terminal games can also be transformed and developed, and the cost and time are very short.

With the work efficiency of Shentu Games, a new game can be developed in an average of two or three days, and these games are also sold on the platform.

If you already have VR, just buy the game itself.

After merging the resources of the two super factories, the speed of VR production is no longer comparable to the previous one. Now, at least tens of millions of VRs are produced in each batch.

It provides Shentu Company with a steady stream of massive real money.

The valuation has just exceeded 300 billion and has soared all the way.

At the end of the month, Shentu Company's valuation has completely surpassed the second-largest cloud factory, reaching 500 billion!

The 50 billion sales target that the cloud factory needed a year to complete before.

Shentu Company can achieve it in less than three months.

This is an achievement that will shock anyone's eyes! ! !

During this period, the number of optional games in the VR mall is also increasing, which makes all enthusiasts who like to play games very excited!

The explosion of VR has squeezed the living space of old game manufacturers.

After all, there are only so many users, and they all play VR games, and there are very few people playing terminal games and mobile games at the same time.

The sales and valuations of these manufacturers have also fallen continuously in this month. Finally, they can no longer sit still...

(First update)

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