Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 539 Returning to Hometown

"This is the ninth time they want to discuss with you, haha. It seems they are really anxious."

Yu Mo pursed his lips and smiled.

Ye Yang shrugged. These guys were all giving rewards to the live broadcast room. They thought that by opening a small account, they wouldn't be able to find out, so they didn't offend themselves.

The losses you suffer now are your own fault.

At least until the next generation of gaming equipment is developed, he is prepared to let these guys hang out. As for how much these guys lose, is it none of his business?

It would be better if you die.

He stretched.

"Still missing?"

Yu Momo asked tentatively.

"No, tell the intelligence network to keep an eye on it. If any company can't help but go out of its way and do something excessive, I'll deal with it directly and then buy it."

Ye Yang said calmly.


Yu Mo nodded sensibly.

"In addition, there are many foreigners in the comment area who want the foreign language version of VR. They all want to buy it."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. STEAM is an international platform with players from all over the world. The previous promotions mainly targeted Chinese players.

Unexpectedly, his fame would spread abroad so quickly.

But it’s not surprising when you think about it. The praise rate and number of comments for VR Chicken Fight are really a spectacle in the history of games, and it has caused a sensation on the entire platform.

It is not surprising that those foreigners know something about it.

He read the comments.

Although the coding model of the VR chicken game is similar to the original coding model of the earth, it is not the same system at all. Therefore, even the masters on the Internet cannot make a language cracking package.

Therefore, even if these foreigners bought the game, they could only feel the shock of the gameplay, but the interface text and related text inside were all in Chinese, which they could not understand, so they were very distressed and left messages in the comment area.


"we need English"

"Japanese language is necessary"

“Нам нужен русский”

"러시아어 가 필요 합 니 다."


There are already hundreds of thousands of messages like this.

It can be said that it is the Chinese domestic game on the steam platform that has attracted the most international attention and desire.

Before this, the quality of domestic games was obviously weaker than that of foreign games. Therefore, under the comment sections of major foreign games, all comments were "We need Chinese."

Now, there is finally a game that allows countless foreigners to write these longing words in the comment area in their own languages.

Ye Yang was also a little emotional, and a sense of pride arose in his heart.

Overall, he is still a very sentimental person.

Otherwise, we would not have put so much effort into promoting Chinese martial arts.

Producing versions in other languages ​​is naturally too simple for Shentu Company's technology.

But Ye Yang is going to delay it a little. Maybe there are foreign players who are extremely passionate about VR and won’t hesitate to learn Chinese for this game?

This opportunity for cultural export cannot be missed.


Ye Yang stretched his waist, and the VR promotion matter had almost come to an end.

After a period of time, when the time is right, you can put the "Divine Land" redeemed with face value into the VR mall, and that's it.

"It's time to relax."

Ye Yang patted Yu Momo's buttocks and took her back to the recreation area of ​​the manor.

Now the renovation project of Yundingshan Manor has been basically completed.

All kinds of facilities are available, and you can enjoy endless happiness when you live there.

You can ride a filly to any area, and you can ride a filly in any area.

This feeling of casual happiness is extremely comfortable.

However, if you want Ye Yang to have fun, one mare is obviously not enough.

Along the way, four or five little mares were exhausted, and Ye Yang had a satisfying rest. After taking a mixed bath with the maids for a while, he had a comfortable sleep.

"It's great to be a rich man."

Ye Yang got out of bed and did a set of boxing techniques to stretch his muscles.

I glanced at Douyin casually.

Because of the popularity of 300 billion gambling and VR during this period, more fans have flowed into his Douyin.

In the past, those otakus who only played games rarely paid attention to Internet celebrities.

But now, as Ye Yang's fame explodes in the gaming circle, these people have flowed into Ye Yang's traffic pool.

Before the 300 billion bet.

Ye Yang's fans just exceeded 60 million, but now, they have reached 70 million!

You know, after reaching tens of millions of fans, it is very difficult to increase the number of fans.

Seventy million is a line.

Ye Yang should be the first in China to have more than 70 million followers!

Others with more fans than him are either official accounts or fake traffic.

This number can be achieved with real fans.

In Douyin, he is still the first!

However, this number of fans, which ordinary people and even big Internet celebrities covet, is nothing shocking to Ye Yang.

"Speaking of which, it's almost the end of the year. It's time to go home and take a look."

This period of time passed very quickly due to VR pre-sales, taking over the cloud factory and other matters.

In a blink of an eye, it’s almost the end of the year.

Celebrating the New Year is an extremely important event for any Chinese person.

This time, he was also planning to spend a different Spring Festival with his parents.

Moreover, his movie will be released during this Spring Festival, so he is still looking forward to it.

"This year's Spring Festival travel is still so busy."

Ye Yang glanced at the news. Spring Festival travel is a big problem for China every year.

Hundreds of millions of people are rushing to their hometowns, all wanting to see their families and reunite with them.

There are not enough train tickets at all.

However, this is not a problem for Ye Yang at all.

Because he has several private planes.

Just fly back.

Just like the last time he went home for the National Day, Ye Yang also took Lin Xueer, Xiao Qingxuan, Xiao Xiaozhu, Yu Momo and others to board the F1000 back to Chuncheng, Jilin Province.

Ye Yang stepped on the land of his hometown again. Before he could sigh, he saw many people rushing up in the distance. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but be stunned.

(Second update)

(Easter egg: Shentu Game is the game world of my old book "Online Game: I Have Countless Evolution Points". Welcome everyone to read it. It is a novella with more than 300,000 words, including an introduction to the origin of the system, giving you a different grand world.)

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