Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 540: If you don't return home when you are rich and powerful, it's like walking in


Only when those dark figures came closer did Ye Yang see clearly what these guys were doing.

Especially the somewhat exaggerated large banner in the front, its purpose is immediately apparent.

"Warmly welcome Mr. Ye home."

"Thank you for your hard work, Dong Ye!"


Ye Yang has black lines all over his head. What is going on?

He took a casual look and saw an acquaintance.

It was Yang Haoming.

Because he had licked Ye Yang very comfortably before, and he had made a great contribution to the Yang family, so his status in the Yang family had also increased.

Now among the younger generation of the Yang family, he is ranked first in importance.

Originally, the business community in Spring City was divided between Yang and Li. After the Li family was divided after offending Ye Yang, it existed in name only. After the reorganization, the Yang family became the largest in Chuncheng's power.

However, the final say in the entire Spring City now is not the Yang family, which is the most powerful, but the Ye family, which had no reputation before.

These major changes in the structure are all due to the appearance of one person, and that is Ye Yang!

The people present to greet him are all representatives of major families and groups in Spring City. Everyone knows how high the status and weight of this young man who stepped off the plane is in China today.

Looking at all walks of life in Ji Province, it would be difficult to find someone stronger than him compared to his status.

Maybe even... none.

Therefore, the representatives of these families and groups all come to greet them from the bottom of their hearts. Even if they just get a good impression from such a big boss, they may benefit a lot in the future!

"Sigh... The Yang family is really lucky!"

"He hugged Mr. Ye's thigh at that time. Otherwise, after the disintegration of the Li family, we will get more benefits. Maybe we can use this to become the next super family."

"It's not too late..."

Ye Yang's reputation in the entire Spring City business community is extremely high.

After that, many people paid attention to Ye Yang's movements. They also collected all the 300 billion gambling and other matters in the past few days.

In addition, Mark King and other big shots supported him at the time.

These families all clearly realize that this person who came out of Spring City is already at the pinnacle of China, and is many levels higher than these places.

As long as you seize an opportunity and hug his thigh, no matter which leg it is, you will be able to prosper directly and save the entire family years of struggle.

The Yang family is a living example.

Therefore, when we received the news that Mr. Ye was returning to his hometown, everyone was extremely excited and came to the airport very proactively and lined up to greet him.

The momentum is great and the scene is magnificent.

It can be said to be the best in Spring City in decades.

Even when the richest man in China came to Spring City, he did not create such a huge wave in the business world of Spring City! ! !

The hands of the reporters present were trembling. As reporters, the opportunity to record such a big scene is not easy to come by.

"Mr. Ye! I am the person in charge of this airport pick-up event."

Yang Haoming came over one after another, his smile full of awe.

After all, the person of the same age in front of him is already the pinnacle figure in China, and he is just an ordinary new generation of local powerful people.

The difference in status is really huge!

"Well, I remember you."

Ye Yang nodded lightly. It was his first time back. The Yang family had always sent Yang Haoming as his follower. He was thoughtful and had good dog-licking skills, so he was quite impressed with Yang Haoming.


When Yang Haoming heard this, he straightened up a bit and felt extremely honored.

"But how do you know when I will come back?"

Ye Yang frowned and glanced at Yang Haoming.

Yang Haoming was immediately frightened. He was afraid that Ye Yang would misunderstand, so he kept saying, "Your parents told us."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Unlike last time, this time he did tell his family in advance the date of his return.

He did instruct the Yang family to take good care of his family.

It’s not surprising to get this news.

After dispelling this doubt, he felt a lot more relieved.

Even if you wear a lot of clothes but don't wear them, it's still very emotional to just watch such a grand welcome ceremony for returning home.

Wealth and honor do not return home, just like walking in brocade at night.

I was in a hurry when I came back last time, and my reputation hadn't developed yet.

This time, I finally felt like I was returning home in glory.

I couldn't help but feel a little excited.

To be honest, he didn't know how many times he had seen bigger scenes outside than now.

But it is precisely this scene that happens in my hometown that is most touching.

"really not bad."

Xiao Qingxuan muttered.

She and Xiao Xiaozhu have not had a home since they were young, and now they regard the place where their boss is as their home.

Yu Momo also smiled lightly.

In Lin Xueer's eyes, there was not so much excitement, only Ye Yang was alone.

After the last Douyin Carnival, she became Douyin's top sister, and she became busy with many things, but she knew very well that everything she had now was because of Ye Yang's existence.

As for Ye Xiaozi, as a senior in high school, of course she is still making up classes and will be back by G950 in a few days.

"Get in the car, Mr. Ye."

Yang Haoming repeatedly made gestures of invitation.


Ye Yang took a few girls and got into this extended luxury Lincoln.

Lincoln led the way.

Cars from major families, major trading companies, and groups followed behind.

The scene was huge.

No matter what they thought, the big shot who came back this time was from Chuncheng and was their fellow villager. This sense of pride was one of the reasons why they came to greet him voluntarily.

"Wow! What a big shot! All the cars driving here are super luxury cars!"

"Damn, I'm so jealous! Any one of them is worth millions!"

"That luxury private customized extended Lincoln, you can't buy it without 20 million."


Passersby and the media who followed along were all amazed.

Although they didn't know the inside story, they all knew that a big shot they couldn't imagine on weekdays had come to Chuncheng!

The super car team was pulled into a long line, and there were many public officials responsible for maintaining public order along the way.

Auxiliary police, urban management and security personnel kept the surging crowd watching the excitement on both sides of the road to prevent trampling and riots.

Along the way, there were fireworks rising, and it was so lively that it seemed as if the whole Chuncheng had entered the New Year in advance.

Ye Yang felt as if the whole city was welcoming his return.

Soon, the convoy arrived at the most luxurious house in Chuncheng today - Xinghuang Mansion.

This was the mansion he had purchased at an auction at a sky-high price of more than 2 billion yuan.

In Ji Province, where housing prices and land are not very expensive, it is shocking to be able to sell it at this price!

And Xinghuang Mansion has gradually become the most prestigious place recognized by the upper class circles in Chuncheng today!

(First update)

(Directions: If you have forgotten the plot of going home last time, you can jump to chapters 247-312 to review it~)

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