Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 541 No equipment? Why not just build a hospital?

And it’s something that’s recognized by the entire upper class circle.

The old couple living in Cha Cha Xinghuang Mansion have no idea.

They couldn't figure out these twists and turns. After all, the water here was too deep for ordinary people to grasp. They don't lack W either, they just want to live comfortably.

Ye Yang also asked the Yang family to take good care of his parents and not let those messy things come to them.

No one in the Spring City business community dared to disobey his orders. Therefore, Ye Xuanting and his wife, who were supposed to be the center of the whirlpool, had been living an unusually leisurely life during this period.

They all knew that their son was promising and had made a big career on his own.

At least they don't have to worry about saving money to buy a house for Ye Yang.

As for Baoli High School, where their daughter attends, the scholarship for one year alone is more than they have saved in their entire life.

A life without pressure can be said to be the happiest time they have ever lived.

Su Shirley learned how to fish and raised many expensive flowers and plants in the yard. Of course, she didn't know that these flowers and plants were expensive - anyway, they were all bought with money from the Yang family.

As for Ye Xuanting, he started to play with the calligraphy and painting antiques that various families had sent to Xinghuang Mansion, and drank tea with nothing else.

Life is also a joy.

Because it was already winter and the roadside was covered with white snow, the scene in Xinghuang Mansion was completely different from the last October.

Winter in Spring City is not generally cold, but the design of the Star Emperor's Mansion is very clever. Even if you walk in it, even if there is a slight chill, it doesn't feel too cold.

Because the water source is running water, plus the design reasons.

The pools and streams in the Star Emperor's Mansion are not completely frozen.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

Ye Yang smiled and looked at the old couple walking in the courtyard.

Su Shirley and Ye Xuanting were very happy to see Ye Yang coming back.

Although the environment of Xinghuang Mansion is good, it is too big. The old couple live in a lonely place and miss their children from time to time.

"Didn't Xiao Zi come back with you?"

"She's making up lessons."

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand.

"I'm studying...but studying is more important."

Su Shirley both said in succession.

After placing several girls and items.

The chefs also prepared the food and had a sumptuous dinner.

Ye Yang chatted with his parents about the past few months.

"The Yang family is quite considerate in their work."

Ye Yang was quite satisfied.

"By the way, Xiaoyang, we will be the ancestors of the Ye family in two days. Would you like to come with us?"

Ye Xuanting said with a smile.


Ye Yang nodded.

Ancestor sacrifice is a triennial event for the entire Ye family.

In the past, when Grandpa celebrated his birthday, all the people who came were members of the Ye family who lived in Spring City.

But the ancestor worship ceremony is different. Even those who were born in various parts of China, or even those who went abroad... But anyone who has the blood of the Spring City Ye family and still recognizes their ancestors needs to come back to participate.

At least one person from each family.

Ye Yang also participated in it several times when he was a child. Although they were all from the same clan, there were many relatives who could not see each other for three to five years.

I can't even pronounce their names, so naturally I can't talk about any friendship.

It's just an activity based on traditional customs.

The event took place in his hometown in the countryside, and the organizers were several great-grandfathers whom Ye Yang couldn't even name.

In Spring City, Ye Yang didn't save any fancy luxury cars.

After spending a long time in the garage, he chose a customized luxury Bentley that was long enough for everyone to sit in. It was very similar to the first-class land car he had in Shanghai, but it was relatively cheaper, with a landing price of only over 40 million.

The car quickly drove into Yejia Village.

The third uncle's family in the village has a relatively good relationship with my own family. In the past, when ancestors returned to the village, they would stay at the third uncle's house.

There are no parking garages in the village.

He parked directly in an open space next to the third uncle's house, and Ye Yang took his parents into the house.

"Oh! Xuanting, you're back! I've packed up the house for you. Let's have a good drink tonight!"

The third uncle laughed, and his enthusiastic voice came from the room.

But as soon as he left the house, he was stunned: "What's going on! Why are there so many people!"

He basically lives in the village. He has never seen a top beauty like Yu Momo, and he can't react for a while.

"Third uncle, I am Xiaoyang."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

"I am Ye Yang's secretary."

"We are Ye Yang's bodyguards."

Yu Mo introduced the others one after another.


It took the third uncle a while to finally accept this.

Older people like him basically don't use the Internet. Most of their thoughts are on one-third of an acre. They don't know about Ye Yang's fortune. At this time, it's like listening to a story. After listening, he laughed and patted Ye Yang. Yang's shoulders

Although I didn’t quite understand it, I probably knew that Ye Yang was doing very well now: “You’re fighting for your third uncle’s face! You’re promising! My little Qian’er’s love for you is not in vain! I’ll have a few drinks with your third uncle later!”


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to say yes again and again.

The third uncle was very happy. After all, if he were not an ancestor, no one would come to the house, so he just stewed two little hens.

"Without the ancestor worship, the village has been deserted, alas."

The third uncle Ye Jianjun took a sip of liquor and sighed.

"Don't I have a cousin?"

Ye Yang asked in confusion.

"She... she went to Beijing after graduating from college a few years ago, and there has been no news since then. Except for sending some money home every month, I haven't seen her for a long time."

Ye Jianjun's face was a little lonely when he talked about this, and then he took a sip of wine and waved his hand: "Forget it, let's not talk about this."

"Didn't the ancestral worship always take place by the great grandfather before? Why did it take over the second grandfather this time?"

Ye Xuanting also changed the topic at the right time.

"Oh, the great grandfather was seriously ill last month."

Ye Jianjun shook his head.

"Why didn't you send him to the hospital?"

Ye Xuanting said anxiously.

Several old men still have a very high status in the clan.

"The old body can't stand the tossing. He is already over 90 years old. If he really needs to be loaded onto a truck and sent to the hospital, I'm afraid the bumps on the road will make him unbearable..."

Ye Jianjun sighed.

"I found a doctor, but he said it can't be cured without equipment. I'm just taking medicine now. This time, the ancestral ceremony also wants everyone to get together and think of a way to see if any of the clan members can save it."


"So that's it..."

Ye Xuanting also frowned and looked at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang smiled and said, "Since it's said that it can't be cured without equipment, it proves that it's a disease that can be cured with equipment. It's not a big problem. When the time comes, I'll spend some money to buy the equipment and call a few top doctors to perform the operation, and the problem will be solved."

"It's not good to say that! According to the doctor, the whole set of equipment will cost nearly 10 million to buy. According to your solution, it's no different from building a hospital in the village! The whole thing can't be done without 10 or 20 million!"

Li Jianjun didn't dare to think of this solution at all. After all, this kind of super-rich thinking is simply a fantasy and unrealistic to ordinary people...

(Second update)

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