Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 544: Disciple of the traditional Chinese medicine doctor Zhang Taixu?

"What's the point of earning some face with these poor relatives?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, feeling that the old people at home were quite funny.

The few old people of the Ye family in Jinling sent him to the ancestral worship to show the current strength of the Jinling Ye family branch, so that these relatives can see how well they live and how awesome they are.

Ye Xuan can understand this mentality.

But he was very unhappy to be sent to such a small village to suffer.

So, he also wanted to complete the task at home quickly and leave this dilapidated village.

After getting off the car, Ye Xuan glanced at the surrounding cars very arrogantly.

Only when he saw the Q7, his eyebrows slightly raised, and then he withdrew his gaze with disdain, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "A bunch of old hats."

Since there are no other dark horse players, his task should be completed easily.

"Hehe, next, it's time for me to perform!"

A satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

If other branches have developed very well, then he would have to use his brains to show off, but now it seems that there are only a bunch of small shrimps present.

The most powerful one can only drive an Audi Q7, which is still a decent car compared to ordinary people, but compared with the Jinling Ye family, whose assets are now several hundred million, it is too far behind.

Many relatives of the Ye family came over.

After all, this is a super rich man driving a Ferrari!

This is no longer something that ordinary people can get in touch with.

Becoming the focus of attention and being amazed by the audience, Ye Xuan, who originally thought that the village was too shabby and felt a little unhappy, was instantly very happy.

As an ordinary member of the Jinling Ye family, this kind of treatment of being the focus of the audience is not easy to feel.

"I am Ye Xuan from the Jinling Ye family."

Ye Xuan straightened his chest, and his eyes were also full of pride.

"Several elders in our family have always been thinking about our old village, so let me come back to see them now."

"Oh, what a handsome man!"

"The Jinling Ye family has become prosperous in recent years!"

"Yes, yes, this is a Ferrari!"


The relatives were also stunned.

"I just don't know where the old masters of the Ye family are now?"

Ye Xuan waved his hand and said calmly.

"According to the custom of ancestral worship, it is natural that after all the families gather together, they will go to the clan elders' hall together to invite several clan elders out!"

Several relatives of the Ye family said.


Ye Xuan raised a little arc at the corner of his mouth: "That is the rule of previous years. I think we should not do it this year!"


"Don't do it this way?"


The members of the Ye family whispered to each other. This is how they do it every time they worship their ancestors! ?

The Jinling Ye family didn't come back for several times, and they just sent someone back and wanted to change the rules! ?

Although he was not happy, who asked him to drive a Ferrari back?

He was a person after all. Such a rich man had the special ability to make people more patient and tolerant of him.

"Rules change with the times. The organizer of our ancestral worship should be the most capable one."

Ye Xuan became more and more confident as he spoke: "I think the future ancestral worship will be hosted by my Jinling Ye family."


Now, everyone knows what this kid means.

This is clearly to come back on behalf of the Jinling Ye family to grab the face of the ancestor.

A branch has developed well. When it has money, it wants to have face and wants to fight for orthodoxy and dominance in the entire clan. The right to host the ancestral worship is obviously the most representative thing.

"Haha, this matter, I am afraid it will take the consent of several great-grandfathers?"

"Not bad, not bad. Such big things have always been decided by several great-grandfathers!"

"If they nod, we have no objection."

All the relatives of the Ye family said repeatedly.

In clans, the elders are always respected. Suddenly, the Jinling Ye family was given the power to worship the ancestors. Any branch would feel uncomfortable.

But the Jinling Ye family has developed well, and no one wants to offend them.

It's strange that they agree.

Therefore, several elders were brought out. These elders have been in Yejia Village for decades and are very stubborn. It's strange that they can agree!


The arc of Ye Xuan's mouth became bigger, and he sneered in his heart: "I expected you to say that~"

He shook his head. The poor are really pathetic. Their thinking is so fixed. As long as they guess, they will guess everything.

When something happens, they think about throwing away all the responsibilities and pots. They dare not express their dissatisfaction, and they have to use other people's mouths.

As long as this "other people's mouth" is blocked by some kind of interests, then these mobs will hate themselves for shooting themselves in the foot, and then scold the person they asked to take the blame for being disloyal.

The Jinling Ye family had already planned how to deal with the elders.

The young man looked at the old man next to him who was dressed like a quack doctor.

The old man nodded in understanding and stood up.

"I heard that the eldest master of the Ye family is seriously ill recently. Because of his old age and frailty, he can't bear the fatigue of traveling, so he can't go to a big hospital for treatment. I am Zheng Xuefeng, who studied under the national doctor Zhang Taixu. I am a very senior person in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. I came here specifically to treat the eldest master."

Zheng Xuefeng clasped his fists, his face was neither sad nor happy, and he looked very unfathomable.

"Chinese doctor!?"

"The apprentice of Mr. Zhang Taixu, a Chinese doctor?!"

Zhang Taixu is now a well-known Chinese doctor at the Imperial Hospital in the Forbidden City and a master of traditional Chinese medicine.

This kid is actually the disciple of that kind of existence?

The eyes of several elderly people left behind in the village suddenly lit up.

The lack of excellent medical equipment is a big problem for Western medicine, but it is not a problem for Chinese medicine.

The national medical sage is a master of vision, hearing, inquiry and understanding.

Often just a prescription can save a seriously ill person from the border between life and death.

However, a visit to such a famous doctor is extremely expensive.

Moreover, if you want to meet such a famous doctor and register with him, you need connections and time.

Yejiacun obviously does not have this strength.

The high-ranking doctor they had been dreaming of before, now actually appeared in front of them like this! ?

"Then please come with me quickly and take a look at the old man's condition first!"

The elders from several clans who maintained the scene were overjoyed and kept saying.


Zheng Xuefeng flicked his sleeves: "This is not the etiquette that should be used to receive a famous doctor."

Several old people looked embarrassed, and then they realized what Zheng Xuefeng meant...

This requires several clan elders to come forward to invite him first! ! !

Among the crowd, Ye Yang's eyes also darkened.

This Zheng Xuefeng seems to be a good move by Jinling Ye Jiabu!

(First update)

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