Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 545: A mere disciple of traditional Chinese medicine dares to act so arrogantly in the boss

The purpose of the Jinling Ye family is obviously to use the opportunity of this Chinese medicine apprentice to treat the eldest uncle in exchange for the Jinling Ye family's right to host ancestor worship.

This kind of behavior of taking advantage of others' danger and plotting against the elders of the same clan made Ye Yang feel angry.

Especially for this old village, he still has some feelings in his heart.

The actions of the Jinling Ye family were simply inappropriate.

Taking advantage of others' dangers was not enough. They actually asked a few great-grandfathers to take the initiative to break the rules of ancestor worship and show up before anyone invited them.

In this way, several great-grandfathers themselves broke the rules of ancestor worship, and the so-called rules lost their seriousness.

When negotiating terms later, you can also use this matter to criticize the great-grandfathers.

The depth of intention and the poisonous intention are both despicable.

Ye Yang knew very well that several old men had depended on each other and had stayed in the village for decades. They had deep feelings for each other. For the sake of the grandpa, they would definitely come out to greet him.

However, doing something like this and breaking the ancestral rules with your own hands must be extremely heartbreaking for these old men who attach great importance to the traditional rules of ancestral worship.

He still has great respect for his great-grandfathers.

"You said that you are a disciple of Chinese medicine, so that means you are a disciple of Chinese medicine?"

"That's right, you didn't even check our great-grandfather's condition, so you just confirmed that it can be cured?"

"It would be ridiculous if a few great-grandfathers broke the rules just because of a word from you."


The members of the Ye family were obviously not fools. They all spoke one after another at this time. After all, they did not really want to see the Jinling Ye family get this position inexplicably.

"Haha... What I said is true, so what if it's false? Do you have any other choice? Is these insignificant red tape more important, or is your great-grandfather's life more important?"

Zheng Xuefeng sneered: "You don't need to embarrass Mr. Ye Xuan. I just do it for the sake of the Ye family in Jinling. If you are too arrogant to me, I can naturally choose not to save you. By then, it will be too late for you to regret!"


Most of the Ye family are just ordinary people. They don't know any miracle doctors, let alone like Ye Yang, who directly plans to build a hospital in the village.

If you miss this opportunity that may be real, the old man may be dead...

They couldn't afford this responsibility, so they could only gradually become silent and let a few old men make choices and decisions...

"What a piece of garbage."

Ye Xiu could see clearly that what Zheng Xuefeng said was all nonsense. He was obviously acting based on Ye Xuan's eyes, but after saying these words, he expelled the Ye family from Jinling.

He also has a sense of justice in his heart, but unfortunately, with his ability, he is still powerless to deal with the current situation.

Although he has made great achievements through his own hard work over the years, together with his father, the family only has tens of millions of assets.

He is simply not qualified to know any awesome Chinese doctors, and it is even more unrealistic to spend all his money to move the hospital here.

Although I am not angry at this situation.

But in the end, I could only clenched my fists, feeling powerless.

"Nephew Ye, what you said last night... wasn't drunken talk!"

Ye Jianjun turned around, his eyes also full of bloodshot eyes. As one of the old people who stayed in the village, he naturally knew the old masters the best. Letting them break the ancestral rules with his own hands would be more uncomfortable than killing them. He would never allow this. This situation happens!

"Of course, third uncle, I wasn't drinking yet at that time."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded, looking at the arrogant Zheng Xuefeng in the field, but there was a hint of coldness in his smile!

What Ye Jianjun asked was of course what he said last night about spending money to buy equipment to save his great-grandfather and then build a hospital in the village.

"you are right……"

Ye Xiu also looked over, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Now Ye Yang is the real dragon of the Ye family. If there is any possibility of a change in the current situation, that possibility lies with Ye Yang!

"But now, I have changed my mind."

A faint coldness flashed across Ye Yang's eyes.

"Nephew, you..."

Ye Jianjun obviously didn't understand what Ye Yang meant and was stunned for a moment.

However, Ye Yang did not explain.

He gave a reassuring expression to the parents who looked worried in their eyes, and then gave Yu Momo a look.

Yu Mo and the others immediately understood.

The two bodyguards opened the way directly.

Originally, Ye Yang and the others were standing low-key in the crowd, and none of the relatives of the Ye family in the front row saw Xiao Qingxuan. At this time, several super beauties stood out from the crowd and instantly attracted the attention of the whole audience! ! !

Women are envious and men are jealous.

No matter where the beauty goes, she is the absolute center of attention!

Three top beauties with superb temperament opened the way for Ye Yang.

Ye Xuan, who had just enjoyed the attention of the audience for a while and was enjoying the feeling of showing off, frowned slightly and looked at Ye Yang and his party, feeling something was wrong.

"Hiss! I didn't notice it just now!"

"Oh my God! Three beauties!"

"These three beauties are actually surrounding this young man... I'm afraid his identity is not simple!"

"Maybe he's a low-key boss, or maybe he's just a Neptune who knows how to flirt with girls."


The silence originally brought about by Zheng Xuefeng was instantly broken and there was a lot of noise.

Zheng Xuefeng frowned and looked over.

"You are a young Chinese medicine apprentice who dares to act recklessly in the boss's ancestral land. Who gave you the courage!"

Yu Momo looked over coldly, his tone full of sarcasm.

"Who are you!"

Yu Momo was very impressive, and it was obvious that he was not a small person. Regardless of whether Zheng Xuefeng was well-trained or not, he had been in high-level circles in the past few years under the guise of a traditional Chinese medicine apprentice. He could see at a glance that Yu Momo and his friends had temperaments that seemed to be not ordinary people.

For a moment, they did not dare to offend too much.

When the Ye family of Chuncheng saw Ye Yang clearly, a glimmer of hope rose in their eyes.

At that time, at the birthday banquet of the great grandfather of the Ye family of Chuncheng, Ye Yang's painting of herding cattle under a willow tree shocked the whole audience.

This young man was respected by Yang Delin, the head of the Yang family of Chuncheng! ! !

"You are not qualified to question my boss's identity! Even if your master is here today, he has to respectfully call my boss Mr. Ye. Who are you!"

Yu Momo had long been fed up with what Zheng Xuefeng had done just now, and he was merciless when he confronted him at this time.


"This beauty has such a strong tone!"

"She's really good at talking!"

"But she's a disciple of a Chinese doctor after all! She has a very high status in China! If you don't have a certain status and you confront her like this, I'm afraid you'll have trouble doing business in the future."

"The first bird to stick its head out gets shot, let's wait and see."


The relatives in the field were all surprised and confused when they saw this scene, and they were looking forward to what Zheng Xuefeng's reaction would be next...

(Second update)

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