Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 546 You don’t understand medicine at all

"Haha, what a loud tone!"

Zheng Xuefeng laughed angrily: "You are a bumpkin who came out of nowhere! I'm afraid you don't even know the status of the so-called Chinese medicine! How dare you look down on me like this!"

"With your little skills, you dare to ask our Ye family to change the rules of ancestor worship. It's really laughable."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and shook his head.

"What did you say!"

Zheng Xuefeng frowned.

"It is a noble job to treat patients and save people. It is really shameful for you to complete your conspiracy."

Ye Yang shook his head. He himself also obtained the magical rejuvenation medical skill, but he never had the chance to use it. If Zheng Xuefeng hadn't jumped out, he would have almost forgotten that he had such a magical skill.

"Don't talk about what you have and what you don't have. How can you do it without me?"

Zheng Xuefeng laughed: "Is it possible that you still want to kill your great-grandfather?"

"I really don't like your meager medical skills."

Ye Yang waved his hand lightly: "My great-grandfather's disease doesn't need to be cured by someone like you. It's enough for me!"

"You!? You also know medical skills!?"

Zheng Xuefeng stared in disbelief: "You don't think that just by learning some medical knowledge in school, you can cure diseases and save people after graduation! You are kidding!"

Obviously, given Ye Yang's age, he could only be a newly graduated medical student.

As for the ancestral miracle doctor? Totally impossible.

After all, the Ye family does not have any inheritance of miracle doctors.

The members of the Ye family also started whispering. After all, this was a matter of life and death for the old man, and it was no joke!

"Whether you believe it or not has no impact on this matter."

Ye Yang left a faint word and took the three girls towards the ancestral hall where several clan elders were.


Zheng Xuefeng gritted his teeth. Originally, he was just setting up a show to get a few clan elders to break the rules first. Now that Ye Yang is here to disrupt the situation, no matter whether what he said is true or not, he at least has to go and meet the clan elders first. .

The plan was disrupted in an instant!

He glanced at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan's face was obviously ugly, but he had no choice but to nod.

In this way, a group of people, following Ye Yang, arrived in front of the ancestral hall.

Several clan elders were obviously aware of what happened in the square. When they saw Zheng Xuefeng and Ye Yang coming in, their faces were filled with hesitation.

"Let me meet the great master first."

Ye Yang said to several tribesmen.


Several clan elders obviously know that now, no matter how incredible it seems, they must believe in Ye Yang!

Otherwise, regardless of Zheng Xuefeng's eloquent price offer, I'm afraid he really has no choice but to let it be at his mercy.

Due to the large number of people, only those with relatively high status, such as Ye Xiu and other relatives of the Ye family, were eligible to follow.

Several clan elders led the way, and soon they passed through the central hall.

Arriving at the couch at the back.

On the hospital bed, the eldest grandfather's face was bruised and black, his eyes were dull, and he was lying there, skinny as a stick.


When all the relatives of the Ye family saw this scene, they felt quite uncomfortable.

After all, the eldest uncle has been hosting ancestral sacrifices for more than thirty years. Many members of the Ye family have grown up watching the ancestral sacrifices hosted by the eldest uncle.

At this time, seeing this prestigious old man lying on the hospital bed like this made me feel uncomfortable.


Although he had long heard that the eldest son of the Ye family was seriously ill, Zheng Xuefeng also took a deep breath when he actually saw this situation.

Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, asking, and understanding. Although he is not good at studying and only relies on his name to swindle, he still has some skills after all. Even if a disciple of Chinese medicine is incompetent, he is still better than ordinary doctors.

At this glance, he knew that with his way of doing things, the chance of saving him was not great.

After Ye Yang read it, he rolled his lips, looked at his palm, and then put his hand on his veins.

Immediately, with a confident nod, he also looked at Zheng Xuefeng, with a sneer on his lips: "You talk nonsense about yourself, can you possibly cure this disease?"

"Of course."

Although Zheng Xuefeng was confused in his heart, he could not be weak in his words. At this time, he puffed up his chest and raised his pretentious eyes to the sky: "I am a disciple of Chinese medicine. I can cure such minor illnesses!"

"You're farting!"

Ye Yang suddenly stood up and looked at Zheng Xuefeng: "Looking, hearing and asking, you just took a look, even if Bian Que and Hua Tuo were alive, you wouldn't be sure of the specific cause of the disease, so you are just talking nonsense! You are making fun of human life! Are you qualified to be a doctor?"

Ye Yang has been in a high position for a long time and has already had an aura in him.

At this time, the intense stares, coupled with Zheng Xuefeng's already guilty conscience, made him frightened and took a few steps back!

"You! You're talking nonsense!"

Zheng Xuefeng was sweating coldly. He felt that there was no hope after just one glance, so he neglected to feel the pulse and ask about the situation. At this time, Ye Yang caught this most basic fallacy and was extremely embarrassed.

Immediately, he rolled his eyes and sneered: "What do you know? I learned from Chinese medicine, how can a little person like you understand it! I got a rough idea at a glance, I just need to check my pulse to confirm!"

After that, he came up with a shy face, checked his pulse, then closed his eyes and thought for a while, his heart became heavier and heavier.

This pathology is really too complex, and because Mr. Ye is old and frail, if he uses strong medicine, he may be killed by the medicine before he dies of the disease.

In other words, with his current level, he can't cure Old Master Ye's current illness at all...


However, he had already boasted in front of the Jinling Ye family, and he couldn't show his weakness. At this time, he also pretended to be mysterious and shook his head and said: "This kind of minor illness is really not worth mentioning."


The eyes of several other elders on the side also showed a glimmer of hope.

After all, they had just gone through a fierce struggle in their hearts.

The lives of the elders who have lived for decades are more important than rules!

If they can really cure the illness of the old master, what if they give up this power?

"Oh? I just don't know if your treatment method is effective!?"

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Haha, if I say it, will you elders give up your power? Do you think I'm a fool! You have to agree to the conditions of Master Ye Xuan first, and then I can give you the prescription."

Zheng Xuefeng said fiercely.

When he heard that it was a prescription, Ye Yang shook his head in complete disappointment: "How long are you going to act!?"

The old man's current illness, relying solely on prescriptions to regulate, is basically useless.

There are indeed some overbearing prescriptions that can cure it, but the medicine is too strong and it is simply not something the old man can bear.

"What are you talking about!"

Zheng Xuefeng clenched his fists, and his heart became even more timid.

"If you really have the ability, you will naturally save the elders first, and then seize power. And what you are doing now is just to show that you are cheating!"

Ye Yang's voice was flat, but there was unquestionable majesty in it.

Zheng Xuefeng's fists creaked.

Yes, if there was no Ye Yang, he could let the Ye family choose for themselves, either trust him and hand over power directly. Or don't trust him and let the old man die.

Even if he didn't cure it, the power had been transferred, and his mission was completed. After taking the money, he ran away, and he didn't care about the struggle within the Ye family.

It was a very primitive and easily exposed scam.

But now that Ye Yang has given the Ye family a second choice, the premise of this scam has collapsed instantly, and he is stuck in a deadlock...

(First update)

For the sake of continuity, this chapter is a chapter with additional words~

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