Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 547: The quack doctor harms people without knowing it and still embarrasses himself here


Zheng Xuefeng could only hold on and said: "Is this how the Ye family treats famous doctors? It's really a bit too childish! Just a kid who came out of nowhere, and he actually dared to question me like this, without Come out and stop this old man! It’s okay if you don’t save him!”


Many relatives of the Ye family were obviously frightened by these words, and they couldn't help but look at Ye Yang.

"That's right, after all, this is a matter of life and death for the eldest master. You are actually such a childish person. If you really drive away this apprentice of a great Chinese doctor, our Jinling Ye family will not be able to invite him."

Ye Xuan sneered and said with a last strike.

"Haha, Ye Yang is now the owner of Yingbin Restaurant, with assets of at least two billion yuan. With this status, if you and the Ye family of Jinling are tied together, they will all be inferior. You, a scum of the Ye family, I’m afraid it’s not enough to fight against it.”

Ye Xiu also stood up at this time and chose to believe Ye Yang.


Ye Xuan was shocked by the information exposed by Ye Xiu. The amount of information was so huge that he didn't even react for a while.

He still knows about the Spring City Yingbin Restaurant, which is valued at more than 2 billion!

The entire Jinling Ye family, tied together, is valued at less than one billion!

This distant cousin who looks so young actually... has such a terrifying identity! ?


In an instant, Ye Yang's image became taller in the eyes of many relatives.

After all, in the eyes of most ordinary people, what rich people say is right.

"Hiss! I didn't expect that the most developed person in our Ye family would be this Ye Yang!"

"One person is more successful than a whole family in Jinling! I'm convinced!"

"Hidden boss, you were so low-key before. It's really..."

"Does the real boss like to walk now?"

"Walking, I drove here and saw a stretch Bentley parked casually on the side of the road. It was a customized ultra-luxury Bentley! It cost more than 40 million! At that time, I knew that there was a super boss who was worshiping ancestors. The venue, but I didn’t expect that this super boss would be so young!”

"Holy crap! A Bentley worth more than 40 million yuan!!! There's no way I can stop this with a net worth of 2 billion yuan!"

"The villa that Nephew Ye lives in in Chuncheng is not worth the price. The Yingbin Restaurant is just a gift from the Yang family in Chuncheng to Nephew Ye."

The uncle of the Ye family also stood up and broke a shocking news.

"A villa worth more than 2 billion!?"

Now almost everyone is siding with Ye Yang.

Now that we don’t know who is right or wrong in this matter, of course whoever is richer and has a higher status will be more reasonable.

"So, Xiaoyang is right!"

"That's right! Your Jinling Ye family hired a wild doctor from nowhere and just said he was an apprentice of Chinese medicine. He didn't even have any qualifications. He just frightened us. Fortunately, nephew Ye is a big shot and is thoughtful and remains suspicious! This is just empty talk!”

"At least you have to tell us about your prescription, let us Xiaoyang see if it's reliable or not!"

"Do you really want to be a white wolf with nothing? Don't even think about it!"


Relatives who were originally silent came to support Ye Yang.

After all, how could an awesome being who lived in a two-billion-dollar villa lie?

" guys!!!"

Ye Xuan was helpless, and then he took a deep breath and waved proudly to Zheng Xuefeng: "Give them the prescription. I think we, the old men of the Ye family, still want to have face and will not break our promises!"

Several old men looked at each other, and then nodded heavily: "If there is nothing wrong with this prescription, we will not stick to the rules."

Ye Yang smiled lightly. It was impossible to use medicine to treat this situation successfully, so he was too lazy to stop several clan elders from raising flags.


Zheng Xuefeng took a deep breath and could only think that Ye Yang was not good at learning and was just showing off. He would give him a blow first to see if he could scare him.

After all, for someone so young and self-made, it is already sensational to build this business, and he is still a master of Chinese medicine? !

This is simply impossible! ?

Therefore, he bravely said: "This is a secret prescription of traditional Chinese medicine. Please listen to me: 10 grams each of angelica root, white peony root, chuanxiong root, rehmannia root, atractylodes, and poria cocos, 5 grams of licorice, and 30 grams of ginseng." , 20 grams of aconite, 9 grams of ginger, I don’t know the details of the cooking..."


Before he finished speaking, Ye Yang burst into laughter...

"You, what are you laughing at!"

Zheng Xuefeng's face darkened.

"Absurd! How ridiculous!!!"

Ye Yang slapped the table and said with an angry smile: "You are really a quack!"


The whole audience looked over, obviously confused.

They didn't hear anything wrong!

I even think it’s awesome.

"The first few herbs are just the introductory medicine of Chinese medicine for replenishing qi and blood, Bazhen Decoction."

"You secretly tripled the amount of ginseng in the Bazhen soup, added aconite which is poisonous in itself but very effective, and finally added a hint of ginger to confuse people."

"The purpose of your prescription is to forcibly replenish qi and blood. After taking it, the uncle's complexion will be rosier. It seems to have some effect, but it has no benefit on his pathology. It does not cure the disease at all, but forcibly replenishes qi and blood. I also used two strong medicines later. Do you think my grandfather has lived too long and you want to kill him early!"

"Your little tricks can't even fool the Chinese medicine practitioners who run clinics in the county!"

"Even with this, you still dare to brag about being the apprentice of a miracle doctor!"

Every time Ye Yang said a word, Zheng Xuefeng took a step back, his expression was even more horrified.

This kid, really knows? !

Amidst everyone's gaze and contempt, his face suddenly turned red, and his psychological defense line was fragile and broke: "You talk easily with empty teeth! My medicine can at least force this old man to wake up and move for a few more days! Otherwise, even if he lives a few more days, he can't do anything!"

"If you really understand, you know that this old man is terminally ill! There is no way to save him! Why are you pretending to be so cool with me! If it were you, could you save him!? If you can do it, you can do it!"

Ye Yang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "The quack doctor harms people without knowing it, and he is still embarrassing himself here!"

(Second update)

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