Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 549: Face-changing Master Zheng Xuefeng

As the best private hospital in China, Liren Hospital naturally has a deep connection with the Chinese doctors in the Forbidden City.

Those vice-deans should all have Zhang Taixu's contact information. You can find out by calling him to confirm.

" have to do something so cruel!"

Zheng Xuefeng roared that he could go so far in the field of Chinese medicine. Although he is a little bad, it does not mean that he has no brains. He would naturally deduce that Ye Yang is actually a big shot in the industry. Such a super big shot, there are The contact information of the Chinese Medical Doctor is also not surprising.

"You talk a lot, and blame others for what you do!?"

Ye Yang sneered: "If I were not here today, how far would you push the elders of the Ye family!? What would the Ye family be like!"


Zheng Xuefeng was sweating profusely at this time. Whether it was social status or industry status, it was obvious that there was an unreachable gap between him and the young man in front of him. Even if he tried to find a way to counterattack, he couldn't.

"You, what do you want!?"

Zheng Xuefeng said angrily.

"Are you really not Zhang Guoyi's apprentice?!"

Ye Xuan was confused at this time: "How dare you lie to our Jinling Ye family!?"

"Damn it, do you think that with a few hundred thousand, you can hire a direct disciple of Chinese medicine to help you complete such a thing that goes against medical ethics and conscience!? How much do you look down on a disciple of Chinese medicine!"

Zheng Xuefeng laughed angrily: "If you really believed it before, it can only be said that the head of your Jinling Ye family is probably a fool! Those elders in your family just sent me to act with you! It's just that they didn't I’m just telling you the facts in advance!”

"No...that's not the case..."

Although Ye Xuan refused to admit it, recalling the details of the older generation in his family before departure, he felt more and more that what Zheng Xuefeng said actually made sense.

"This is a clown's job, and you are so happy, thinking that the family values ​​you and gives you the opportunity! I laughed to death!"

Zheng Xuefeng shook his head and sneered. He had been scolded by Ye Yang for a long time, and finally saw someone who was more stupid than himself. Of course, he had to scold him in retaliation: "You are the most expendable fool of the Jinling Ye family! I'm afraid you will reveal your secret. , I didn’t even tell you the truth before I came here!”

"I...our family is not short of money, why should we hire a fake like you!"

Ye Xuan couldn't believe it: "You were the one who deceived our old man!"

"Haha, connections! Social status! You idiot!"

Zheng Xuefeng shook his head: "Your Jinling Ye family is a small family. In Jinling, there are tens of billions of families and wealthy families everywhere! A poor person with a mere family fortune of several hundred million has no chance or qualifications to come into contact with real Chinese medicine. level!"

"Zhang Guoyi, he is a person who treats the most powerful people in China! He doesn't have tens of billions of dollars in assets, and he doesn't deserve to interact with them!?"

"Do not be silly!"

"This is just a tacit game between me and your parents. You are just a tool who doesn't understand the rules of the game, a chess piece! A fool!"

Ye Xuan said angrily: "Then why do you brag that you are a disciple of Chinese medicine! Who are you! How come you have a photo with Zhang Guoyi!?"


Zheng Xuefeng's face tightened, and his whole person immediately returned to his embarrassed look.

"Because in his early years, he was just a cleaner who swept the floor of the traditional Chinese medicine lecture hall. He secretly took some photos with the traditional Chinese medicine doctor, eavesdropped on some of the lectures, came out and learned half-heartedly, and then went around pretending that he was a disciple of traditional Chinese medicine. And the Jinling Ye family , also took advantage of this.”

Ye Yang put down the phone and said calmly.


Although Zheng Xuefeng knew that Ye Yang must have a way to contact Zhang Taixu, he did not expect that he would have the answer so quickly, directly exposing his background!

You know, the Chinese medicine doctor is usually very busy, and ordinary people can't find it.

If you find it, you won't take any notice.

This direct reply also revealed the identity of Ye Yang so clearly to him...

His scalp goes numb just thinking about it! ! !

You know, Chinese medicine is the one with the best services! A young man who even Zhang Taixu should pay attention to... this...

He looked at Ye Yang in horror, his whole body trembling.

After making this call, he had already confirmed a policy in his mind, that is, he would never show any disrespect to Ye Yang again!

He must accept any solution proposed by the other party unconditionally!


I really offended these beings, who even the 'imperial doctors' didn't dare to neglect...

He was afraid that he would die, and he didn’t even know how he died!

"I said that, right?"

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

Everyone in the audience obviously opened their mouths and looked at Zheng Xuefeng in disbelief.

If all this is true, then Zheng Xuefeng is a little too courageous!

Isn’t this a blatant fraud? ?

"That's right...Mr. Ye, he really has great powers."

Unexpectedly, this time Zheng Xuefeng didn't even make any quibbles and agreed directly. His whole face was submissive and his attitude towards Ye Yang made everyone a little stunned.

TM is the same person before and after this! ?

Even Ye Xuan was tongue-tied. He was obviously caught off guard by Zheng Xuefeng's attitude. Who the hell are you from...


Ye Yang had no doubts about this, and just said calmly: "Although you failed to deceive my Ye family, you did it with evil intentions after all. When you came to my Ye family's ancestral hall, you knelt for three days and three nights without getting up!"


"Hiss... Awesome! I just don't know if Zheng Xuefeng can agree to it..."


"All is up to Mr. Ye!"

Zheng Xuefeng nodded repeatedly: "I'll go right now, right now!"

Everyone was stunned. How come in just one phone call, this guy seemed to have been possessed by someone else, and he was completely different from the person he was before! ?

Ye Xuan also blinked and pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

"Did I let you go?"

Ye Yang frowned and shouted.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ye, do you have any other instructions?"

Zheng Xuefeng said repeatedly.

"Collate the materials of your frauds over the years and turn yourself in to the police station. I advise you to be honest and don't play tricks in front of me."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Go away."

Although he knew that according to the amount of fraud he had committed over the years, a long prison sentence was inevitable, Zheng Xuefeng breathed a sigh of relief at this time. At least, he was punished!

No matter how terrible this punishment is, it didn't kill him after all...

If Ye Yang sent him out with a kind face now, he should find a tree to bury himself.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye! Thank you, Mr. Ye, for your generosity!!!"

Zheng Xuefeng bowed every three steps and bowed every five steps, and then went to the ancestral temple to kneel and apologize...

"Now, it's your turn."

Amid the astonished eyes of all the relatives, Ye Yang looked at Ye Xuan, who had been confused for a long time...

(Second update)

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