Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 550: Build a tertiary hospital directly?

"You, what are you going to do!?"

Ye Xuan's face changed: "I admit that you are awesome, but a strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake. My family is in Jinling. Can your network of relationships affect my Jinling Ye family?!"


Ye Yang sneered: "With just one phone call, I can make your Jinling Ye family have no place to stand in Jinling. You, want to try?"


Although Ye Xuan subconsciously wanted to be tough, but thinking of Zheng Xuefeng's attitude towards Ye Yang just now, and thinking of the 2 billion super villa that Ye Yang had just exposed, a fear suddenly rose in his heart...

What if what he said was true, then he would become the sinner who caused the collapse of the Jinling Ye family...

This is too terrible.

He couldn't afford this consequence, but he was stupid, otherwise Jinling would not send him here, mainly because he was easy to deceive and would not doubt Zheng Xuefeng's identity.

But stupidity does not mean stupidity, it's just a little slow to react.

At this moment, he looked at Ye Yang's half-smiley expression, and the whole person was a little unsure, and couldn't help but cough awkwardly: "Ahem, cousin Ye and I are descendants of the ancestors of the Ye family. We are all connected even if our bones are broken. We are all family... Don't be like this!"

"Do you think we are a family now?"

"Yes, I saw you were very cruel just now!"

"I am dying of laughter. You are scared now? You are a face-changing monster just like Zheng Xuefeng!"


The relatives of the Ye family next to him all mocked.

Obviously, they looked down on Ye Xuan's actions.

"Hehe, I..."

Ye Xuan scratched his eyebrows.

"The Ye family of Jinling violated the ancestral precepts and had evil intentions. According to the ancestral precepts of the Ye family, how should they be dealt with?"

Ye Yang looked at several old masters and asked.

The faces of several old masters changed. Obviously, although they were familiar with the clan law, they rarely used it after they paid attention to civilized society in recent years.

Although they were a little hesitant, they still said: "The mastermind shall be punished with thirty lashes and kneel before the ancestral hall for seven days and seven nights. The accomplice shall be punished with ten lashes and kneel before the ancestral hall for three days and three nights."

"You heard it too."

Ye Yang looked at Ye Xuan indifferently: "Go back and tell all the members of the Jinling Ye family to come and be punished. I only give you five days. After five days, it is not your choice whether to come and apologize!"


Ye Xuan wanted to say something, but seeing Ye Yang's sharp eyes, he was scared and dared not speak.

He should go back and ask about the situation of his family and let the old people at home make the decision.

After that, he rolled out of the house in disgrace and prepared to go back and tell the old people at home what happened here.

This kind of big thing must not be explained clearly over the phone.

In a few words, this matter that was enough to make the Ye family turbulent and change the ancestral precepts was directly settled.

All the relatives of the Ye family couldn't help but give Ye Yang a thumbs up.

This is really cool!

"Oh! My cousin is so handsome! It's a pity that we are relatives of the same clan... But in fact, we are all very distant relatives, I don't know..."

Some distant cousins ​​also had some strange feelings and bold ideas in their hearts.

However, since the family members were all here, they naturally couldn't say it, so they could only hide their thoughts and admiration in their hearts, looking at Ye Yang with a red face.

This young man was the most dazzling existence they had ever encountered in their ordinary life for many years.

"Grandpas, let's hold this ancestral worship as usual!"

Ye Yang suggested with a smile.


Several old men nodded and looked at Ye Yang with great satisfaction.

Ye Yang himself is so powerful, but he has always been humble and low-key before. This kind of character is really rare!

Next, the Ye family held this ancestral worship according to traditional rules.

After the Ye family relatives finished worshiping their ancestors in the square, they started a meal on the spot, eating, drinking, and chatting. Many relatives came to Ye Yang's table.

The older ones all tried to get close to Ye's father and mother.

The younger ones wanted to come over, but Ye Yang had a strong aura, and those who didn't have some courage and spirit would find it difficult to muster up the strength to walk over.

After all, although Ye Yang was of the same generation as them in terms of age, the things he had just shown had already surpassed the abilities and levels of their age group.

When people face someone who is much stronger than themselves, they will subconsciously feel awe in their hearts.

They dare not get close.

Ye Xiu looked at these ordinary young people of the same clan and smiled and shook his head. He had also experienced many ups and downs outside, and his state of mind was different from that of ordinary young people, so he also had the confidence and courage to talk to Ye Yang.

After eating, several old men from the clan came over to express their gratitude to Ye Yang for his help this time.

"What are you doing, old men? This is what I should do."

Ye Yang said repeatedly. After all, he was a member of the Ye family and could not let the rules collapse.

"By the way, old men, I have something to talk to you about, so why not tell you now."


Although the Ye family members nearby were eating and drinking and talking about their own things, most of their attention was on Ye Yang.

When they heard that Ye Yang actually had something to say, the scene instantly became quiet, and all the relatives looked over here.

"You tell me, tell me."

The old men obviously liked Ye Yang very much, and they liked him more and more. They would try their best to meet any requests.

"In the final analysis, my uncle's disease is just some old age diseases that have been delayed for too long. It was not a serious illness at first, but it finally became a serious illness."

Ye Yang said: "I learned from the third uncle that because there is no good hospital nearby, if you want to be registered as a good doctor, you have to go to the provincial capital Chuncheng, and many people in the village are old and cannot afford the trouble."


Several old men felt the same way, and they couldn't help but sigh when they mentioned this.

"So, I want to invest in building a top-notch tertiary hospital in Yejia Village so that people in the village can get medical care for their old age. Do you think where in the village is suitable for building a hospital?"

Ye Yang expressed what he was thinking.


Several old ladies had just made various guesses, but they never expected that what Ye Yang was going to say with a calm face was... to build a hospital in the village? It’s still a top tertiary hospital! ?

Ah this!

All the relatives were also extremely surprised and all stood up.

This news is so exciting! ! !

Ordinary people like them, who have been working hard in society all year round, know very well the importance of a top tertiary hospital to a region! ! !

Even many cities will directly boost the economy and transportation because of an advanced high-end hospital!

But, having said that, the money it costs to build a tertiary hospital, the resources it requires, etc... are also astronomical numbers that make ordinary people feel suffocated and out of reach!

(First update)

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