"Gulu... Ye Xiansun, are you serious!?"

Several elders of the Ye family opened their mouths wide and did not react for a long time.

For the elderly in the village, let alone the tertiary hospitals, they have basically only been to the village clinic in their lives, and at most have been to the staff hospital in the county.

The tertiary hospitals are too far away.

It's mainly expensive and far away.

"Of course it's true."

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "In fact, it doesn't cost much money. It's mainly that the human organization may take more time."

"It doesn't cost much!?"

"Hehe, nephew Ye Xian, don't bluff us. We are working in the provincial capital after all. I have heard the bragging among co-workers. A tertiary hospital, the investment is in billions! Some large tertiary hospitals, that's tens of billions!"

"Yes, yes!"


When several Ye family grandfathers heard the price, they were so scared that their foreheads were sweating: "Hehe, Xiaoyang, this is Isn't it a bit too...!"

"Haha, the main thing is that the tertiary hospitals will also boost the vitality of our village. The relatives in the village who go out to work and live in other places can also come back to open a store or something. There will be more people, more lively, and more money. This is a good thing for our entire family to prosper."

Ye Yang said his real purpose: "How many people are willing to leave their hometowns? After all, it is because there are not many job opportunities in their hometowns. I am now creating these opportunities so that everyone can come back to make money and live a good life. Isn't it good?"

Huaxia's hospitals are divided into three levels and six grades.

The village level is generally the first level, the county level is the second level, and the province and city level is the third level.

Each level is divided into two grades, A and B.

The tertiary is the abbreviation of the third grade, which is the abbreviation of the highest level of hospitals in the whole of China.

In the entire China's sea and land area of ​​10 million square kilometers, there are only more than 800 tertiary hospitals.

The significance represented by each one is huge!


The eyes of all the relatives lit up: "If so, it's a great thing!"

"Yes! If there are opportunities and resources, who wouldn't want to return to their hometown to work!"

"Let the Jinling Ye family, who have made a name for themselves and forgotten their roots, be jealous!"

"But the investment is too big. If it is built in our village, it will be a waste and will lose money!"

"Yes, yes, this is good for you, Ye Xiansun..."

The elderly in the village are worried whether Ye Yang will lose money because of this.

"Haha, at most it's only 20 to 30 billion yuan of investment, it's just a drop in the bucket. If it loses, it loses. If it makes money, it makes money. It doesn't matter."

Ye Yang waved his hand and said indifferently.

The previous tertiary hospitals generally have government support and investment behind them, so the location is generally in the most ideal and best location.

And Ye Yang's tertiary hospital is only for the development of his hometown and the welfare of the people in the village clan, so of course it is built directly in the village.

As for whether it will make a loss in the end, it depends on the appeal of the tertiary hospitals, whether it can offset the unfavorable factors of remoteness and inconvenient transportation here.

Of course, with the system of getting rich by spending money, Ye Yang was already invincible before investing.


The relatives of the Ye family felt a little dreamy when they heard this.

Two or three billion is a small amount of money? ! Loss is loss, it doesn't matter! ?

Are we living in the same world! ! !

Let alone two or three billion.

Even if it is two or three hundred thousand, they dare not say it so casually...

Many people who do manual labor outside only earn 70,000 or 80,000 a year.

It takes many years to save two or three hundred thousand.

"In short, don't worry."

Ye Yang laughed: "Plan a few vacant lands in the village, and then I will let them come to inspect, and start construction after it is decided."

Li Ren is not an ordinary tertiary hospital.

It is the best among the 800 tertiary hospitals in China.

This kind of super hospital with super specifications, the branches built are all of the top three level!

Therefore, Ye Yang is not worried about Li Ren's strength and whether the top three can be built in the end.

"But what should this hospital be called after it is built?"

Ye Yang muttered in his heart: "How about calling it Muye Hospital?"

He joked in his heart, and ended the ancestral worship in the expectation and discussion of all relatives.

Back to the third uncle's house, the construction team that the Yang family had prepared before had arrived, and they were going to build a small villa next to the third uncle's house. Self-built villas in the countryside can be done as you like, and it is also very cost-effective.

Apply for a real estate certificate, spend 1.8 million, and you can build an extremely awesome country villa.

"This efficiency is really fast."

Ye Jianjun was a little amazed. He just said that he would come with a construction team last night, and the construction team was in place today!

"Third uncle, then we will go back first, and wish you a happy new year in advance."

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand.

"Hey! Come back often when you have time."

The third uncle also looked at Ye Xuanting's family leaving with great emotion.


In the car, Ye Yang also called Li Ren.

It was Li Qing who answered the phone.

"Hey! Dean, you tell me!"

Li Qing said repeatedly.

"I have something good to find you. I plan to build a branch hospital and let you be the dean of this branch hospital. If you do a good job, you will be transferred back to the main hospital and promoted to vice dean of the main hospital."

Ye Yang was very familiar with painting a rosy picture for the other party, depicting a beautiful blueprint for the future.

"Build a branch!? That's great! And let me be the dean of the branch! That's even better!"

Li Qing felt that his bright future was not far away. He was so excited that he asked for details one after another.

"What...!? The branch is to be built in a village!? The goal is still the top three level...ah this!"

Li Qing was confused: "Dean, this is too...unbelievable."

"Is there a problem?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Weren't you very positive just now?"

"Ah no no no, of course there is no problem!!!"

Although a bunch of question marks flew through Li Qing's mind, he still expressed his loyalty.

Follow the dean, it's definitely right!

Why doesn't the dean find those old deputy deans to be the deans of the branch!

It's obvious that he values ​​himself and wants to promote himself!

No matter how unreliable this matter sounds, he must seize this opportunity!

In a top-notch hospital like Li Ren, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to get from director to vice director. Even if you have enough experience, you may still be director until retirement.

This is an opportunity!

No matter how slim it is, he must seize it!

"Okay, I will give you all the permissions, I just want to see the results."

Ye Yang said lightly: "As for the budget, I will give you 3 billion, and you can contact Secretary Yu at any time for detailed account processing."

"More, more... How much!?"

Li Qing, who was originally a little reluctant, was stunned when he heard the amount...

(Second update)

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