Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 553: Give Mom Proud Face

"Any questions?"

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

"No problem! Just..."


"No problem! That's no problem at all!"

Jason hesitated and asked, "Boss, do you have any other instructions?"

"No more for now. I will let my team of secretaries contact you for details."

Immediately, he looked at Yu Momo who was holding the phone for him with a half-smile.

Yu Momo, who was familiar with Ye Yang, immediately knew that he was alive again...

"Okay, okay!"

Jason breathed a sigh of relief and immediately hung up the phone. It seemed that he was an investment-oriented controller.

As long as he always ensures the company's profits, then Mr. Ye should not interfere too much in the company's internal affairs...

Later, Ye Yang explained to Yu Momo about Johnson \u0026 Johnson Pharmaceuticals.

Yu Momo, who was used to seeing Ye Yang pop up an asset occasionally, opened her mouth in an O shape, but after all, her nerves had been trained by Ye Yang to be very resistant to shocks, and she quickly accepted it. fact.

She is the housekeeper, but the secretary handles this kind of thing, although she is the main person in charge.

But don’t forget that all the maids recruited in the entire manor are gold medal or above talents!

Either proficient in management, or proficient in finance, or personnel processing.

It can be called the maid group or the secretarial group.

When she usually cleans the room and serves Ye Yang, she is a maid.

And when you need to work, you are a member of Yu Momo's secretarial team.

Therefore, Ye Yang is not worried that Yu Momo is incapable of handling so many assets on his own.

The estate's team of maids is always expanding.

Now the number of people has exceeded one hundred.

It’s enough to handle all kinds of complicated docking procedures.

"By the way, Xiaoyang, after lunch, come with us to your grandma's house for dinner in the evening."

Su Shirley explained.


Ye Yang nodded and continued making dumplings.

The food in the Star Emperor Mansion is usually prepared by servants, but having him come back gives his parents a sense of warmth in a private home. Cooking and making dumplings together is also a very emotional thing.

The only difference from when he lived in Tongzilou was that the size of a kitchen in Xinghuang Mansion was equal to the size of his previous home.

"Xiao Zi said she would be here this afternoon. Let's wait for her before we go to grandma's house."

Ye Yang casually glanced at the WeChat message and said.

"Has Xiao Zi finished her classes?"

Su Shirley asked in surprise.

"She skipped class."

Ye Yang said seriously.

"How is this possible!"

Su Shirley raised her eyebrows: "I'm going to teach this stinky girl a lesson in a while. It's really outrageous!"

Many people of this generation have sentiments and precious qualities.

Su Shirley firmly believes that no matter how rich you are, it is wrong not to learn culture!

Just when Su Shirley was about to lose her temper, Xiao Qingxuan and the others had already brought Ye Xiaozi back.

"Brother! Mom! Dad!"

Ye Xiaozi ran over kindly as soon as she got home.

I thought I could jump directly into Su Shirley's warm embrace, but I didn't expect to be hit on the forehead.

"Ouch! Mom! It hurts! Why do you want to beat Xiao Zi!!!"

Ye Xiaozi pouted aggrievedly.

"How could you skip class and come back!"

Su Shirley picked up the rolling pin and was about to give a lesson in love.

Ye Xiaozi immediately understood what was going on. She looked at Ye Yang who was snickering on the side and bared her little tiger teeth: "Smelly brother! You lied to our mother again!!! It's a shame that you were the first one to call me when I came back. ! Huh, ignore you!"

Su Shirley blinked and looked at Ye Yang.

"Haha, Mom, actually Xiao Zi didn't skip class!"

Seeing that his mother was about to get angry, Ye Yang ran away.

In the bedroom, Ye Xiaozi lay on the bed, grabbed the piggy pillow and gave it a beating: "Smelly brother, stinky brother, beat you to death!"


Ye Yang opened the door and sat beside the bed with a smile.

"Smelly brother, I don't want to care about you!"

Ye Xiaozi pouted.

"Don't be angry, okay?"

Ye Yang took out a bag of his sister's favorite roast duck from behind and shook it around Ye Xiaozi's head.


Ye Xiaozi's eyes lit up, and then she immediately pouted and said, "One roast duck wants to bribe me! At least five! I need you to buy that one yourself!"

"Haha, good, good."

Ye Yang handed the roast duck to Ye Xiaozi, and felt a little emotional when he saw Ye Xiaozi taking it and eating the duck.

"Go to your grandma's house tonight."

Ye Yang said.


Ye Xiaozi, who was eating roast duck, fell down when she heard this: "Is it okay if I don't go..."

Ye Yang shrugged.

The Su family would hold a family gathering before the New Year, and the atmosphere was different from the Ye family. Because there were a few troublemakers such as Su Laosan and Su Daqiang, the atmosphere every year inexplicably turned into a relative comparison contest.

Ye Xuanting's family is the most honest, and their lives are average. They are always picked out as role models.

Ye Xiaozi obviously had a bad impression of the Su family's annual gathering.

"For mom."

Ye Yang shrugged, obviously he also felt that the atmosphere at the Su family's party was a bit messy.

Although he has a high status outside now, after all, those people are my mother's biological brothers and sisters. If he really does something cruel, it will not be easy for my mother to behave in her parents' family.


Ye Xiaozi sighed and took a hard bite of the duck leg.

"Don't worry, this time I will find a way to vent the anger of the past few years on our family."

There was also a hint of a bad smile on Ye Yang's lips.

"Brother, are you planning to..."

Ye Xiaozi is also a little worried. Although her brother's current status and strength can easily scare the shit out of the Su family, if it goes too far...

"Don't worry, I have everything planned this time."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and waved his hands confidently: "This time we will give my mother a good face at the Su family."

"Okay! Listen to me!"

Ye Xiaozi also waved her fist and said with firm eyes.

(Second update.)

Brothers and sisters, come to Douyin, Yi Jiuyang is waiting for you~

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