Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 554: Su Daqiang wants to cause trouble


A Lamborghini winsuv worth 60 million was parked at the gate of tomorrow's community.

Although the super manufacturers only make sports cars, in recent years, the demand for SUVs that can take the family with them has increased among the wealthy, and they do not want to be like the poor people who drive business cars that cost only a few million at most.

Top car manufacturers such as Lamborghini have also developed many top SUV models.

Although it is an SUV, it is equipped with a supercar-level engine and power system, and the price was once raised to an extremely high level.

This Lamborghini win is one of them.

The number of top-level SUV models developed by this kind of super sports car manufacturer is still very small, and they are never seen on the market. After all, it is only more than 60 million, which is not much money for many rich people, but the demand is huge.

Ye Yang was able to get it because of his status as the president of the famous car club.

Of course, except for the top rich, it is now difficult for ordinary people to tell the true price of this car.

"Who are you looking for?"

Tomorrow Community is a high-end residential community.

Therefore, the security facilities and doorman system are very complete.

Several security guards entered the records and let the Lamborghini win.

As a high-end community, the scenery inside is pretty good, but of course from Ye Yang's perspective now, it's a bit too ordinary.

Soon, they arrived at the downstairs of the head of the Su family.

At this time, a Porsche Panamera parked at the door before they arrived.

A familiar silhouette also appeared in Ye Yang's eyes.

It was none other than my cousin Su Ziyan.

Su Ziyan got off the bus next, her father, second uncle Su Liming, and second aunt Ye Liuqing.

The Su and Ye families were relatively close in the previous generation.

Therefore, the relationship is more difficult to sort out. According to the relationship between the Su family and the Ye family, Ye Yang calls Su Ziyan his cousin, and according to the relationship between the Ye family, he can be called his cousin. The distinction between the two is not so clear, so they are called vaguely. coming.

"It turned out to be Shirley."

Su Liming's family and Ye Xuanting's family are both a combination of the Ye and Su families.

Therefore, I am extra close to you.

It's just that the conditions of Ye Xuanting's family were far worse than that of Su Liming's family before, so they didn't have much contact.

It wasn't until Su Ziyan came back from the devil's capital and told her what she had seen that Su Liming completely changed her view of Ye Xuanting's family. At this time, everyone took the initiative to say hello.


When the older generation meets each other, they are always polite.

Ye Yang, Ye Xiaozi and Su Ziyan are not so particular.

Su Ziyan was also extremely happy to see Ye Yang. If the time in Magic City made her have infinite admiration for this cousin, then the time in Beijing after Ye Yang beat up the foreign pervert for him at Yenching University, Ye Yang In her mind it couldn't be more perfect.

He is simply a superman!

The sense of security is overwhelming! ! !

"Have a great New Year."

Ye Yang smiled and waved, and Su Ziyan took advantage of the situation and took Ye Yang's arm, and rubbed it against her.


Seeing Su Ziyan holding Ye Yang's arm when she came up, Ye Xiaozi pouted, grabbed Ye Yang's other arm, and stuck out her tongue at Su Ziyan.

The two girls looked at each other, with smiles on their faces, but they didn't know what they were planning in their hearts.


"The boss is so damn charming!"

The Xiao sisters looked at each other, shrugged helplessly, and then laughed evilly.

Ye Xuanting and Su Liming exchanged a few polite words.

A Bentley Bentayga drove in.

"Hiss... Bentley Bentayga!"

Several other relatives of the Su family who came early took a breath of cold air.

This car, with better configurations, costs over five million!

It was the most luxurious car they had seen today except Su Liming's Porsche Panamera.

As for Ye Yang’s car?

It was too advanced, so advanced that it was directly beyond the world they knew, and no one could recognize it.

Regarding this point, Ye Yang was also quite helpless.

Sometimes, being too rich is not a good thing. If you want to pretend to be cool with ordinary people, they won’t understand what you are saying...

The Bentley Bentayga was parked in the garage.

A rickety figure walked down from it.

The person who came down was none other than: Mr. Su Daqiang, the eldest son of the Su family, the terminator of children, the troublemaker of the atmosphere, the showman, the terminator of the happy atmosphere, and the ultimate king of torture.

Walking behind him was his son Su Mingcheng, who had an arrogant temperament when he appeared on the scene. He wore gold-rimmed glasses and a neat suit but could not hide his diaosi temperament.


Although I knew that this eldest brother had some personality problems, after all, he was the boss of the Su family and the best at it. The Su family members who came back all gave Su Daqiang face.


Su Daqiang snorted in a sinister tone, and after scanning the cars in the parking lot, he realized that his car was still the best this year. He snorted and said that it was just as he expected.

"Okay, let's all go inside!"

Su Daqiang walked directly through the crowd and led several brothers and sisters into the house.

Grandma and grandpa have been waiting in the house for a long time.

Ye Yang's grandfather Su Guangkun was a snobbery, otherwise he would not have been able to raise these brothers and sisters. His mother Su Shirley was considered an outlier in the family.

As for the second uncle Su Liming, although he is much better than the others, he is also a relatively snobbish person in nature.

After a group of relatives entered the house.

Su Guangkun only talked happily with Su Daqiang, glanced at Su Liming, and ignored his children like Su Xueli who were not doing well, and took Su Daqiang to sit down and talk.

Grandma was a good person, and seeing this, she gave Su Xueli and others fruit plates: "Eat some fruit first, I'll go to the kitchen to make a few more dishes."

"I'll help you, mom!"

Su Xueli and others said repeatedly.

"No, no, you haven't come back for a long time, take a good rest! Enjoy mom's cooking again."

Grandma waved her hand and went back to the kitchen.

After chatting for a while, Su Laosan's family came late.

After entering the house, he looked at Ye Yang with fear, and then sat in the most inconspicuous corner.

Originally, according to their character, they would definitely start making trouble as soon as they came in, but when Eleven went to Ye Yang's house to borrow money, Ye Yang was scared once, and he still has a psychological shadow, so he dare not make trouble.

Su Daqiang, who was looking for an opportunity to stir up trouble, saw that Su Laosan, who had waited for a long time, did not start to take the lead, which disappointed him. He shook his head in disappointment.

In previous years, Su Laosan always took the lead. He hid behind and pretended to be a big shot, enjoying a sense of superiority in the atmosphere where relatives dared not speak out.

This year, he did not play by the rules! ?

He rolled his eyes and began to think about how to stir up trouble.

He stared at Su Laosan and his wife, and Su Laosan and his wife pretended not to see it and lowered their heads to eat dessert.

Their son Su Buke was not willing to do it. He obviously heard about his parents being humiliated by Ye Yang's family, and he was very angry at the time!

To borrow money from Ye Yang's family means that he treats his family as a relative, trusts him, and gives him face!

It would be fine if he did not lend money, but he dared to scare his parents in return!

Although from what my father said, Ye Yang is a big shot with 100 million in his bank account, and I definitely can't beat him, but... I can borrow Su Daqiang's power to crush Ye Yang!

Let him suffer a little!

Thinking of this, he cleared his throat and stood up first...

(First update)

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