Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 555: Don’t worry, build relationships, take your time

"Ahem, uncles and aunts, we only get together once a year, why don't we talk about how we've been doing this year?"

Su Buke looked around and grinned.

"Sure enough, here we are again..."

A bunch of relatives covered their faces and said.

"This time, Su Lao San is quiet. This Su Buke is following in his father's footsteps!"

Several uncles and aunts complained in their hearts.


Su Daqiang nodded with satisfaction.

"I heard that my cousin was admitted to Yanjing University this year. This is the glory of our Su family! Let's congratulate cousin Zi Yan!"

Su Buke said repeatedly.

"Ah, yes, yes, yes."

"Second brother, your daughter really makes you proud!"

"Yanjing University, this is one of the two highest institutions of learning in China!"

"I'm so envious..."

"Oh, if only my child could be half as good as her."

A bunch of Su family relatives looked at Su Zi Yan with envy.

But when they saw her sitting so close to Ye Yang, they all frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

Especially the younger generations of the Su family who are used to comparing with each other, they always compete for everything.

Now seeing Su Ziyan accompanying Ye Yang, she is obviously closer to him than to them.

I can't help but feel a little sour and unhappy.

"Brother Ye Yang, it seems that he will graduate this year? Have you found a job?"

They all raised their eyebrows and asked.

"Oh, I know, this cousin Ye graduated from an ordinary 211 university in Shanghai. He found a job as a programmer in the local area. His annual salary seems to be 200,000, right?"

"Tsk~ Seems ordinary!"

"Cousin Su, isn't it better to sit and communicate with our cousin Su Mingcheng! Our cousin Mingcheng is doing very well. He is a big boss now! Didn't you see that he drives a Bentley worth more than 5 million!?"

"That's right... I'm not a snob. The key is that you won't make any progress if you chat with a working dog. Don't let his poor student's interruptions delay your future after graduation~"


Several jealous brothers of the Su family said in a sarcastic tone.

"Thank you so much for your 'kindness'!"

Su Ziyan glared at the brothers and said coldly: "But cousin Ye is not what you said, he is just a worker without dreams."


"Did he become a team leader?"

"Oh! That's too small! Even cousin Su said so, so he is at least a project manager now!?"

"If that's true, then cousin Ye, you are amazing! It's been less than a year since graduation, and you are a project manager? Your annual salary is at least 400,000 or 500,000, right? Did you seduce your female boss?"

"Haha, why don't you teach us too? We also have a bad stomach and want to learn how to be a gigolo!"



Xiao Qingxuan raised her eyebrows and slapped the table with her jade hand.

Several cracks appeared on the table instantly.

The eyes of those weird Su family youths were so scared that they popped out. This was too scary! ! !

Ye Yang waved his hand. After all, it was a family gathering, so there was no need to really beat them up.

But then, he raised a strange smile and looked at one of them: "I said, this fat cousin of my fourth uncle's family, what's your name? Oh, I forgot, I just remember that you look like a pig, I always remember you as Brother Pig, why haven't you lost weight yet?" Brother Pig's scar was poked open, and he was furious on the spot. "Tsk~ Look at you, a lonely man, you are 27 or 28 years old, right? You didn't have a partner last year, why don't you have a partner this year?" As he said, Ye Yang turned around, embraced Yu Momo and the Xiao sisters in his arms, and raised his eyebrows to look at each other. "Puff!!!!" Brother Pig was still furious, and now he was stabbed in the most painful place, and it was an extremely sharp divine knife that could see blood in the light. He felt a pain in his chest and almost vomited blood directly. Taking advantage of the time when Brother Pig was depressed and couldn't speak. Ye Yang said calmly: "You can't find a partner because you have too much oil on your body. It's time to exercise, right? The gym under my name happens to have a branch in Chuncheng. If you go, I'll give you a 99% discount. After all, we are real relatives, right?"


Zhu Ge's fragile heart was repeatedly crushed, and he was completely depressed. He was so heartbroken that he was desperate... He regretted why he was so rude and followed Ye Yang to be sarcastic!

The other brothers of the Su family also looked at Ye Yang strangely.

The reason why they dared to be sarcastic was because every year, Ye Xuanting's family was the most honest and usually kept silent when being teased.

What happened this year! ?

A sudden 180-degree reversal! ?


They seemed to have captured some key information.

"A gym under your name? A branch?"

Su Buke quickly reacted and laughed: "No wonder cousin Ye Yang is so confident this year, it turns out that he has started a business and become a boss! He has opened a chain store? I don't know what gym it is? Tell me and I'll write it down, after all, you just started a business! Your gym must be famous, we brothers are here to support you!"

"If you are going to promote fame, then you guys won't be needed."

Ye Yang grinned.

"I say, cousin Ye Yang, this is your fault! You can't ignore people just because you have some money and your career has started!"

"It's just... aren't you a little too proud!"


Ye Yang tilted his head.

Yu Momo arranged several VIP cards of Wales: "VIP cards of Wales Gym, although it is just a small industry under the name of our boss, it can barely be rated as the first fitness chain company in China, with a valuation of only ten digits~"



"Welsh Fitness Chain Group is his!?"


That is a terrifying company with a valuation of billions! ! !

Several Su brothers felt that it was a fantasy and were speechless.

"I said, cousin, didn't your third uncle teach you to talk to relatives properly last time? Why don't you change this weird sissy voice?"

Ye Yang threw a gym card in front of him: "You also go to the gym to practice and get rid of your sissy!

After that, he turned his head to look at the other shocked Su brothers, and said lightly: "Other cousins, don't be anxious... Let's take it slowly and communicate with each other one by one."

"You!!! "

Su Buke's face turned pale and blue.

For a moment, Ye Yang's momentum had already overwhelmed the whole audience.

He looked at Su Mingcheng as if asking for help.

Su Mingcheng was obviously under a lot of pressure. He thought there would be no competitors today, but Ye Yang was obviously well prepared!

"It seems that I have met an opponent..."

(Second update)

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