Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 556: Su Mingcheng is terrified

The Su family brothers looked at each other, and the pretentious words they had prepared for a long time were all held in their mouths, unable to come out.

It’s too early for Wang Zha to come out!

Owner of the Welsh fitness chain! ?

Just after graduation, there is a company with a market value of several billion?

This is too scary! ?


Even Su Guangkun looked over with bright eyes. He was a snobbish person. Originally, after Su Shirley got married, the annual gatherings at home were not eye-catching, and he probably didn't get rich, so he didn't pay much attention.

I rarely even think of myself having such a daughter.

Now when he heard that Ye Yang had achieved such an achievement, his expression immediately changed.

This daughter must be treated well in the future. After all, Ye Yang, the grandson, looks extremely powerful now!

Relatives present, you look at me and I look at you, each has his or her own thoughts.

Aunt Su Si raised her eyebrows: "No wonder I heard recently that my second son always takes the initiative to visit your house. It turns out he is rich!"

"They don't say anything even when they are prosperous. It's like they look down on us."

Several other female relatives were also sour.

"Look at other people's children. They opened big companies right after graduation. You can't even find a job, alas!"

"That's it, look at your cousin Ye Yang, learn from me!"

There were also some aunts or uncles who pointed at their children and scolded them.

In the past, the most wealthy and powerful family was Su Daqiang's family, but now Su Shirley's family has emerged.

Thinking that they had bullied Su Shirley's family into being honest in the past, these relatives were all in a state of anxiety, saying whatever they wanted.

Su Laosan's wife's eyes lit up when she saw this, and she wanted to get involved, but Su Laosan glared at her and held her back.

"Ahem, cousin Ye Yang is now prosperous, so he shouldn't be so angry!"

Su Mingcheng knocked on the table and said calmly: "Eat some fruit to calm down."

The juniors of the Su family present all looked at Su Mingcheng. Only this cousin might be their savior.

After all, Ye Yang has a foreign surname. Although he has relatives, according to their personalities, of course they don't want to see a foreigner surname dominate their family banquet.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Su Mingcheng who was silent at the side. It was obvious that he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Cousin Ye Yang is still too young. He just made some money and is a little impatient."

Su Mingcheng took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "My cousins ​​are also concerned about you! Your reaction is a bit excessive."

"Cousin Mingcheng, what you said is wrong."

Ye Yang also smiled slightly: "I am also concerned about the health of some of my cousins. I want them to go to the gym, drink some oil, and exercise to keep fit. Why is it too much? I think it's because you have a guilty conscience, cousin?"

"Me!? What do I feel guilty about!"

Su Mingcheng's eyes darkened, and then he laughed: "However, it is really congratulatory for cousin Ye to have such a career after graduation. It just so happens that Manager Zhang from Yingbin Restaurant is an acquaintance of mine. In a few days I'll invite Brother Ye to the high-end private room of Yingbin Restaurant to celebrate!"

"I think we can forget about the Yingbin Restaurant."

Ye Yang waved his hand and laughed: "If you want to eat, I'll treat my cousin to another place."

Su Mingcheng obviously wanted to show off his connections, so he decided to use his tactics.


Su Mingcheng's eyes lit up. It was obvious that Ye Yang didn't want to go to Yingbin Restaurant. He probably had some bad memories there!

"Haha, what kind of festival did Cousin Ye have at the Yingbin Restaurant? I know a lot of people there. You can talk to your cousin and he will help you settle everything!"

"As expected of cousin Su Mingcheng!"

"I actually know the senior executives of Yingbin Restaurant!"

All the cousins ​​from the Su family were flattering him.

Not only the juniors, but the adults also looked stunned, and then they were all amazed.

Among the entire Spring City industry, Yingbin Restaurant is the most special.

When the famous and powerful people have gatherings, they all go back to the Yingbin Restaurant to have banquets. The meaning of the place can be summarized by more than just the concept of "restaurant".

Whoever controls this place will have the largest network of connections in Spring City in their hands.

That represents huge wealth!

It is a symbol of glory and fame!

Previously, the Yang family and the Li family, the two largest financial groups in Spring City, were constantly competing for the ownership of the property rights of the Yingbin Restaurant...

Otherwise, no matter how big and glorious an ordinary restaurant is, in a city like Spring City where land prices are not very exaggerated, it cannot be valued at billions...

"The entire Yingbin Restaurant belongs to my boss. If you entertain our boss there, he will make things difficult for our relatives."

Yu Momo assisted at the right time and said lightly.


As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

There was silence for a long time before Su Mingcheng slowly spoke and asked in surprise: "Did you just say that the entire Yingbin Restaurant belongs to cousin Ye Yang!!!?"


Yu Mo nodded slightly.

"No...that's not right. When I went on a business trip in June, it was still the property of the Yang family!"

Su Mingcheng stood up directly and said seriously: "Cousin, this is not how you joke!"


Ye Yang shrugged: "It's just a small restaurant with a valuation of two to three billion. Old Man Yang gave it to me for free. Is this worth joking about?"


A small restaurant worth 20 to 30 billion? !

Old man Yang?

For free? !

These keywords made everyone crazy.

“You… the old man Yang you are talking about… is it… Yang Delin of the Yang family, Mr. Yang!?”

Su Mingcheng couldn’t believe it and confirmed it word by word.


Ye Yang nodded slightly and spread his hands casually: “If you don’t believe it, don’t you know Xiao Liu from the hotel? Just give him a call and you’ll know.”

“I… this!”


The people of the Su family looked at Su Mingcheng again and again.

“Mingcheng, it’s not that we don’t trust Xiao Yang, but this is too sensational! Why don’t you call and ask?”

“I can’t believe it anyway…”

The significance of the restaurant is so great that no one dares to believe it.

Wales is just a fitness company, which is also worth billions, and it is far away.

It is shocking to ordinary people, but there is no actual concept. For ordinary relatives of the Su family, there is no difference between 100 million and 1 billion.

But controlling the Yingbin Restaurant is a completely different and terrifying concept!

Su Mingcheng held the phone in his hand and did not dare to make a call for a while. What if what Ye Yang said was true? If he made the call, he would offend his cousin!

This cousin is not a good person.

Now that he seems to have suddenly risen to become a super boss, he also has to consider whether it is worthwhile for him to offend Ye Yang for the sake of face...

(First update)

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