Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 562: Going back to my alma mater to see my teachers?

Ye Yang didn't care too much about the shock in the investment circle.

The merger of the three giants was indeed very shocking.

However, before he took the initiative to expose his identity, with his current network of relationships, if he wanted to hide information, I'm afraid not many people could find it.

So, naturally, he didn't worry about any unnecessary troubles.

There is another benefit to buying the Xinghuang Mansion.

Before going home, Ye Yang could only have beautiful women lying next to him, but he could only satisfy his hand and mouth addiction. If he really worked, he would be discovered by his parents because the house was too small and the sound insulation was too poor.

But the Xinghuang Mansion is different.

In such a big mansion, no matter how passionate the call is, no matter how emotional the wailing is, there is no need to worry!

So, in life, it is still very necessary to buy a big mansion!

That night, Ye Yang was a diligent old farmer, constantly working in the fields, sweating like rain, and shooting like a dragon!

If it weren't for the powerful skills of the Xiao sisters, they couldn't resist it at all!

After hard work, Ye Yang stretched his muscles and bones, and then he hugged his sister and lay on the big water bed, enjoying the tranquility and warmth of midnight.

The next morning, the resident chef prepared the same breakfast as the Le Park Meridien Hotel in Manhattan, New York.

This hotel is very famous for its breakfast. After all, many rich people want to see a breakfast of tens of thousands of dollars.

The breakfast is served with six eggs, lobster, vegetable and meat pancakes, and 10 ounces of caviar.

After eating, Ye Yang shook his head... It feels not as good as the chive and egg pie made by his mother.

It seems that there is no need to go to that hotel to taste this unworthy breakfast in the future.

After eating, he stretched his body.

During the Chinese New Year, the relatives have almost gone, and the next step is to help the family post Spring Festival couplets, buy New Year goods, hang New Year pictures and so on.

Originally, these don’t need to be done by a rich man like him.

But after all, he participated in it personally, and only then did he feel the New Year.

The whole Xinghuang Mansion is also full of New Year atmosphere.

After finishing the work, Ye Yang took the girls to set off fireworks.

When he was young, he couldn't afford to buy all kinds of fireworks, but he was envious of them. Ye Yang bought them and set them off to his heart's content.

Fireworks are a custom deeply rooted in the Chinese people. When the sound of firecrackers is heard, it means that the New Year has really come.

What's the New Year without fireworks?

They had a lot of fun, and then Ye Yang saw that the high school group became lively again.

This kind of classmate group rarely becomes lively after graduation.

Only during the New Year or some special events will someone speak in it.

When they came back from the National Day holiday, under the organization of the class monitor Lin Ningdan, the high school classmates gathered at the Yingbin Restaurant, but that time was not very pleasant.

Faced with the coercion of the young master of the Yang family, Lin Ningdan directly abandoned the classmates in the class, including Liu Yao, who he had finally picked up.

If Ye Yang hadn't stood up, the beautiful girls in the class would have been taken away by Yang Haoqiang.

Since then, there have been disagreements in the class, and the classmates' group has been cold until now.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and glanced at the class group.

He thought that something like that happened last time, but the group was still lively...

After a few glances, Ye Yang suddenly realized.

Because it was the National Day holiday, many classmates did not go home, or were traveling outside, or were still working.

So some classmates didn't know about that matter at all.

"Why is this group so cold recently!? I said it's almost the New Year, everyone must have gone home, right? Our future is almost settled, or we are taking the postgraduate entrance examination, or working, should we go back to see the teacher?"

"I agree, it's not easy for the teacher to teach us, now that we have graduated from college, it's time to go and see the teacher."


Many people in the group were talking about going back to see the teacher.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He has been an excellent student in the class since he was a child. Although he didn't go to any top university in the end, he scored nearly 600 points in the exam.

In addition, he has an easy-going personality and will take the initiative to communicate with the teacher when he has nothing to do.

Therefore, the teachers were all nice to him.

Now that he was talking about going back to school to see the teachers, he was also quite excited.

It was indeed time to go back and see them.


After the discussion, the class unanimously decided to go back to school to see the teachers.

Many people in the group were asking Ye Yang's opinion. After all, Ye Yang's last stand was still very shocking, and he directly attracted a lot of loyal fans.

Ye Yang had no objection.

After the finalization, he chatted privately with Lin Xueer and Zheng Xian again, and picked them up on the way later.

"I want to drive for the boss!"

Xiao Xiaozhu said.

"Go, go, sister, you went with the boss to the class reunion last time, this time I will go!"

Xiao Qingxuan pushed Xiao Xiaozhu aside and looked at Ye Yang with a smile.


Ye Yang pondered for a moment: "Okay, but don't be too angry later. They are all my classmates. It would be bad if you can't control your anger and beat them to death."

There will always be a few people in a class who are not sociable and speak unpleasantly.

In addition, some classmates haven't seen each other for several years, who knows what changes have taken place. With Xiao Qingxuan's character of fighting against dissatisfaction, if I don't tell her in advance, I'm afraid it will be terrible in a while.

"Okay, boss! Qingxuan promises to be as obedient as a little bunny!"

Xiao Qingxuan saluted and promised.

Ye Yang rolled his eyes. I don't believe you!

Just like that, Xiao Qingxuan drove and picked up Zheng Xian and Ye Yang along the way, and drove to the school.

The senior year will not be on holiday until the New Year, so many faculty and staff are still working in the school.

No need to worry about going there but not seeing the teacher.

Zheng Xian and Ye Yang sat in the back of the car.

"You look energetic in a suit and tie."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and joked.


Zheng Xian laughed and said, "Thanks to you, Brother Ye! Old man Zhang Wanmin is very good to me. In the past few months, he has promoted me to the position of project manager. Now my annual salary is close to 600,000 after tax. With the promotion and salary increase, my life is extremely happy."

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "He is sensible."

Under normal work, promotion is definitely not so fast.

However, with Zheng Xian's ability, it is sooner or later to reach this position.

I am just a catalyst.

With an annual salary of 600,000, one is considered an elite. Even if one plans to settle down in Shanghai, it is not necessarily an empty talk.

"I met a girl recently, a local from Shanghai, very pretty!"

Zheng Xian showed a happy smile.


Ye Yang laughed and said, "Are you still the old virgin you were back then?"


Zheng Xian scratched his head, and after a long pause, he said, "I know, I know!"


Ye Yang waved his hand, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and did not ask any more questions. Soon, he saw the outline of the gate of the No. 1 Middle School...

(First update)

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