Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 561 On this day, the entire international investment community was crazy because of it.

After the convoy drove slowly for a long distance, everyone in the Su family came back to their senses. They all looked at Ye Yang in shock.

Su Mingcheng, who wanted to show off before, was scratching his head with a smile, walked up, grinned at Ye Yang and said: "Well, cousin, you are usually too low-key. Just now. What you said may be offensive, please don’t be offended..."

"Yeah yeah!"

With Su Mingcheng taking the lead, the Su family's cousins ​​dared to beg for mercy.

Otherwise, they wouldn't even dare to say anything due to the pressure brought by Ye Yang in what just happened.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Seeing Ye Yang's unkind look, the middle-aged members of the Su family rushed out in an instant, picked up their children and beat them up: "I'll make you owe me! I'll make you owe me!"

It wasn't until those leaders turned into swollen pigs that Ye Yang smiled lightly and waved his hands: "This is the end of the year party after all! You can teach your children at home, don't we have a family group? ? Just use photos to share the results of raising children in the group. ”


The younger generations of the Su family are all in tears. It's not enough for us to be beaten for our feelings. They also ask our parents to go back and beat us again!

Damage or not! ! !

Grab the bamboo shoots!

You have taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain! ! !

However, the middle-aged generation of the Su family knew that Ye Yang was trying to save face for his relatives. If someone outside dared to ridicule a super important person like him, it would not be as simple as getting beaten twice.

Therefore, after Ye Yang finished speaking, they thanked him again and again, saying that Ye Yang was broad-minded and unparalleled in generosity!

It is simply a model of moral education in the new era!

After blowing a rainbow fart, it seemed that they were no longer the same people as before.

Although Su Daqiang felt a little sad, his face was filled with compliments and a smile.

Ye Yang shrugged. People in the Su family were only interested in profit. It was a family tradition. It was probably impossible to change this character in just one sentence or two.

But since he has learned well and doesn't do this in front of himself and his family, he doesn't want to be so lenient.

This meal can be regarded as the most comfortable Su family's annual dinner in all these years.

No one dares to talk about comparisons and showing off to each other anymore, because no one can compare to Ye Yang, and no one can pretend to be Ye Yang.

On this day, everyone just chatted and joked.

The peaceful atmosphere left everyone in disbelief...

It turns out that family gatherings can be so enjoyable! ?

On the way back.

Ye Xiaozi held Ye Yang's arm and smiled happily: "You don't know how weird the expressions on the faces of these uncles and aunts were when the big guys came just now!"

"Ha ha."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

“It’s so cool!”

Ye Xiaozi snorted: "I guess they will never dare to organize our family again, and my third uncle will never dare to come to our house to borrow money again~ Haha!"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. Even if nothing like today's incident had happened, it would have been almost impossible for Su Laosan to borrow money from his family.

After all, the threshold for Star Emperor Mansion is very high.

They can't get in.

After returning home, Ye Yang also asked Yu Momo's secretarial team to contact the province and transfer funds for investment in provincial projects.

"Ding, it's detected that the host spent 50 billion on a positive investment, and rewards investment-oriented company integration opportunities*1"

"Directed integration company?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, this was the first time he heard it.

After taking a closer look, Ye Yang suddenly understood.

Because this time it is an investment, the direction of the system reward is to invest in the company.

You can choose any three private investment companies around the world to integrate and become a new, unique investment company. And he will have absolute control over the company.

Below, there are also many investment company options.

Just check any three boxes.

Ye Yang looked at the introduction and without hesitation chose the world's largest venture capital company: KPCB of America; China's largest private investment company: Gao Ling Capital; Europe's largest venture capital: Idinvest Partners.

The capital controlled by these three companies is extremely huge. More than 10,000 companies in the world have the shadow of these three investments behind them.

The most well-known ones are even world-famous super companies like Amazon, and the smallest ones include some small and micro enterprises.

By mastering these three investment companies, Ye Yang almost controls the investment trends in the three largest and most active financial regions in the world: the United States, Europe, and China.

"The three investment companies have been integrated, please name them."

System sound came.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment: "Just call Huaye Investment."

The abbreviation of Huaxia Yeyang.

It has both the style of a great country and personal characteristics.

"Company qualifications, registration, etc. have been completed."

After the system finished speaking, it fell silent.

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

This day is nothing special for most people.

But it is a busy and scary day for the international investment community.

News of the merger of three major investment groups: American KPCB, China Gaoling Capital, and European Idinvest Partners soon spread throughout the investment community in the form of gossip.

No one knows who is behind it.

This is simply too hard to understand!

You should know that these three companies are the strongest investment companies of the three strongest forces in the world, Europe, China and the United States!

And these three parties have always been competing with each other, fighting openly and secretly.

They are even more involved in each other in terms of investment.

No one could have imagined that one day, these three giant investment companies would actually merge! ! !

"Who is it!?"

"Such power is simply too terrifying!"

"Go check! I must know who is behind it!"

Everyone was trembling with fear and felt extremely terrified.

When they learned that the new company after the merger of the three companies was registered in Chinese, all the companies that investigated were shocked.

Although they cannot find out who is behind it for the time being.

However, the Chinese registration has proved that the existence of the integration of the three investment companies is a Chinese! ! !

"Gulu... Has such a terrifying existence appeared in the Chinese investment community?"

"Could it be the boss of one of the three companies?"

"No, absolutely not. After the three companies merged, they changed their names. It is not the name of any of the three companies."

"Hiss... In other words, it was an outsider outside the three companies who achieved all this!?"

"This is even more terrifying when you think about it!!!"

On this day, the entire international investment community was confused, trembling, and crazy because of a name!!!

And these two words are: 'Hua Ye'!!!

(Second update)

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