Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 560: Thirty billion is too little, let’s round it up

"Just tell me how much money is needed for this investment."

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand.


Wu Dakang and Zhang Yifeng obviously didn't expect Ye Yang to be so cheerful!

In the past, when looking for other entrepreneurs, none of them wanted to take the money. One day they said the company was making a profit and losing money, and the next day they said the situation was not very good.

Even if we talk about investment, it is at most a charitable investment of several million or tens of millions. For inter-provincial projects, this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket.

Although their visit this time brought many benefits to Ye Yang, they also did not dare to have high hopes.

Now looking at Ye Yang's tone, it seems that he has the intention to invest!

It seems that hope is greatly increased! ! !

"Ahem, this project, he is..."

Zhang Yifeng wanted to introduce this project to Ye Yang more, so that Ye Yang could have more confidence and negotiate for more investments soon.

"Haha, supporting the construction of my hometown is something I have always wanted to do, so there is no need to go to such trouble. Just give me a number."

Ye Yang smiled.


Zhang Yifeng is speechless, is he so arrogant? ? You don’t even need to hear what the project is, just tell yourself the number! ?

The leaders looked at each other and made up their minds.

People who invest are so generous and don't shy away from it.

No matter how timid they are, their prices actually drop.

Wu Dakang cleared his throat: "We are here this time to...ask you to invest in this project..."

He took a deep breath: "Thirty billion."

This amount is actually too large. Not to mention provincial companies, even national-level super companies would be cautious to spend 30 billion in cash to invest in a project.

Not to mention a project started by the government, which probably won't make much money.

"Of course, this amount is also negotiable."

After reporting the number, Wu Dakang himself felt a little guilty and added one sentence after another.

It was true that other companies were not able to help, and they had raised less than 10 billion in total. The entire project required a lot of money, so they had to bite the bullet and ask Ye Yang for 30 billion.

In his expectation, after bargaining, as long as Ye Yang can finally invest more than 10 billion, he will be thankful.


Ye Yang was stunned and looked at Wu Dakang strangely.

I couldn't help but curse in my heart: After doing this for a long time, you want 30 billion from me! ?

"Mr. Ye, I know that the amount of this investment is really too large..."

Just when Wu Dakang was about to explain something, he saw Ye Yang shaking his head. He couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Sure enough, the price was too high!

According to national standards, projects with an investment of more than RMB 500 million can be listed as provincial key projects.

A project worth tens of billions would normally be listed as a national key project.

Those exceeding 100 billion are super projects that attract national attention and shock the world.

After all, these investments, that’s cash! It's not an asset, nor is it a valuation.

That’s real money to spend!

Even for a super-large project like the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, which benefits the country and the people and affects the national destiny for thousands of years, the project investment so far is only about 600 billion.

Therefore, as a provincial governor, it would cost tens of billions of investment to take care of others.

It’s really stressful!

Even if Ye Yang refuses, it is reasonable.

"Only 30 billion?"

Seeing Wu Dakang's reaction, Ye Yang knew that he had misunderstood, so he added a sentence to express his attitude.

In his opinion, it was just an expression of his genuine doubts that the amount of investment was too small.

But in the eyes of others, they are extremely shocked! ! !

Even Wu Dakang and others were so shocked by these words that they didn't know what to say for a moment.

Not to mention the other Su family members, if they hadn't been so frightened that they couldn't move, they would have fallen to their knees!

An investment of 30 billion in real money!

That's all you say! ?

This is too scary!

At this moment, everyone looked at Ye Yang with fear instead of shock! ! !

Real fear!

They were actually mocking such a super giant just now! ! !

Not to mention whether Ye Yang pursues the case or not, even they themselves feel that they deserve to die...

"Ahem, Mr. Ye, are you willing to invest this amount!?"

Wu Dakang and others stood up excitedly. Despite their state of mind, they could not suppress the joy on their faces.


Ye Yang smiled and nodded: "The total investment in the entire project should be more than 30 billion, right?"

Wu Dakang and others looked at each other, their eyes lit up, and they said repeatedly: "Mr. Ye is right, the entire project requires an investment of approximately 80 billion. The government's own finances can spend about 20 billion, and with your 30 billion Invest and the rest will be taken care of.”


Ye Yang smiled and nodded: "In this case, you don't have to run around to find other people. Thirty billion doesn't sound like much. Let's make it up. I'll invest fifty billion directly."


Several leaders obviously did not expect the unexpected surprise.

All of them were extremely happy.

As for the other people present, they were all dumbfounded. Not more than 30 billion? Round it up and give it 50 billion?

I feel like I'm talking about three to five hundred yuan! ?

Am I still dreaming?

Ah this! ! !

"Mr. Ye is really a true entrepreneur who cares about his country and his country and the people!!!"

"I will definitely report it so that your glorious deeds will go down in history!!!"

The leaders were extremely happy and did not hesitate to praise them. This solved their big trouble!

"Yeah, but a little bit."

Ye Yang added.

"You say."

Wu Dakang and others were obviously in a good mood at this time.

“The main construction area and priority benefit area of ​​this project must be in my hometown city.”

Ye Yang said seriously.


A group of leaders breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't worry, Mr. Ye, we all understand!"

This itself is something that needs no explanation, is fully understood, tacitly understood, and tacitly understood.

Especially for such a huge investment, of course, priority must be given to the hometown of the investor.

After all, these specific facilities and construction must be placed in a specific place, so why not the hometown of the investor, the person who made the greatest contribution?

This is the saying that when a person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

After a few more polite words, the leaders went downstairs in great relief.

Wu Dakang was happy. If it weren't for his identity, he would have wanted to call Ye Yang brothers on the spot.

This is a super big project with an investment of 80 billion! ! !

Not to mention Kyrgyzstan, it is a huge project even in the country.

If he could implement this project, it would be of great benefit to his career!

"In the future, if you have any needs in Ji Province, I will do my best to help you, Brother Ye!"

After Wu Dakang and Ye Yang left these words privately, they left with the motorcade.

(First update)

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