Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 559: A large interprovincial project?

Zhang Yifeng had told him before that he wanted to make an appointment, but it was not that he wanted to meet him.

But there is someone else.

Listening to Zhang Yifeng's tone at that time, Ye Yang knew that that person's status must be above Zhang Yifeng's.

But I didn't expect that it was Wu Dakang, the governor of the entire Ji Province.

Except for Ji 0.0001, he is the highest in the entire political arena of Ji Province, one person below him.

However, Ji 0.0001 is limited by his identity and control scope, and it is impossible for him to come forward for business negotiations. Therefore, when he comes to see him this time, the Ji provincial political circles have shown their utmost sincerity.

The Su family members were all looking at each other, with no color on their faces and extremely tormented hearts.

In any case, to be able to have equal friendship with such a powerful figure as the Governor of Ji Province, Ye Yang's identity is not something that the Su family can claim at all.

Thinking of how they just laughed at such an unimaginably terrifying boss...

Everyone who spoke out was trembling.

As for the Su family members who did not participate in the acid injury to Ye Yang just now, they patted their chests happily while looking at the other relatives with schadenfreude. Now when they are talking about important things, they have no time to pay attention to you. Wait a moment... I'm afraid these people will Feel better.

"Mr. Ye, you are the pride of our Ji Province and one of the few big names in the Chinese business community!"

Wu Dakang smiled and took a sip of tea.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and said a few words of modesty and courtesy.

If you show courtesy for nothing, you may not find anything good to do for you.

However, when these words were heard by the relatives of the Su family, they all exploded!

It was called the pride of Ji Province by the Governor of Ji Province! ?

It is still one of the best in the Chinese business community! ?


It’s too scary! ?

No wonder he dared to call Yang Delin 'that little old man'...

In front of such existence, Yang Delin's identity seems to be somewhat worth mentioning.

They didn't dare to doubt it anymore at this time. After all, the person who said this was none other than the governor of the entire Ji Province! ! !

Ye Yang glanced lightly at the horrified eyes of everyone in the Su family, feeling quite satisfied in his heart.

He came back this time to shock them, so that these rubbish would not bully his mother to be honest.

The scene that happened here was obviously intentional on his part.

Not a coincidence.

Wu Dakang, Zhang Yifeng and other big figures who have reached such a high level in the political arena can naturally easily detect Ye Yang's thoughts.

Under the tacit understanding of each other, they began to trade business with each other tacitly.

Every time Wu Dakang said something, the people of the Su family were frightened to the point of trembling.

Ye Yang's background and assets are simply frightening! ! !

Plus what he said about Johnson \u0026 Johnson...

What the hell! ?

The world's richest man doesn't know that the richest man in China is definitely incomparable to Ye Yang.

In other words, my cousin is the hidden richest man in China! ! ! ?

As soon as this idea was born, everyone in the Su family was so frightened that they fainted...

Su Guangkun kept wiping cold sweat. If he was not embarrassed by the presence of the provincial governor, he would have slapped himself hard and called himself a fool. Why has he been lukewarm to his daughter Su Shirley for so many years!

You just missed this opportunity to become a successful person! ! !


He now wants to run to Su Xueli very quickly and kneel down to lick his precious daughter!

Even if you can get the slightest bit of forgiveness from the other party, that is an unimaginable benefit! ! !


Businesses are almost as good as each other.

Wu Dakang also changed the subject and talked about the topic: "Mr. Ye, our provincial party committee unanimously discussed and decided to award you some honors and awards. After the New Year, the Jilin Provincial Industry and Commerce Association will send you an invitation to be the president. . At the same time, after some discussion, we also want to ask you to serve as the honorary chairman of the Provincial People’s Congress.”

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. The status of the president of the Industry and Commerce Association is not low. Although it is the icing on the cake for him, it is still something that countless people in the political career cannot ask for.

It is a real provincial and departmental level.

"I have a lot of things to do myself and am quite busy..."

Ye Yang pondered for a moment, honor is a good thing for everyone, but if you have to work for it every day, it would be a disadvantage given Ye Yang's temperament.

"Don't worry, you just need to make a name for yourself. In today's Chinese business world, you are one of the top ones. As long as you are in this position, I don't know how many business leaders will come to you and directly recruit you." Ji Province’s economy!”

Wu Dakang directly guaranteed that Ye Yang only needed to be famous to enjoy these reputations and powers.

Jilin Province's economic development in recent years has not been satisfactory.

The big guys like them are also quite impatient. Now that a local top figure in the Chinese business community has finally emerged, how can they let him go so easily?

If they don't come to grab it, other provinces will.

By then they will be unable to find Bei even if they cry.

"We have already reported this matter to the superiors. As long as you nod, we will complete all the formal procedures for you."

Wu Dakang and others looked at Ye Yang eagerly.

Everyone else present was on the verge of crying. This was a terrifying benefit that countless people could never ask for in their entire lives!

He was still begged by the boss to give...

And this cousin Ye Yang is actually hesitating whether to take it or not! ?

This was simply too subversive of their imagination.

"Oh well."

Ye Yang spread his hands, but he also knew that there is no free money in the world.

Since he has given such a great convenience, in addition to valuing his appeal in the Chinese business community, I am afraid there is another plot.


Sure enough, when these people saw Ye Yang agreed, they all breathed a sigh of relief and pondered for a while.

Seeing their hesitation, Ye Yang also smiled and waved his hands. What other reasons could these people have for looking for him?

It's nothing but money.

But what he lacks the least now is money.

So, he also smiled and said: "You guys, you may as well speak directly if you have something to say. Ye is not an unreasonable person."

"Then let's speak directly."

Wu Dakang laughed and said: "Mr. Ye, the province has also been thinking about vigorously developing the economy and promoting development recently, so that our residents can live a good life. Therefore, several large regional projects have been prepared to attract some investment. I don’t know Mr. Ye..."

Since it is said at the regional level, it means it has surpassed the provincial level.

Otherwise, just say it directly at the provincial level.

It should be a joint project involving several provinces. Such a large project is extremely expensive. It is difficult to support it independently with the government finances alone. It must attract investment.

"So that's how it is."

Ye Yang laughed. It feels like he is giving away reputation and going around in circles, and in the end it's just to attract some investment...

This provincial governor is really suffering.

(Second update)

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