Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 558: The Governor Visits

Now no one in the Su family believed what Ye Yang said just now.

After all, it was too outrageous!

They all thought that Ye Yang had graduated, had seen the society, and had been stimulated by the cruelty of the society and had gone crazy.

He started to show off randomly, just like a child who would start to brag when he was angry.

If it was a company worth tens of billions, they could still understand it, but the world's top super companies worth trillions, that was simply too outrageous...

It was simply impossible!

Just as they were preparing words and began to mock.

Downstairs, it was noisy.

Everyone looked over.

In the square of the community, more than a dozen cars drove in.

If you just look at the value of these cars, then in the eyes of the Su family who have been spoiled by million-dollar luxury cars, they are naturally not worth mentioning.

But, when they saw the license plates on the front of those cars.

Everyone stood up, with an expression of disbelief on their faces, and looked at the vehicles that drove in.

The first and the last two cars all have white license plates, and the word "Police" is written at the end of the license plate.

Judging from the numbers, they are all very high-ranking people in the provincial department and the police department!

Although the license plate in the middle looks like an ordinary license plate, the license plate number of each car is amazing.

Except for the letters representing the region, there are no letters in the number string behind these license plates!

It is purely composed of numbers.

The meaning of this is amazing!

The first car alone, Ji A0001 is amazing enough...

The middle car is even more breathtaking Ji 0.0002! ! !

"Oh my god..."

Su Mingcheng and a few others who have a little bit of vision exclaimed: "This... is impossible!!!"

In China, license plates are very particular. The license plates of the government are generally represented by pure numbers. As long as the license plates are purely composed of numbers, most of them are government official cars. Of course, there are also a few state-owned enterprises or private cars.

But this number is so close to the front, it must be!

Ji represents Ji Province, and the full number behind it means that this is a vehicle directly under the provincial governor!

If it is Ji A, it means that it is a vehicle directly under the governor of Chuncheng, Ji Province!

And the number generally represents the level of power.

Ji 0.0002...

"Hiss... This is the governor himself!!!"

"This pomp is a little... too big!!!"

"I... Damn!!!"

After listening to Su Mingcheng's explanation, all the Su family members were blank in their minds!!!

This is a big shot!!!

Only Ye Yang sat in his seat safely, without any surprise.

"Son, this..."

Ye's father and mother were obviously a little impatient.

"Don't panic, they are here to find me."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded, indicating that his parents don't need to panic.

"Looking for you!?"

The whole audience was tense at this time, and dared not speak loudly. At this time, Ye Yang's confident and clear voice came out, and everyone looked over instantly.

"Cousin Ye, you are really addicted to bragging!"

"No hope, no hope!"

"Do you know who are sitting in these cars? You are so funny to come to you!"

"Haha, after all, the international capital giants are all run by others, what else can they not brag about?"


The Su family members relied on ridicule to relieve the tension and shock of seeing such a scene.

Only Su Mingcheng looked at Ye Yang with gloomy eyes.

He still understood this cousin. Whether in terms of conversation or temperament, he did not seem to be mentally disturbed. It was meaningless to tell such lies that could be easily exposed at any time. It just added to the jokes.

Therefore, he was really a little unsure now, how capable Ye Yang was...

"Click, click..."

These cars were opened quickly.

The drivers in the cars had deep eyes and capable figures, and they were obviously not ordinary characters.

The secretaries of each car helped the big guys in the car out one by one.

A team of more than a dozen big men with different shapes but strong auras, escorted by a group of police officers, really walked towards this building...



All the people of the Su family took a breath of cold air, and everyone felt numb all over.

Could it be...

They all looked at Ye Yang in fear, these super big men, really... came to find this cousin! ?

Coincidence! ?

Otherwise, it can't be explained at all! ! !

Why do these big men want to find Ye Yang! ?

What is the identity of my cousin! ?

If he committed a crime, then he would definitely send people to arrest him directly. These big men came to see him in person, which obviously meant...

They have something to discuss with Ye Yang! ! !

And these are the top people in Ji Province!

They are so powerful that they have almost no scruples in this province, but these big men are coming to see their own cousin! ?

No matter how you think about it, it is completely impossible! ! !

"Ding Ding..."

Soon, the doorbell rang.


Cold sweat instantly broke out from all the Su family members! ! !

"What the hell is going on here!!!"

"Calm down!!!"

Su Guangkun is still a wise old man after all. After forcibly suppressing the situation, he said solemnly: "No one is allowed to talk nonsense, this is not a joke!"

After that, he hurried to open the door himself.

A group of Su family relatives were also terrified, trembling on the side, looking at the door nervously and expectantly.

The first person to come in was Ye Yang's old friend, Chuncheng City Governor Zhang Yifeng.

Chuncheng is the capital of Jilin Province, and Chuncheng City Governor has a very high status. Zhang Yifeng himself is at the deputy provincial level.

And today, he was just the first to enter the scene.

"Zhang City Governor..."

Su Guangkun obviously watched a lot of news, and recognized him at once, his hands trembled a little, it really is the city governor! ! !

"I met with Ye Yang this afternoon, Mr. Ye, I guess he is here today?"

Zhang Yifeng laughed and asked.


As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was silent. What Ye Yang said just now was actually true! ! !

These big guys, are they really coming for him! ?

Everyone was extremely shocked.

However, Zhang Yifeng obviously saw Ye Yang directly, bowed to the middle-aged man behind him, and led the way to Ye Yang.

"Zhang Shidu, how are you?"

Ye Yang smiled and shook hands with Zhang Yifeng.

"Mr. Ye!"

Zhang Yifeng also smiled and shook hands, then quickly stepped aside and introduced: "This is the main person today, Wu Dakang, Governor Wu."


Ye Yang shook hands with Wu Dakang, and then smiled and said: "Please take a seat, everyone."

Although it was the Su family, but all the big guys sat down, there was no place for them, they could only tremble on the side and stand and listen.

However, they were always proud, but at this moment, they had no complaints at all, just felt proud...

(First update)

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