Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 569 New Year's Eve Red Envelope

"Will it be released on New Year's Day?"

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Tomorrow is Chinese New Year, so it will be released the day after tomorrow.

After sending Zheng Xian home, Ye Yang took Lin Xueer to the entertainment place to sit for a while, have a deep exchange, and vent all the emotions and longings that he had not seen recently.

After both of them felt extremely comfortable, Ye Yang took Lin Xueer back to her home and paid New Year's greetings to her uncle and aunt.

The next day, in Xinghuang Mansion, the Chinese New Year atmosphere in Spring City was still very strong.

The sound of fireworks and firecrackers made everyone feel very lively.

Amid the red celebration, Ye Yang also spent a happy day in the Star Emperor's Mansion.

The New Year’s Eve dinner is also very sumptuous.

"Xiaoyang, have you collected all the red envelopes from Douyin?"

My parents asked again and again.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Every year, various apps launch Chinese New Year activities. There are various ways to collect red envelopes, such as collecting five blessings by paying only with treasure.

TikTok apparently has similar activity.


Ye Yang looked at the two elders dumbfounded: "That thing only costs RMB 80 cents at most. What's the point of collecting it?"

"It's fun!"

"That's right! It makes it feel more ritualistic!"

Ye Xuanting and Su Shirley are obviously quite enthusiastic about this kind of thing.

Ye Yang thought about it for a moment, and the sense of ritual... seemed to be true.

The sense of ritual can increase people's feeling of happiness. Sometimes it doesn't necessarily require much money. As long as there is such a thing, it will make people feel like a festival.

With this in mind, he was also prepared to spend a little money to add a sense of ritual to his fans.

With that said, he started broadcasting directly.

I thought everyone was watching the Spring Festival Gala, but as soon as the live broadcast started, hundreds of thousands of people poured in, and they are still pouring in.

"Wow! Ye Shenhao started a live broadcast!"

"I was worried that it would be boring. I just happened to come over to watch Ye Shenhao's live broadcast. This Spring Festival Gala is getting more and more boring..."

"Ye Shenhao has a great New Year!"

"Ye Shenhao finally remembered his account again."

"Hey, isn't this our dad!"


Countless New Year greetings flashed across the screen in an instant.

Ye Yang also smiled and said: "Happy New Year to everyone."

"Why did Ye Shenhao suddenly remember that the show was on? Do you think the Spring Festival Gala is too boring?"

Every year during the Chinese New Year, countless people complain about the Spring Festival Gala.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head: "This is not the Chinese New Year. I thought I would give out some red envelopes to everyone when the show starts. It's fun."

"I'll go! There's really a red envelope!"

"I will ask my father, my mother, my grandfather, my grandmother, my grandpa, my third aunt and my seventh uncle to all download TikTok. They are always keen on grabbing red envelopes."

"Ah ha ha……"

Fans were extremely excited when they heard about the red envelope.

Who doesn’t know Ye Shenhao’s generosity and skill! ?

It’s the time of the Chinese New Year, and everyone is very free at home. They all ask their relatives to log on Douyin and follow Ye Shenhao.

In an instant, the number of downloads of Douyin surged by tens of millions.

It’s more expensive than advertising Douyin during the Spring Festival Gala!

The CEO of Douyin was having a swimming pool party with a beautiful girl at home. Before he could stretch and stretch in the water, he was pulled out of the swimming pool by his assistant. He was stunned when he saw the huge increase in data reports.

That year, I invited the Spring Festival Gala to advertise and frantically promoted my New Year red envelope event, but it didn't increase so many users!

After all, there are already enough downloads of Douyin nowadays.

It would be extremely difficult to add more users on this basis. Only the appeal of Ye Yang's huge red envelope could have such an impact.

This increase quickly spread to all live broadcast platforms, and all platforms were shocked.

Kuaijiao: "This data is fake!"

Douhu: "I'm going to tell you what's going on!"

The bosses of various platforms have been busy for a year and were planning to have a good time on this New Year's Eve, but they were all spoiled by Douyin's crazy increase in downloads. They got up from bed or in various strange environments. Abandoning the girl beneath him, he urged his subordinates to find out the reason.

Soon, the reason was discovered: Douyin’s downloads soared just because Ye Shenhao wanted to give out red envelopes!

"I'll go, this is too scary."

"That's awesome!"

"Ye Shenhao... sounds so familiar... he seems to be just an Internet celebrity, right? He actually has such influence?"

"It's so powerful. If our platform can recruit this person, he will probably rise!"

Many platforms are extremely greedy. They don’t know Ye Yang’s background, they only know that he is a very awesome Internet celebrity, and they are secretly trying to recruit Ye Yang to their short video platform...

This is a money tree!

The new president of Douyin was wearing a bath towel. When he saw the reason, he burst out laughing: "It turns out that it's Director Ye who is spending money to do activities for Douyin! These idiots in the same industry want to poach our word-stepping controllers and give them to them Make money! ? It makes me laugh!”

The director of Douhu Platform also wiped his cold sweat and trembled at the immature idea just now: "I'll go, isn't this Mr. Ye Yang, the controlling director of my parent company Tengxun..."

His brother-in-law Ling Shen was personally given a ban order by Mark Jin because he offended Ye Yang. He still had this incident fresh in his mind, but he didn't dare to provoke Ye Yang again... His previous expectation was also directly canceled by him.

Except for these two, most of the other platforms still don’t know Ye Yang’s identity, and they are all rubbing their hands and starting to contact Ye Yang for his contact information...

Ye Yang naturally didn’t know about the undercurrents of each platform, but just watched the news of his fans increasing wildly in the background.

Every second it refreshes, hundreds of thousands of them are jumping up.

He looked at those names with a smile:

“User ‘Lifelong Peace’ followed you...”

“User ‘A Touch of Sunset Red’ followed you...”

“User ‘Your Beauty Gentles Whose Pupils’ followed you...”

“User ‘.Family Happiness’ followed you...”

It seems that this wave directly gained a lot of grandfather fans, grandmothers, uncles, and aunts fans...

His number of followers soon exceeded 80 million!


Seeing that the time was almost up, Ye Yang recharged and sent three red envelopes for ‘Happy’, ‘New Year’, and ‘Happy’.

Each red envelope has 500 million.

A total of 1.5 billion.

There are more than 10 million people in the live broadcast room, and each person can get an average of 150 yuan.

The least you can get is a few dozen yuan.

The most you can get is millions, you will become rich overnight!!!

I love lollipops: "Wow! Awesome! 30,000 yuan! Twice as much as my dad gave me as a New Year's gift! Thanks, Dad Ye!"

Gaia!!! "Oh my god, 80 yuan, this is more than the total amount of New Year's red envelopes I received from all platforms such as 'Zhi Fu Bao', 'Qian Du', 'Dou Yin', etc. in the past ten years!!!"

"No more to say, Ye Shenhao, awesome!!!"

(Second update)

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