Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 570 Buy a few more villas to store gifts?

"too strong!"


Fans are extremely active, this is a super New Year’s Eve red envelope worth 1.5 billion!

"Compared to this, super big companies like Douyin and Qiandu only pay 1.8 billion to the whole country for holding activities during the New Year. They are too petty..."

"Yeah, who says it's not!"

"My Ye Shenhao is still awesome. One person is more awesome than those super big companies!"

"Maybe those super big companies are owned by others?"

"The truth is revealed upstairs..."


Fans were discussing it enthusiastically, and it was obvious that everyone got red envelopes, which made them extremely happy.

In the future, many ordinary people will take the hundreds of thousands of red envelopes snatched from Ye Yang as the first pot of gold in their lives, completely changing their originally mediocre and ordinary lives...

The normal carnival lasted for a long time, until Ye Yang went off the air, and fans directly put this matter on the hot search again!

UC: "Shocking, Ye Shenhao alone defeated the two super companies Qiandu and Douyin!"

He lost his mind: "What is it like to grab a 1.5 billion red envelope?"

What to watch on QQ: "God's comment: I completed a lifetime of struggle in just one second! The super big red envelope made netizens call me an expert!"

Various platforms are flooded with such titles, and making complaints about the Spring Festival Gala have become the two most popular topics on the Internet during this year’s New Year’s Eve!

However, Ye Yang was really used to it being on trending searches. He was no longer surprised. He yawned, turned off the live broadcast, and watched the Spring Festival Gala with his parents for a while.

The Spring Festival Gala was still ugly as always. He shook his head and sighed, then went directly to the bedroom with his girl in his arms.

Accompanied by the drumbeat of fireworks outside, it started its own rhythm.

On the New Year's Eve night, the fireworks continued, and rhythmic music played throughout the night.

At dawn the next day, Ye Yang woke up from his nap in high spirits.

The girl next to me was so tired that she fell asleep.

He twisted his neck, and with his hearing, he could easily sense the commotion around him.

Xinghuang Mansion is built in a high-end villa area. High-end villa areas are generally relatively quiet. Although it has been noisy these days due to the New Year fireworks, the noise this morning is obviously not due to fireworks, but caused by the flow of people.

When he walked out of the main mansion, he saw the butler of the Star Emperor Mansion waiting at the door.

"What's going on outside?"

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

"Many dignitaries from all walks of life in Chuncheng and even Ji Province have come to give you gifts."

The steward kept saying.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. This was his first New Year after becoming rich. No one rushed to give him gifts during the previous New Years. He couldn't help but smile and nodded: "Why didn't you come in and call me?"

"They all said that they can wait until the master wakes up before letting you know. They are waiting outside."

The steward kept saying.

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Let them all come in."

It wasn't until he opened the door that Ye Yang really felt what the butler meant by 'many people from all walks of life'.

Among this group of people, most of the big shots in Ji Province, including politics, business, music and art, police, media, and medicine, are all gathered here.

Originally, the housekeeper had reported to him that after the New Year, there would be people like this who wanted to visit him to pay New Year greetings.

However, he was too lazy to listen to the list at that time, and he did not expect that this group of people would be waiting outside the door this early in the morning.

It seems that Wu Dakang and the Yang family have made good arrangements for themselves in all walks of life. I am afraid that it will not be easy for them to encounter the descendants of some big shots in Spring City who do not have the foresight to provoke them.

Thinking of this, he also laughed.

It seems that since he became rich, he is used to being offended without opening his eyes. At this time, he suddenly felt that Chuncheng might not encounter this kind of situation in the future, but he was not used to it.

However, when people came to greet him with a smile and give him gifts, he couldn't bear to treat them coldly. He originally wanted to go to the cinema to see his premiere, but he ended up having to receive these people from all walks of life for a long time, and there was a warehouse full of gifts. .

If you give gifts like this, even if the Star Emperor's Mansion is big enough, I'm afraid it won't be able to accommodate it in a few years.

Ye Yang sighed, it's not easy to be a powerful person! It seems that in a few years I may have to buy a few more villas to hold these gifts.

After seeing off people from all walks of life, Ye Yang stretched his waist.

I saw Yu Mo and the others walking out of the house sleepily, obviously still a little tired.


After learning about what happened in the morning, Yu Momo blamed himself: "As a secretary, this is my fault."

"Haha, it's okay. Didn't you do your duty last night?"

Ye Yang patted Yu Momo's little head and said with a smile.

"Hmph~ It's the boss's fault anyway, last night was really... too violent!!!"

Yu Mo said coquettishly.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head: "Let's go to the nearby cinema and watch our premiere. If it's too late, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch it."

"If I remember correctly, the premiere starts on the afternoon of New Year's Day."

Yu Momo nodded his lower lip and said.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"In the past two years, according to the holiday regulations, the first day of the Lunar New Year is a public holiday, and the earliest cinemas must open at noon on the first day of the Lunar New Year is not in violation of the regulations."

Yu explained silently.


Ye Yang felt relieved. After having the first meal of the New Year with his parents, he took the girls and drove a Mercedes-Benz towards the cinema...

Movies usually have a premiere ceremony.

It is an event organized by the crew and the leading actors in cooperation with the distributor, and many fans will come to support.

The two largest cinemas in Chuncheng are Yida and Ginza.

As Ye Yang's industry, Yida Cinema naturally reached a broadcast agreement with Huabo Films. As for Ginza, it reached an agreement with Yinna.

The two cinemas are right across from each other, one is Huabo's premiere of "Ye Wen" and the other is Yinna's premiere of "Kung Fu Queen".

The reason why the two premieres are so tit-for-tat is that An Mi heard that Ye Yang's first premiere was going to be held here, so she chose this place, just to use the number and momentum of her massive number of brainless fans to suppress Ye Yang's edge!

In the Alpha nanny car, An Mi confidently crossed her legs and cracked melon seeds: "Knowing that this traffic queen is holding the premiere here, you dare not change the place for the premiere! Haha, I'm afraid I can't find my way when I see the difference in our fans!"

"Ahem... This Ye Yang seems to have a lot of fans. Yesterday, his fans pushed him to the top of the hot search. It feels like he is building momentum for this movie! This influence cannot be underestimated!"

The director of Yinna next to him also said with a guilty conscience.

"Haha, no matter how many fans he has, can he have more than the hundreds of millions of fans on my Weibo!? He has more hot searches or I have more hot searches! Do you look down on me? Who gave you the courage!"

Then An Mi turned her face and slapped the director of Yinna in the face...

(First update)

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