Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 572 Are there really mentally retarded people in the world?

"You actually waved to me! I'm so happy!"

"Husband Ye Yang, I love you!!!"


The scene was very lively. Na An Mi stood stupidly in the crowd and looked at this scene in disbelief. All of this should belong to him! ! !

Originally, in her expectation, she should be the one who was welcomed by everyone, and the one who was extremely embarrassed and envious of her on the side should be Ye Yang!

I was thinking so well just now in the car.

Now in the blink of an eye, reality slapped her hard.

A direct two-level reversal, she felt as embarrassed as she felt now and felt as uncomfortable as she felt.

Just when she was teetering and about to lose her strength.

Another Alfa nanny car drove up from behind. This kind of car is usually like to be driven by celebrities when traveling to attend events.

The car has a lot of space and all the facilities. It feels like a small RV.

And it looks very high-end and classy.

And you can buy it for less than 2 million, which is economical and affordable.


The car door opened, and a man who looked neither male nor female got out.

If you look closely, you can see that he is a boy wearing heavy makeup.

"Sister Mi, you are such a passionate fan!"

The man walked over with a smile.

"Cai Xiaofan! Are you blind?"

Na An Mi shouted angrily.


Cai Xiaofan frowned slightly. He is also a top-notch man. Among popular male celebrities, his weight is higher than that of Lu Zhankun! He was always extremely proud, but he did not dare to quarrel with An Mi in public.

After all, his fans are generally Weibo toilet fans. Most of these fans are female pastoral girls. If he sees himself scolding a girl in public, he will immediately lose his followers, regardless of whether it is the girl's fault or not. First.

After suppressing his anger, Cai Xiaofan turned around and looked at the situation on the field, and then said in great astonishment: "Who is this person! Why is he so popular? I don't even welcome you, sister!"

"Haha, you are such a fool. We don't even know our biggest competitor this time."

Na An Mi chuckled.


Cai Xiaofan was furious in his heart, but he still smiled and said angrily: "Sister, you are right. Is this the Ye Yang?! It seems that he is more popular than you!"

These words penetrated into An Mi's body like a gun, sending a shock to his heart.


If An Mi wanted to curse again, Cai Xiaofan had already walked inside first.

He was also very angry, and when he got off the bus, there were no idiotic fans shouting to give him a baby and sending him money at the same time!

The person named Ye Yang stole all the limelight!

As a person who lives by traffic, how can I not be angry! ! ! ?

"Sister, don't be so angry. Ye Yang is our common enemy now. We have to take care of ourselves. The entertainment industry values ​​peace and does not want to fight among each other!"

"You are not qualified to teach me a lesson!"

An Mi curled his lips, but realized that Cai Xiaofan was actually right, so he said: "Let's go in."

With that said, they pushed aside the crowd and squeezed inside.

Ye Yang also walked towards Yida Cinema City with a few girls.

He had just reached the halfway point when he heard countless screams rising into the sky that were too sharp to sound like human voices.

"What the hell is this!"

"Damn! Ghost scream!?"

Ye Yang and some fans who came here because of their admiration for the old drama all turned their heads.

It turned out that it wasn't the fans of An Mi and Cai Xiaofan who didn't come.

Instead, these fans were surrounded by Ye Yang's huge fans...

The fans of these two traffic stars who came today were already very objective, but unfortunately, there were even more fans of Ye Yang and those veteran actors! ! !

It wasn't until they walked near Yinna that the two traffic stars discovered their fans.

These fans are generally relatively young, and there seem to be many primary school students. In addition, there are also adults who seem to have some personality problems at first glance, or some problems with their brains. However, when it comes to chasing popular celebrities, women still make up the majority.

After all, the fan pool of most popular celebrities is on Weibo. Weibo has now almost become a gathering place for the star-chasing circle and the pastoral female dog circle. These two groups are a bunch of stinky things. Needless to say. .

The vast majority of fans of An Mi and Cai Xiaofan are naturally of this nature.

"Ah! Brother is so handsome! I ovulated directly on the spot!!!"

"Your Majesty the Queen is great! You only speak for yourself! As a woman, you have to be selfish! Don't care about anyone else, just live your life! I was immediately attracted by your words!"

"That's right, that's right..."

"Cai Xiaofan! Aren't you and Lu Zhankun going to form a CP? Why don't you two act in this movie together!!!"

"I can't wait to see Kunkun and Xiao Fan kiss together!"

"Together with!"

"Brother, how can you be so handsome! Today I stole all the money my mother earned from working for a year to buy flowers for you! Haha, my stupid mother also hid the money secretly. Isn't it natural for me to spend money? Actually not Give me!

Just like I couldn't find it, I found it all by my own strength! My brother is right, women have to rely on themselves and rely on their own hard work. I am an independent woman in the new era! Praise me! Ho ho! "



These idiotic fans screamed, and as soon as they appeared on the scene, all kinds of ghosts, ghosts, and snakes, with bull heads and horse faces were all exposed.

The foul smell rose to the sky...

Ye Yang and the old actor's rational fans instantly pinched their noses and frowned deeply.

For normal people like them, it seems that they rarely see such extreme brain-dead people in their daily lives, as if such brain-dead people do not exist at all.

Now there is a large gathering place of brain-dead people behind them, which directly opened their eyes.

It turns out that there are idiots in the world, but I just haven't met them...

"Damn... There are really such people in the world!"

"Do these people have brains? They can say such things!"

"I've learned a lot..."

"I always thought that those who post these stupid words on Weibo are all robots, so scary..."

"Who said there are no such idiots in the world? My cousin is like this! A few days ago, that Lu Zhankun or something released an electronic song album that was completely plagiarized from others, and sold it for three yuan per copy. As a result, my cousin who is still in the first grade of junior high school borrowed three hundred yuan from me to buy a hundred electronic albums. When I didn't give it to her, she scolded me directly and said she would break off relations with me!"


A crowd shook their heads, and many people in the crowd complained.

However, An Mi and Cai Xiaofan were very happy. This was the scene they were familiar with!

Confidence returned to their bodies instantly...

(Many real experiences... The story of my cousin buying an album was adapted from the experience of a classmate of mine... It was too miserable.)

(First update)

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