Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 573 Is this something a carbon-based organism can do?


Ye Yang shook his head. He also couldn’t stand this kind of idiot. But after all, he was not the father of these idiots. He didn’t have the time to educate them. He just wanted to go in and start the premiere ceremony with his rational fans.

Unexpectedly, the big screen over there lit up directly.

An Mi and Cai Xiaofan both walked onto the big stage and started their performances.

“What’s going on?”

Ye Yang’s fans also raised their eyebrows and looked over.

“Dear fans, I’m your queen, An Mi!”

“I’m the star Cai Xiaofan.”

“Today we are holding a movie premiere ceremony here!”

“Come and light up the stars on the screen, help us, and start the ceremony!!!”

After that, there was a page on the screen.

It was obviously the official event page of the Douyin movie “Kung Fu Queen”.

There were many stars on the page, and there was also some star power value on the page.

"The way to light up the stars is to help us recharge the star power. One dollar is ten star power!!!"

"Come and help us charge the stars!"

An Mi and Cai Xiaofan said repeatedly.

Ye Yang laughed. This traffic star circle really can't change its bad roots!

Before entering the door, they are going to cut leeks!

What does this mean? ! This is obviously that if they don't recharge the star power for them, they don't even have the qualifications to enter the door!

These fans have already bought tickets at a high price.

They bought tickets but were not allowed to enter the door. When they arrived at the door, they were treated as idiots and cut leeks. They paid money without thinking. What else can be done except idiots? ! Is this something that carbon-based creatures can do?

Whether it is the planner who proposed this activity form or these brainless people who were cut, none of them are normal.

Ye Yang sneered.

Before he turned around.

Then An Mi took the microphone and taunted: "All of you, vote for me! Let the stupid movie "Ye Wen" on the other side see who is the real queen! Those actors on the other side also opened accounts on Douyin to prove that they can beat me in traffic!? Can you agree to it!"

"Of course I can't agree to it!!!"

"I have seen this Ye Shenhao, and he has also scolded women! She is only more than 300 pounds, and I think it's rare to ask for a dowry of 5 million! It's really giving these men face! He actually said that sister is stupid in the street! Haha, this kind of male is so disgusting!"

"And this thing!"

"Then we must teach them a lesson, let's all give money to the queen! Let him see our power!"


Ye Yang almost burst out laughing when listening to the remarks of these brainless women. These people have been brainwashed and don't even have the most basic logic.

Want to scold me, the way is to give money to An Mi?

Let alone what the fuck is the relationship between these two things, he didn't hold any corresponding activities today, how can he connect scolding me with charging money? !

These idiots are not stupid, they simply have no brains at all! ! !

"Damn it! We can't let these rural bitches get so arrogant!"

"That's right, we are usually afraid of being attacked by these bitches online, so we dare not say anything on Weibo, but today we encountered this incident, we must not just stand by and watch!"

"Ye Shenhao! You also start this event! I will be the first to vote for you!"

"I can't stand it anymore!"

"Ye Shenhao, start the event quickly! I want to use practical actions to slap these stupid and brain-dead fans in the face!!!"


The fans obviously have been resentful for a long time. They are usually very angry about these toxic chicken soup girls on the Internet. At this time, they were aroused by the scene, and Ye Shenhao, whom they respected, was ridiculed, and they simply couldn't bear it anymore!


Ye Yang felt that it was unnecessary: ​​"The dog bites us, and we can't bite the dog in return. There is no need."

At worst, we can find professionals to directly kill this mad dog later...

He sneered in his heart and added.

"Ye Shenhao, give us a chance to prove that there are still many normal people in this world!"

"Yes! We also want everyone to know that brain-dead fans are not worth mentioning at all and are vulnerable! There are still many normal people and good people in this world!"

"Ye Shenhao, to be honest, we have snatched so many red envelopes from you before, at least give us a reason to repay you! I am embarrassed to snatch them..."

"Haha, yes, yes!!!"


The fans kept arguing with Ye Yang, wanting Ye Yang to hold a similar event and let them charge money to help hit the charts.

Ye Yang didn't care. How much money could fans spend? At most a few hundred million, and the live broadcast room would send another wave of red envelopes to thank them afterwards.

Since the fans all want to do this, then do it!

He also couldn't stand these garbage brain-dead people. After making up his mind, he also nodded slightly to Yu Momo.

Yu Momo's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood and called Douyin directly.

Douyin's response speed was very fast. In less than ten minutes, everything was ready.

The event page appeared on the official homepage of "Ye Wen".

On the big screen, the event page appeared.

Without Ye Yang saying anything, all the fans present spontaneously entered the event page.

Both pages are for fans all over the country and the entire Internet.

Ten minutes later, An Mi's star power was close to 100 million, and the momentum was huge. Many of her fans borrowed money from everywhere, and even snatched money from their parents to help An Mi and Cai Xiaofan vote for the charts.

"It's more than 10 million so soon!"

An Mi and Cai Xiaofan looked at each other, both very excited, and they were obviously very satisfied with this result!

It was beyond imagination!

Especially after the fans found out that Ye Yang dared to confront the toxic chicken soup girl who wanted 5 million betrothal gifts in the street, the toxic chicken soup girl fans of An Mi and Cai Xiaofan were even more crazy, and they wanted to punish this stinky man who dared not treat girls as gods and "did not respect women".

In the eyes of these rural female dogs, men in front of women, as long as they don't want to be slaves, are ordinary men, and they just need to be defeated.

Ye Yang is just a steel straight man, who specializes in confronting toxic chicken soup girls.

Of course, they will regard him as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh, and they are all excited to join in at this moment.

The momentum of An Mi suddenly became spectacular...

"Haha, the knife is not sharp and the horse is too thin, what can you use to fight me!"

An Mi suddenly remembered the rustic and pretentious lines, and looked at Ye Yang with a sneer...

But in an instant, her smile disappeared.

She saw a scene that shocked her for three lifetimes on the big screen of Yida...

(Second update, everyone, happy 521~Did anything happen with the one you liked yesterday on 520~I understand~Don't worry if you don't have a partner, Jiuyang is here to accompany you~

○( ^Van^)っHiahiahia...)

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