Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 574 This time, I will definitely go to help out

An Mi looked at the big screen opposite in disbelief.

On the big screen, the event page was almost displayed to the public, and rewards could be made.

The star value on the event interface had already reached a terrifying 100 million!

He caught up with them directly!

You know, Ye Yang's event was just refreshed at the beginning!

And her event has been held for a while!

How is this possible! ?

"He must have refreshed it himself!"

"This is so weird!"

An Mi and Cai Xiaofan looked at each other, and they saw each other's extremely shocked expressions.

"This is impossible!!!"

They are considered the most profitable traffic stars in the traffic circle.

However, even if a huge amount of money is spent to plan a big event, it can attract 200 to 300 million yuan in the whole event. That is an extraordinary performance and great luck! ! !

Lu Zhankun's plagiarized album was so popular at the beginning, but in the end it only sold 100 million copies, with a total value of 300 million...

And the moment Ye Yang opened, millions of rewards poured in! ?

Moreover, this value is still jumping wildly.

Every time it is refreshed, it increases to a number that they can't believe at all, and this number is enough to make them doubt their lives! ! !

In less than a minute, Ye Yang's star value has reached 1 billion! ! !

And theirs is still just over 100 million.


Crush without suspense!

Crushing without mercy! ! !

An Mi and Cai Xiaofan both shook their heads: "Fake, it must be fake!!!"

Next, the old actors also started to promote this movie on Douyin.

More and more people poured into the event interface...

When the activity value of Ye Yang's side exceeded 1 billion, the value not only did not decrease, but it began to explode at a faster speed! ! !

An Mi was furious.

She came here today just to humiliate Ye Yang.

But he didn't even look at her, and just crushed her from head to toe, from inside to outside, and humiliated her severely!

This feeling of humiliation made her tremble all over.

She kept saying to the fans: "Are you so useless! Hurry up and vote for me!!! You want to let this guy who doesn't respect women and doesn't even agree with the theory that 'men are born to be slaves to women' win!!!!!!"


"The queen is right! This Ye Shenhao dared to go to war with us! Sisters, we must kill him this time! Otherwise, it proves that we have lost!"

"That's right! We can't watch this guy who doesn't respect our women's boxing win!"


The fans present all had a collective climax, and started to frantically get all the money they could get.

"Mom and Dad! If you don't give me the 100,000 yuan in our family, I will commit suicide!!!"

"That's our family's savings for so many years! You..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Give it to me or not!!! I want to vote for my brother! You useless parents only make so little money, are you worthy of me!"


"Hello? Xiao Tang, what's the matter?"

"Don't ask! Give me the money quickly! Give me as much as you can, I need it urgently!"

"Ah, this... there must be a reason, right?"

"You useless boyfriend! You need a reason to give me? If you don't give me money, what's the use of you!!! This queen has mercy on you and is dating you! You dare not obey me in everything? If you don't give me money, we will break up!"

"No, no... Xiao Tang, I'll give it to me..."

For a while, a group of toxic chicken soup female fans in the field were dancing wildly, and their ugly faces were extremely disgusting.

Under the coercion of these idiots, many people had to lend them money, and the data on An Mi's side also began to increase in speed, but compared with the increase on Ye Yang's side, it was simply too eye-catching.

Ye Yang shook his head. He had read the news online in his early years. Some girls even threatened their parents with death in order to chase stars, and some forced their fathers to jump into the river because of mindless star chasing...

I thought this kind of human bastard was very rare.

I didn't expect that there were so many people here today...


On the Internet.

On Weibo and various social media, the female boxing circle was mobilized as a whole. More and more people were affected by this incident and joined the siege of Ye Yang.

In their view, this was a siege against those who dared not respect rural women's rights.

As long as they win this time, it proves that they are the group with the most power of speech on the Internet. Won't they do whatever they want in the future! ?

So, even if they were not fans of An Mi and Cai Xiaofan, they all joined in.

The growth rate of An Mi's side suddenly increased, and it almost caught up with the growth rate of Ye Yang's side...


Soon, the influence and spread of this incident became more and more widespread, causing heated discussions.

"What? Someone is criticizing that idiot An Mi? Anyone who criticizes that kind of cancer is my best friend! Whatever is said today, I, Chu Yunfei, will go to help!"

"We must support this time!"

"A bunch of traffic stars and toxic chicken soup girls actually think they can win over real actors who speak with their acting skills and have correct values!? This is absolutely intolerable!"

"Yes... Let's go and support too."

"We are usually busy with work, and really treat us as if we don't exist!"

"I have to express my opinion this time! I'll just give you a token of my appreciation by donating 10 or 8 yuan!"


Whether it was those who supported the old actors or those who had long been fed up with the rampant poisonous chicken soup, they chose not to be low-key this time and quickly flocked to the event page.

The huge traffic put the Douyin server in crisis again.

In a flash.

On Ye Yang's event page, the value directly broke through the 10 billion mark! ! !

At this time, An Mi, who had just broken through 1 billion star value and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was only a matter of time to catch up with Ye Yang, was stunned for a moment. Looking at Ye Yang's page, she couldn't speak for a long time.


Her face was pale. She knew very well that if the gap of about 100 million Chinese yuan was said, it could still be made up by relying on her influence and the brainless tribute behavior of those brainless fans and poisonous chicken soup girls.

But now, Ye Yang's page has reached 10 billion, and it is still rising wildly!

That is a gap of 1 billion!

This gap is really outrageous!

They are simply incomparable. They are not even worthy of following behind and eating farts!


Ye Yang looked at the crazy rising value on the screen and shook his head in a helpless manner. It seems that no matter what, there are still many normal people in this world, and there are many people with positive values. It's just that these people are busy with their lives and have no energy or opportunity to speak out...

(First update)

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