Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 576: The first day of fierce public opinion war

Soon, the premiere ceremony entered its later stages.

Many veteran actors also came out to interact with fans.

The atmosphere at the scene was very good, and finally, in an atmosphere of reluctance, the premiere ceremony officially ended.

The audience at the entrance of Yida were all talking about the movie non-stop, their eyes full of emotion and excitement.

At the same time, moviegoers also came out of Yinna's studio.

The stupid fans are all chirping about how handsome my brother is, how beautiful the queen is...

Among them, a small number of normal people looked gloomy, as if they had just eaten ten pounds of shit. Not only did their mouths feel uncomfortable, but their stomachs were also bloated.

"Damn it, I shouldn't believe that crappy advertisement, it's all a lie!"

"Yeah...I thought it was a kung fu movie, what the hell is this!? A trashy romance movie!"

"If it's just a bloody romance movie, this story has no logic at all! It's more uncomfortable to watch than to eat shit!"

"Is this hero a wooden man!? His facial features don't even move. I wonder if he thinks the heroine is a plastic mannequin that he took home at the mall!!!"

"This heroine's acting skills are outrageous. She just screams with her big eyes, which is simply mental pollution!"

" could I be deceived into committing such a crime!"

"I would rather be punished with math papers than watch this kind of movie anymore that insults my eyes and tortures my spirit!!!"

"Agree! If I'm guilty, let the math paper punish me! Don't torture me with this kind of bullshit movie again!"


these people complained.

"How dare you say something bad about my brother! Believe it or not, we will kill you!"

"How dare you slander our queen! Don't you want to live anymore?"

"I will expose you directly on the Internet and say that you do not respect women!"

"???I just said this movie is not good to watch, why does it not respect women? It's so confusing!"

"Hoho, I said you are who you are! If you make me unhappy, then you are! Who cares what you said!"


Soon, viewers who watched the two premieres online went to the rating website to rate the films.

The ratings from both sides will be released soon.

The ratings of "Ye Wen" are all dazzling five-star reviews. Even very picky film critics, who went there with the mentality of finding faults, all gave high five-star scores.

Only a handful of fans of Na An Mi and Cai Xiaofan who couldn't stand Ye Yang came over with a vicious attitude and wrote a wave of bad reviews.

In the end, the score of "Ye Wen" stayed at the premiere score of 9.8! ! !

At least in recent years, there hasn’t been such an awesome movie!

As for "Kung Fu Queen", it's polarized. Fans are crazy about getting good reviews. If you don't have premiere tickets to review, you can probably find a bunch of relatives or the navy to come over and get good reviews.

However, there are still many normal people who went to see this movie and immediately became a star.

"What is this movie called "Kung Fu Queen"? If you ask me to watch it, it should be called "The Lost Acting Skills"!"

"Why can't you give zero stars?"

"I ate too much at lunch and felt uncomfortable. One star."

"Can such shoddy things pass the review? What do those departments do? Good things are not allowed to be seen here and there are not allowed to be seen. This kind of rubbish makes people blind, but they don't resist at all? In the end? What do you mean? I laughed!"


Such normal people account for nearly half, and the score of "Kung Fu Queen" dropped directly below the passing score, reaching 5.9. It can be seen that if there were not those stupid whitewash points, how many points would this show fall...

This is just the premiere.

The second day of the Lunar New Year is the actual release. The box office on this day is also called the first-day box office of the movie. It plays an extremely important role in the subsequent development and evaluation of a movie.

It has the fermentation of yesterday's word-of-mouth and the fermentation of the premiere ceremony.

The entire Internet has paid a lot of attention to these two films.

It can be said that these two films should be the two most popular and topical films among this year's New Year movies.

With such a high reputation, high reviews, and fans of Ye Yang and veteran drama stars.

The box office on the first day skyrocketed at a speed visible to the naked eye...

And relying on the support of idiot fans, Kung Fu Queen's box office performance is still acceptable.

Although the score is poor, it still maintains the second position.

This is a super bad movie backed by two major traffic stars.

There have been films like this in previous years, and they were usually criticized online for being evil, but unfortunately the box office was high, and the spending power and trouble-making ability of those idiotic fans are indeed very powerful.

After all, normal people would not steal their family’s life-saving money to chase stars, and they would take it for granted!

Fans of popular celebrities and believers of Poisonous Chicken Soup lost to Ye Yang at the event yesterday. They were obviously dissatisfied and angry. They worked hard today to defeat Ye Yang at the box office.

After all, the final performance of a movie still depends on the box office.

As for how well the previous events were held, it has no meaning.

If the final box office results are not good enough, then it will just be a funny ending...

In today's business environment, the movies that can earn more box office are the best movies.

The capital behind Yinna, An Mi and Cai Xiaofan, are also crazy about causing trouble behind the scenes, openly or covertly encouraging fans, instigating fans to go to the box office, and to book theaters regardless of their own financial strength. You can raise the box office as high as you can.

Then they also hired all the water army to give "Ye Wen" bad reviews, and hired various film critics or traffic masters to make videos to discredit "Ye Wen", hoping to make the movie flop by devaluing the reputation of the movie.

"Selling feelings? The movie "Ye Wen" is not as good as it is! 》

"Old drama? Can't keep up with the times, should give the stage to young people! 》


Such titles and videos were instantly densely distributed on the Internet, muddying the water.

The producers and Huabo were both in a state of panic, and the power of public opinion was very great.

In the Internet age, good and bad can be said to be dead and alive, and good can be said to be bad.

They were all very worried...

However, soon, their worries faded.

Many conscientious UP masters and traffic masters who spoke out for justice stood up and supported "Ye Wen".

There are also many viewers who were attracted by the movie and shared it online and on rating websites: "This is my movie ticket. Those who gave low scores, the photos of your movie tickets are the same. It's too fake!? Haha, where did the water army come from? Do you still have a conscience!"


The two forces on the Internet are fighting each other, it's very lively, and the heat is getting higher and higher.

After hearing about this, Ye Yang also raised his eyebrows and laughed out loud: "Playing this trick with me? You really overestimate your own abilities..."

(First update)

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