Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 577: The world's first-day box office champion is born

"Find me the evidence of their taking money one by one, publish them one by one, and after publishing, let Jincheng Law Firm sue them one by one."

Ye Yang's voice was calm, but his face was extremely indifferent. He himself hated this kind of garbage that used water army and evil means to compete, disrupting the market, and causing opponents who really wanted to make good content to suffer losses in grievances and misunderstandings.

It's okay to use such dirty means in front of others, but use such means in front of him?

Then be prepared to be sanctioned!

He is not like other good men and women who are afraid of things.

Thinking that the law does not punish the masses, a group of people get together to form a water army organization, insulting and slandering others at will, and they will not be punished.

But it happens that Ye Yang is a serious person.

When encountering such a thing, if there are 10,000 people, 100,000 people will be held accountable, and if there are 100,000 people, 100,000 people will be held accountable.

It is necessary that every piece of garbage gets the sanctions they deserve before it is over!

The reason why other people who were attacked by the water army can only admit defeat is nothing more than fear of trouble and fear of spending money.

For Ye Yang, the accountability will be done by his subordinates, and money is what he has the most.

Of course, he is not afraid of trouble!

The most important thing is that he has full permission to transfer the chat records of those who bribed the other party. After all, the other party used nothing more than Tengxun or Zijie chat software.

Including those video platforms, many of them are also under his name.

The inside story can be easily found out.

The most difficult evidence search is not a problem for him at all.

Soon, the nightmare of online water army and paid traffic owners came.

Constantly, there are topics such as hammering lying traffic owners or exposing their bribes and slander.

Subsequently, news of various courts and lawyer teams suing them also followed one after another.

"It's so satisfying!"

"The law is not beyond the law! These people are so arrogant that they really think no one can control them!"

"It's so funny. Dare to provoke the great god Ye Shenhao. These little shrimps really don't know how to write the word death!"

"Haha... It's so satisfying! Ye Shenhao is still so tough! He sues one by one. Damn, it makes my blood boil!"

"Just based on this true blood, I have to go to the cinema to watch Ye Wen three times to support Ye Shenhao!"

"Not bad!"


Ye Yang's attitude of fighting against evil forces directly attracted countless fans and set off a wave of movie watching.

Everyone either watched the fun, or was attracted by fans... or wanted to see what kind of awesome movie can still maintain a high score of more than nine points after being blackened by others! ?

In short, Yin Na and An Mi and others shot themselves in the foot this time. They failed to steal the chicken and lost the rice. Not only did they not discredit Ye Yang.

Instead, more people flocked to the cinema to watch Ye Yang's movie.

The first-day box office of "Ye Wen" was rising wildly at a speed that no one dared to believe...

In just the first hour, it broke 100 million...

Then, the news of the total box office breaking 200 million and 300 million was released from the official website of "Ye Wen" like popcorn...

It was simply overwhelmed.

At the most outrageous time, the previous article celebrating the first-day box office breaking 500 million had not been read yet.

The article celebrating the first-day box office breaking 600 million was released...

The article celebrating the first-day box office breaking 800 million had not been written yet, and the total box office had already broken 900 million...

"My God! This is too amazing!"

"It's really unheard of and unseen!"

"This movie is going to be amazing!"

"It's definitely the first in the box office, I think it's a sure thing!"

"At this rate, the first-day box office will break 1 billion, breaking the first-day box office record in China is inevitable!"


The fans were discussing enthusiastically.

When the first film "The Avengers 4" was released in China, it created a myth of 700 million yuan on the first day. Now, it is about to be broken! ! !

"The record of the Avengers has been broken. Now, it depends on whether it can break the world's first-day box office record..."

Above the Avengers, the world's first-day box office record champion is Detective Chinatown 3.

The box office of 1.3 billion Chinese yuan on the first day directly dominated the world film history.

However, that was because this movie was held back for three years before its release, and it was hyped for three years, and major theaters gave it a very high number of screenings.

So it created such a mythical record.

And "Ye Wen" has been filming and promoting for less than half a year. Want to surpass the first-day box office record of such a movie! ?

It's really hard to believe...

As for "Kung Fu Queen", which used to regard "Ye Wen" as a competitor, it has long been forgotten. The word of mouth exploded, the plot was lame, and the acting collapsed. It all depended on the brainless fans to squeeze family and friends to support it.

It was almost the end of the afternoon, and it was forced to collect more than 100 million box office.

Although this is also an extremely terrifying box office, it is really not even on the list when compared to Ye Wen.

At 5 pm, Ye Wen’s official website released a celebration post that Ye Wen’s first-day box office broke 1 billion.

“Fuck!!! It broke 1 billion on the first day!”

“The second first-day box office in Chinese history to break 1 billion!”

“Even if we look at the entire world’s film history, such a first-day box office is enough to rank among the top few positions!!!”

“1 billion! 1 billion! Oh my god… It’s so shocking!”

"You know, it's only five o'clock in the afternoon! The climax of movie-watching is in the evening... When the statistics are counted at twelve o'clock, how much will you get on the first day? Isn't it really going to surpass Tang Tansan and become the champion of China?!"

“I think it’s totally possible!!!”


Fans were excited and looking forward to it. Many of them decided to take their families to the second viewing on the same day, but sadly found that all the tickets were sold out...

Various movie cities have rapidly increased the number of films scheduled for "Ye Wen".

By night, Ye Wen's film schedule had reached a terrifying 80%! ! !

This is a horror ratio unheard of since the concept of commercial movies was proposed!

This means that for every ten movies shown in all movie theaters across China, eight of them will be "Ye Wen"! ! !

And even with such a high film schedule, the attendance rate reached an astonishing 95%! ! ! !

Even Tang Detective San, whose box office hit the sky on the first day that year, had an attendance rate of less than 40%!

Ninety-five percent, this is such unbelievable and eye-popping data! ! !

If it weren't for the fact that other movies had to be given a bottom-line scheduling rate, these movie theaters would be eager to film "Yip Wen"...


At 7 o'clock in the evening, the announcement of breaking 1.3 billion was released.

At 7:30 in the evening, the announcement of breaking 1.4 billion was released.

Everyone exclaimed!

China, no, a new record for first-day box office championship in world film history was born! ! !

(Second update)

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