Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 578: International film industry seeking copyright?

"It's only half past seven, and it's already 1.4 billion! I wonder how terrifying this movie will be in the end!?"

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

"Perhaps once the final data is released, the entire international film industry will be shocked by this data!"


Everyone is looking forward to it.

At half past eight, it exceeded 1.5 billion. At half past nine, it exceeded 1.7 billion.

At eleven o'clock, it exceeded 1.9 billion! ! !

"Is it possible that the first-day box office of this movie will exceed 2 billion!?"

"Hiss... Judging from the current situation, it may not be impossible!"


The domestic craze soon spread internationally.

After all, Hua Xia is now the brightest star in the world. Hua Xia's influence in the movie box office dominates half of the world.

The news from the Chinese film industry is still very important in the international film industry!

Tang Detective 3 was able to become the world's number one box office record on its first day just by relying on the Chinese market. One can imagine the box office influence of Chinese movies.

All people in the film industry have set their sights on this Chinese Kung Fu film.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing whether the first-day box office can reach two billion, a terrifying figure that may never be surpassed by twelve o'clock!

Twelve o'clock.

The final data was finally sorted out.

With excitement, Yewen officials released the final announcement on the official website:

Congratulations to "Ye Wen" for its box office exceeding 2 billion on its first day! ! !

Final data: 21,2134,2380! ! !

The box office on the first day alone has reached 2.1 billion! ! !

This is a height that many super blockbusters cannot reach in terms of total box office worldwide from release to release! ! !

This is so exciting!

China’s film and television industry is going crazy.

Even the international film and television circles were shocked to the point of trembling!

Almost all companies, capital, film critics, screenwriters, directors and other groups in the film and television industry are paying attention.

"Really or not! My God! The record was actually broken by China itself again!"

"This is amazing, can it really be done in movies!?"

"One day's box office is two billion! Oh my god..."

“As expected of China!!!”


The first battle of "Ye Wen" shocked the entire international film and television industry.

Caused countless exclamations.

As for "Kung Fu Queen", it turned into a joke. Originally, I wanted to challenge Ye Wen, and even pressed Ye Wen under her and rubbed her.

As a result, after Ye Wen achieved such terrifying achievements, in comparison.

The results of Kung Fu Queen are simply extremely dismal...

The box office on the first day was just over 100 million.

This basically relies on the support of the idiot fan of Poison Chicken Soup Boxer. It can be foreseen that its box office growth will become more and more collapsing in the future, and it will eventually be buried in the new year movie wave.

The next day, after Ye Yang woke up, he learned the news and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad."

After reporting, Yu Momo couldn't laugh or cry: "Boss, this is something that has created a miracle in film history. You are too calm."

Ye Yang laughed: "There are so many miracles, I feel numb."

He is not very surprised by this result. After all, this is a movie that has gathered many veteran actors and outstanding directors, scripts, screenwriters, and its popularity is almost at its peak.

Whether it is traffic or strength, this movie is impeccable.

In addition, China's film market is now extremely mature, and the audience's spending power is extremely high.

It is very normal to finally achieve this kind of achievement.

"I just don't know how much the final box office will be."

Ye Yang is still looking forward to this.

The highest-grossing movie in China right now is Wu Jing's "Wolf Warrior 2", with an overall box office of around 6 billion.

The world movie box office record was set by "Avengers 4: Endgame". A total of 2.8 billion US dollars, which is more than 18 billion Chinese coins! ! !

In online reviews, many people predict that "Yip Wen" is likely to become China's latest super movie, and may eventually compete with Wolf Warrior 2 at the box office.

But looking at the world, I'm afraid it will be difficult to perform well.

After all, relying on the huge capital behind them, super movies like Avatar, Avengers, and Transformers have extremely profound influence throughout the world and create super box office of 10 to 20 billion. They are not ordinary movies at all. It can be shaken! ! !

"By the way, boss, the boss of Huabo said that many foreign film companies have contacted them and want to buy the rights to release our movies."

Yu added silently.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "The world knows the news so soon?"

"Of course, we set a world record yesterday! The entire international film world has been caught up in the craze. Chinese Kung Fu was the hottest and most awesome subject in the world at the end of the last century. But it's a pity that the most popular and influential one at that time Many of the Kung Fu movies were shot in Hollywood, but they were shot by us in China.”

Yu Momo said: "Foreign countries already have a complex about Chinese Kung Fu. If our film becomes a hit abroad, it may not be able to break the records of those who once held the top international box office!"

Ye Yang nodded slightly.


He didn't really care about how much the box office was, but he was very interested in bringing glory to China and bringing about another wave of international Kung Fu fever.

For a person as rich as him, the sense of accomplishment from doing such things is much greater than the sense of accomplishment from making a few hundred billion yuan!

"Tell them to agree to the requests of these foreign companies."

Ye Yang said lightly: "However, in terms of publicity, they must use their greatest channels and strength, otherwise... they are not worthy of our broadcast rights. In addition, institutions and companies that have made insulting remarks about our country are not worthy of my film copyright."

Word of mouth and quality are the hard truths.

If foreign people are willing to watch it at that time, with such a huge profit and opportunity to make money in front of them, those companies will naturally be eager for this copyright.

I'm not afraid that no one will buy it.

And, to be honest, Ye Yang doesn't care whether he can make money or not. His goal is to make himself feel comfortable.

"Okay, do as the boss says."

After Yu Momo wrote down Ye Yang's instructions, he went to contact the general manager of Huabo...

A ward in a hospital in Chuncheng.

An Mi, who fainted from vomiting blood due to anger, slowly woke up and listened to the report from her assistant.

"More than 100 million on the first day? Just barely! It must have crushed Ye Yang, right?"

She snorted as a matter of course, and asked repeatedly: "How much did Ye Wen earn on the first day! Tell me quickly so I can be happy! I want to laugh at that Ye Yang!"

"Ah this..."

The assistant looked embarrassed and pursed his lips, not knowing whether to say it or not...

(First update)

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