Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 579 CEOs of all major platforms gathered together?

"Speak up! Why don't you? Is it because his box office is too low, so low that you can't even say it!"

An Mi laughed out loud: "I know it!"

The assistant didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and handed her the phone.

This kind of words might hit An Mi so hard that she would collapse, so she didn't dare to say it in person.

"I want you to see the good news myself, right?"

An Mi smiled brightly, took the phone, entered the screen saver password 54438, and saw the web page data inside...

When she saw the obviously long and ridiculous string of numbers behind "Ye Wen", the smile on her face froze instantly.

Although she only had a junior high school education and couldn't solve a quadratic equation.

But she could still count.

Seeing Ye Yang's number, it directly surpassed her movie's first-day box office by one digit!

Not only was it one digit higher than hers, but the first digit was also higher than hers! ?


"This is 2.1 billion!?"

She jumped up from the bed.

The nurses beside him were so frightened that they opened their mouths wide and called it a medical miracle.

"How could he!? How could he!? He...he?!"

An Mi paced back and forth on the bed, her face getting redder and redder, and finally spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fell down in anger...

"Sure enough..."

The assistant covered her forehead and sighed, knowing that she shouldn't show it to her...

There are many ancient stories of people dying suddenly after vomiting blood three times, such as the three angers of Zhou Yu.

In the future, An Mi must not see anything about Ye Yang and the movie "Ye Wen". If she vomits blood again, she will be angry to death.


Xinghuang Mansion.

After arranging the copyright communication.

Yu Momo returned to Ye Yang's side: "By the way, there is one more thing."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"This year's Chinese New Year red envelope activity directly increased Douyin's downloads by tens of millions, and shocked many video platforms. The bosses of those platforms all want to... ha ha... they all want to recruit you to be an anchor."

Halfway through, Yu Momo couldn't hold back his laughter and laughed like a goose.


Ye Yang also shook his head with a smile.

The value of some of those platforms is not as much as the red envelopes he gave to his fans in one night.

They actually have the guts to come and recruit me? It's funny.

"That's interesting."

Ye Yang shook his head with a smile: "I would like to meet these funny people."

Yu Momo nodded slightly, she also wanted to see Ye Yang's opinion.

Since Ye Yang is willing to meet, then organize a meeting.

Although the ending is probably going to end in a funny way...

There is no need to meet in person, the price they offer is not enough for Ye Yang to travel once.

It will be held directly in the form of a video conference.

The CEOs of many video platforms were soon invited by Yu Momo into a video conference room.

"Hmm? Director Zhu Xiang? Why are you here too?"

"Aren't you Zhou Yuandong, the boss of ZZ Live?"


All the CEOs looked at the other people in the video conference in confusion, and they felt unwell. What was going on? !

However, soon, Ye Yang's appearance made them stunned for a moment, and then they reacted.

Could it be that he wanted to gather all of them together so that they could negotiate the price? !

Isn't this too utilitarian? !

They thought they saw through Ye Yang's little thoughts, and they all raised a smile at the corners of their mouths. As for money, they didn't lack it. After all, Ye Yang was so popular now that he was almost beyond the concept of Internet celebrities.

One person made Douyin, which had already reached its limit of publicity, have tens of millions of downloads! ! !

It can be seen that his fans are almost all living people!

Tens of millions of living fans!

What a terrifying concept! ?

Although there are so many stars in China, how many of them can have tens of millions of real living fans? !

I don't know how many celebrities have faked their data, and the actual number of fans is only a fraction of their Weibo fans.

If such a super internet celebrity comes to a small platform like theirs, wouldn't they have tens of millions of active users overnight? !

This concept is really too scary! ! !

Therefore, they are all extremely greedy and have already prepared funds to let Ye Yang join them.

Therefore, even if Ye Yang is going to bid together with these CEOs, they are also confident that their prices will definitely be able to beat other CEOs.

"Anchor Ye, let's not beat around the bush. Since you have gathered so many CEOs together today, let's be frank and not keep them in suspense."

Boss Long said with great confidence.

Except for super platforms like Douyin and Dousha, he is considered to be a relatively strong second-tier platform, so he is also confident to speak first.

"Do you already know what I want to say to you?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised. Could it be that these CEOs knew what he was thinking? !

"Haha... How can we, as CEOs, not know what Mr. Ye is thinking?"

"As a popular online anchor, he just wants a higher signing fee!"

"Putting us together is nothing more than wanting us to bid against each other and give you the highest price."

"Not bad..."

"We have already prepared a huge amount of funds, just waiting for Mr. Ye to come."

"As long as you come, we guarantee that you will be regarded as the core of the platform development!"

"I, Long Qiangdong, will treat you as my brother!"

All the bosses laughed, and said with great confidence.


Ye Yang waved his hand and laughed out loud. He did not hold this video conference today to discuss employment contracts with these bosses.

However, he suddenly became interested in the so-called huge funds and the so-called highest price in the entire network that these bosses mentioned.

"I wonder how much you are going to offer?"

All the bosses had expressions of "Am I right?", and they were all very proud, thinking that they had seen through human nature, and waved their hands.

Boss Zhu: "80 million!!! Our platform will offer 80 million in signing fees plus an exclusive contract with a 28% profit split!!!"

After saying that, he looked down on the audience with confidence: "Who else?!"

Even the most powerful super anchors on the Internet usually have signing fees of around 50 million.

The top ones can reach around 60 or 70 million.

80 million is the highest investment on the entire platform!

"Haha, Lao Zhu, you are too small! Mr. Ye is not an ordinary Internet celebrity. Your price is a bit too stingy!"

(Second update)

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