Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 580: Even the red envelopes are so small, it's embarrassing

"Is this stingy?!"

Old Zhu frowned, feeling a little unhappy: "I want to see how much you have prepared!"

Could it be over 100 million?

There has never been such a thing on the entire Internet! The contracts of over 100 million have always been signed by teams, and it is almost a consensus that single Internet celebrities will not sign contracts of over 100 million.

The contracts of over 100 million circulated on the Internet are all bundled contracts. It seems that the surface is promoted as one, but in fact, it is signed by several anchors or Internet celebrities at the same time.

Although it seems that Ye Yang's status and traffic are not comparable to ordinary competitions.

However, they don't want to break this rule for Ye Yang. After all, capitalists want to squeeze their subordinates as much as possible.

"We, ZZ Live, will directly offer 100 million!"

Zhou Yuandong looked down at the audience and was extremely confident: "Since everyone is unwilling to break the tradition of a single person not exceeding 100 million, then Zhou will break it first. Everyone should know that Mr. Ye has now broken the circle and cannot be described by the concept of ordinary Internet celebrities. I think he is completely worth this 100 million!"


The bosses of several small websites looked at each other, their eyes were full of helplessness.

The registered capital of some of their platforms is only about 10 million. Even the net worth of these bosses is not enough for 100 million. Where can they get 100 million to recruit anchors?

"130 million, this is the limit that our website can bear."

One boss gritted his teeth.

"150 million!"

Another boss seemed to have mustered up the courage and made some kind of determination, and shouted directly.


The remaining bosses looked at each other and pondered for a while. 150 million in cash is indeed a terrifying amount that is difficult to bear.

If they want to increase the price, they have to consider their own strength.

The entire website still needs to operate, and it is impossible to take too much money to hire an Internet celebrity.

Even if they know the other party is worth this price.


Long Qiangdong laughed: "You guys invested a lot of money and this is it!?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. This guy actually stole his lines?

But it can also be used to see how much money this guy who seems to be the most powerful on the field can offer.

"Boss Long, don't just talk without doing anything!"

"That's right, the brothers have reported more than 100 million in real money after all. It's easy for you to move your mouth. Give us a convincing offer and let us shut up with peace of mind!"

"That's right, without real money, you have no right to shut us up, even if you are a very strong senior in the industry!!!"

Several CEOs said indignantly.


Boss Long glanced at the audience coldly and laughed: "Since you asked sincerely, I will be merciful and tell you my offer. I originally planned to discuss this offer with anchor Ye in private. Haha, listen carefully, don't be scared!"

All the CEOs snorted. It was nothing more than adding tens of millions to 150 million. If that was the case, they felt that it was not worth the ridicule.

"Three hundred million!!!!"

Long Qiangdong was so imposing that he spoke directly. Regardless of the amount, he only looked at the momentum. He was full of domineering aura.


At this moment, all the CEOs in the audience were shocked and stopped talking. They sighed in their hearts. It was really awesome!

They really couldn't compare.

In the amount of 100 million, doubling it is not a simple problem of one plus one equals two!

The signing fee was directly increased from 150 million to 300 million.

If this was exposed, I'm afraid the whole network would be boiling!

After all, this is more than what most stars earn...

Even the most powerful first-line stars usually get between 80 million and 100 million yuan for a movie.

Very few can get more than 100 million yuan.

300 million, that is simply a mythical number!

On the traffic platform, a single person can get 300 million yuan in signing fees, not counting the subsequent share, which is enough to be recorded in the history of traffic!

It can be said that Long Qiangdong really spent a lot of money this time and made an infinite determination to dig Ye Yang.

If it were any other Internet celebrity, there would be almost no need to discuss anything and they would agree directly.

But unfortunately, this time, Long Qiangdong met Ye Yang.

Just when the whole audience was silent.

A laugh broke the silence.

Everyone looked over.

It was found that the one who laughed was not someone else, but the female secretary next to Ye Yang.

This female secretary was perfect and impeccable in terms of temperament and appearance, as well as the ability she showed when communicating with them.

None of these bosses are not greedy. They all envy Ye Yang, an internet celebrity, for being able to find such a perfect secretary, while these big bosses don't have such a good and capable secretary.

In comparison, they dislike the secretaries around them even more.

"What are you laughing at?"

Only Long Qiangdong frowned, obviously not very happy.

Logically speaking, if such a high price is offered, any anchor or even a star on the Internet will rush to sign.

Maybe they will even flatter me, saying that I am wise and brave, and have infinite courage and so on.

After I said this amazing number, not only did Ye Yang have no reaction at all, but even, I only got a few laughs from his secretary.

Moreover, in this laughter, it seems... there is also some kind of mockery! ?

He simply couldn't believe his own judgment! ! !

"What are you laughing at!"

Yu Momo shook his head: "Boss Long, since you are here to 'dig' my boss, you should know the most basic live broadcast history of my boss, right?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I offer an unprecedented high price of 300 million yuan in the entire network? 80 million active fans, as long as they enter any platform, can bring tens of millions of active traffic. It is indeed terrifying, but the value of 300 million yuan is almost enough. After all, to put it bluntly, you are just an employee, right?"

Long Qiangdong felt that his face was damaged, and finally mocked him in reverse to make himself feel better.

"Hehe, 300 million... My boss casually gave fans a red envelope for the New Year, which is more than 10 billion yuan. Don't you know?"

Yu Momo narrowed his eyes and said lightly: "300 million yuan, my boss doesn't even give such a small red envelope in the live broadcast room, it's embarrassing!"


Everyone present was speechless.

This is too hard.

The other CEOs who were speechless by Mr. Long's price were all trying hard to hold back their laughter when they saw Long Qiangdong being humiliated.

This Ye Shenhao's secretary is really tough!!!

"Hehe... don't think I don't know, this is just an official activity of Douyin."

Long Qiangdong frowned and shouted: "You are just a puppet pushed to the front! After Douyin officially created this identity for you, you really fell into it and didn't know who you are?"

(First update)

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