Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 581: Stop pretending, let’s get down to business! I, the chairman of Zijie

"TikTok's activities?"

Yu Momo raised his eyebrows, as if he had heard some weird talk.

"Yeah! Isn't it? Who really has so much money to give to fans for no reason? That's more than 10 billion! If it's 1.8 million, I can still understand it, but if a person is rich enough to give fans more than 10 billion? Haha, I don't believe it even if I die!"

Long Qiangdong laughed: "It's okay to cheat those stupid users, but cheating me? It's still eight hundred years too early! You'd better hide your tricks in front of me! Do you really want me to expose it!"

"Your personality is created by Douyin. You are just a pawn of Douyin! So much money was spent just to make you a success in this year's New Year's event! I have to say that Douyin's operating ideas are really extraordinary and beyond my imagination!"

"It can be said that the controller of Douyin is really smart, no wonder he can create such a super company."

"But you... a popular internet celebrity who was pushed out, don't make so much drama!"

Long Qiangdong sneered, looking at Ye Yang and the others with an expression that I had seen through everything.

Although the other bosses did not express their opinions, they obviously did not show any strange expressions after Long Qiangdong finished speaking.

Obviously, they actually agreed with what Long Qiangdong said in their hearts.

For them, what Long Qiangdong said was what they thought.

Only those poor people who have no concept of money would believe that someone would give out red envelopes worth hundreds of millions!

Hundreds of millions!

What is that concept!

Some of them have a valuation of only a few hundred million for their entire website!

Ye Yang gave out a red envelope for the New Year and it was worth 1.5 billion! ?

Say this is not a promotional activity for Douyin? Anyway, they don’t believe it...


Ye Yang listened to Long Qiangdong’s analysis and couldn’t help but applaud: “To some extent, it seems that there is no problem.”

He did inadvertently increase Douyin’s users by tens of millions, and Douyin is his subsidiary.

So it seems that it is indeed the big boss himself who spent more than 1 billion to organize such an activity.

However, Long Qiangdong guessed wrong that the super boss behind Douyin is him, the person who gave out the money.

"Look! You've admitted it yourself! Since we're all talking about business, let's be honest and don't pretend here. There's no point. We're all sensible people. Who can fool whom?"

Long Qiangdong had a triumphant and happy expression on his face.

"Since you've said that, I won't pretend anymore. I'll show my cards! To be honest..."

Ye Yang spread his hands directly: "I'm the controlling director of Zijie, and I did organize this event myself."


Long Qiangdong was confused, and then his face was full of anger: "Is it fun to play tricks on me? I came here to discuss the contract with you with sincerity! You're so disrespectful to me!!!"

Ye Yang sighed, knowing that even if he was open and honest from the beginning, he would have to go through these links.

After all, his identity was too awesome for these poor little bosses with only a few billion. If he told them the truth, their first reaction would be incredible, and then he would criticize him for bragging.

After all, not everyone can accept this kind of polar reversal change...

Ye Yang waved at Yu Momo.

Yu Momo nodded knowingly and directly pulled another account into the video conference.

The newly opened video ID instantly attracted everyone's attention.

After all, that line of words was too scary! ! !

[Zijie Jumping Executive Director: Zhang Ming]

"Is this... true or false!?"

"Zijie's chairman!? A trillionaire! Damn!"

"This is a person from heaven! How did he suddenly come in..."

"Ah this!"


These CEOs were still in shock when they saw the black video window open and a serious face emerged from it.

Obviously, they didn't know what was going on for a while.

However, these bosses were obviously so scared that sweat broke out on their foreheads. This is Zhang Ming, the chairman of Zijie!

TikTok is now popular all over the Internet, and now it has even become the largest live broadcast platform on the Internet.

As rival companies, although they are small, they must learn from this big brother. They have obviously seen Zhang Ming's photos, and some of them have even seen Zhang Ming from a distance at the party.

"This is definitely Mr. Zhang! I've seen him!"

"I toasted him, there's no mistake, it's Chairman Zhang Ming!"

Several CEOs said again and again.


Long Qiangdong's heart trembled, and he shouted that it was not good.

No matter what the relationship between Ye Yang and Zhang Ming is, he can pull the other party into this meeting just by saying so. Obviously, the relationship between the two is at least not shallow...

Can an Internet celebrity have such a relationship with Zhang Ming?

The answer is obviously impossible.

Then, there is only one answer... What Ye Yang said just now is very likely to be true! ! ! !

Once this idea was born, it caused endless shock in their minds.

This is too terrible! ! !

Zhang Ming was just pulled in and obviously didn't know what was going on. Looking at the CEOs in the videos around him, he didn't know them at all, and didn't know where these rotten fish and shrimps came from.

However, the moment he saw Ye Yang, he suddenly became alert: "Oh! Director Ye! It turned out that you were the one who pulled him in for me! Do you have any important instructions?"



The twisted shock on the faces of all the bosses was beyond words.

What this young man said just now is actually true!

The other party is truly the mastermind behind the entire character hierarchy! ! !

this! ?

Such a terrifying boss comes out to become an internet celebrity! ?

He actually tried to recruit such a super giant to become his subordinate! Come to your own website to play live! ?

Just thinking about their thoughts just now, they felt ashamed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

But they didn’t dare to turn off the video.

Turning off the video at this time would simply offend the two super bosses Zhang Ming and Ye Yang!

Do you still want to hang out in the business district from now on?

Therefore, they were all trembling, squinting at the side, not daring to speak anymore, waiting for Ye Yang's final judgment.

"No instructions. I miss you. Look at you. You can retreat."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and waved his hand.

"Ah...ah! Happy New Year, boss! Stay well! I'll go back from Hainan to see you in a few days!"

Zhang Ming was flattered that his boss still remembered him!

This is so touching!

After Zhang Ming went offline, Ye Yang also turned around and glanced around the video conference room with a calm and calm look: "I have said before that the purpose of meeting you today was not to sign an Internet celebrity contract. "

(Second update)

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